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Posts posted by FalkirkLad

  1. 9 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Loan deal I presume if it's Clyde whilst ict might have taken him off out hands completely being full time. Clyde won't be paying all his wages I presume either. Travelling a pain but you'd think he'd prefer league one to the dross in league 2. 


    Tbh for a guy who probably lives in the central belt I’d rather go to Clyde and be instant favourite to be the leagues top scorer than go to ICT who looks like they are about to rival our banter years. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, The Toun Clock said:

    Time to wake up mate! If Sean Byrne leaves Dundee he'll be back to KY12 with Mr McPake.

    Seen a page on Twitter saying Burrell is rumoured to be coming our way. He clearly spat the dummy for not getting much game time (he probably had a case) but McPake won't take on those types that think they're more important. There was a fans meeting last Wednesday and he was asked about the work that goes in before signing a player, he and the club definitely do their homework.

    Well I cant imagine he’s gonna tell yous he flings a dart at a board and signs what player it lands on. 

  3. Barring a few comments how does Burrell escape criticism every time he starts, he’s absolutely fucking rotten. 

    it’s like people are more willing to cut him slack cause he was a bit of an unknown signing. Had we signed him from Morton and Gary Oliver from down south he would of been called out ages ago for being the shitebag he is. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Caractacus Potts said:

    Aidan Keena doesn’t appear to be doing too badly either! 

    When is the narrative gonna end that Keena is some quality striker that we should be devastated that we lost, such a lazy player that absolutely deserved to be punted. Shouldn’t be mentioned alongside players like Dowds who despite not even wanting to be here absolutely busted his arse for us. 

  5. 1 hour ago, JulioBairn said:

    Before the signing of Yeats we were a stick on to start the season with Hetherington in midfield, his signing was essential. He has also been our best player in both our games so far, he’s far from a waste of a signing. 

    Hetherington will absolutely be a starter week 1 and beyond 

  6. 3 hours ago, BigSpow said:

    Yeah even more shite!! Needs emptying. 

     I was the biggest Hetherington critic last year however last night he played very well in a free role and although every pass didn’t come off he absolutely tried to create, get forward and was always open for a pass. 

    Just own it and say he’s you’re scapegoat and you’ll never like him. 

  7. I’m sure someone will tell me otherwise but thought Hetherington had a good game and think he will actually really benefit from McGinn beside him to let him get about a bit more.

    Think McGlynn pretty much alluded to the fact he’ll go get a striker on loan when the prem sides have sussed out their teams so I wouldn’t worry to much about the number 9 as it stands. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    Quite incredible that you can sign. A 1500 quid a week striker for league one and yet the team has actually got worse.  

    You could sign Kane for the rest of the season and I can promise you he’d struggle to score in that system, I appreciate his abilities are very limited now but we could at least try and play to the ones he’s got and not lump high balls up to him every chance we get. 

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