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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. Talk about there being no football until 2021 really flies in the face of all the people who were claiming that the vote to end the season was essential in order to give us certainty.
  2. I wonder if the same fuss would be getting made over reconstruction if it was Hamilton and Alloa occupying the bottom spots.
  3. Essentially, Dundee have managed to reach an agreement on discussions around reconstruction, even though that was probably going to happen in the first place, and it looks incredibly unlikely that anything will be voted through anyway. On top of that they’ve managed to attract the ire of several clubs for being the ones with the final vote despite there being another 30-odd clubs having voted the same way as them. They've achieved next to f**k all and it’s amazing seeing so many of their fans trying to paint it any other way.
  4. Are you so desperate to make that point over and over that you’re quoting posts that have f**k all to do with it?
  5. Some good Caley photos there but I’ve always wondered who the f**k thought it was a smashing idea to have a main stand as open as that sitting sitting right beside the Moray Firth.
  6. And unless the proposal plans to either consolidate into 3 leagues or have one of the lower leagues run with 8 teams, it will be the latter. Can’t see it passing.
  7. You can argue all you want about the morality/competitiveness of it but it’s quite clear that clubs will vote on their best interests. And given the apparently high numbers of “yes” votes needed for it to pass I can’t see it happening. I’m far from convinced it’s the best idea. If there’s a compelling argument to restructure then fine, but just doing it temporarily to appease the relegated clubs shouldn’t happen IMO. I’ve said before it’s a shite way to be relegated but we shouldn’t be going daft to satisfy three clubs that after 3/4 of the season have been worse than everyone else in their respective leagues.
  8. This will probably be what happens - with most/all clubs. It will be offered (probably very quietly) in the knowledge that very few people will actually claim it.
  9. There’s also an increased risk of relegation for everyone. I can’t really see clubs like Alloa, Arbroath, Queen of the South and so on wanting two full time teams promoted to the league along with an extra two relegation spots to try avoid.
  10. It’s clearly a piss take. The amount of replies taking it seriously is soul destroying.
  11. Not a huge fan of reconstruction that’s designed purely to avoid pissing off the relegated clubs. Hearts, Thistle and Stranraer have been shite all season - fair enough this is a shite way to be relegated but there’s no perfect solution here, and we shouldn’t need to redraw the entire league structure just to avoid having to relegate anyone for one season. It’s also arguably less fair in terms of promotion. There are 9 (11 if you include LL/HL) teams currently sitting in promotion play-off places, why should some of them be promoted but others not? There’s far more logic to only promoting the teams that are sitting in the automatic places.
  12. @Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier taking things really well I see, as usual.
  13. The government advice and public health experts literally say you can go out once a day for exercise so long as you keep a safe distance from others. I’m first to criticise the roasters who don’t care about the 2 metre rule but the fact there’s people on here having a go at those who do keep their distance (and are following all the fucking advice given to them) is insane. Certified Tories the lot of them.
  14. I went out for a run the other day and kept a wide berth from anyone I passed - often going onto the road or stopping to ensure there was enough room for people to get past. Does that make me scum @JTS98?
  15. Has there been any indication of who the fourth club to vote no (or not vote yes) in L1/L2 was? So far I’ve only seen confirmation of Falkirk, East Fife and Stranraer.
  16. @Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier falling over himself on the Ayr thread to tell us all how wound up we are while being adamant he’s absolutely 100% definitely not the one who’s wound up. You love to see it.
  17. It’s quite incredible the size of the Ayr chip that sits on the shoulder of the perma-seething @Hammer Jag.
  18. Let me be very clear = Let me be absolutely vague About 100% of the time it’s followed by a response that doesn’t actually answer the question at hand.
  19. Inspired by Ludo/Speroni I decided to look through Cameron’s tweets to see what all the fuss was about. Get the impression he feels like his and other chairmen’s hands have been forced to vote yes. The more it goes on the more he seems to hint that the SPFL are presenting this as a “take it or leave it” option and have scarcely bothered their arse contemplating other possibilities. All of which I’m sure would come as a surprise to absolutely no one if true.
  20. I mean, it doesn’t make your hanging off his every word and posting pages worth of tweets on here any better.
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