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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. If that clip of McInnes running into the tunnel doesn’t appear as a gif on here I’ll be sorely disappointed.
  2. The steak pies you get at the catering units in the main stand (not the greasy food vans on the terrace) are quality to be fair. There’s proper gravy and veg in them and everything (I know right). I haven’t had one in a while but despite being tasty enough I found Killie pies were often much over-seasoned and were best served with a complimentary gallon of water.
  3. With Morton’s home record and our form we ain’t winning this. I’d take a draw to stop the rot. Back 4 picks itself thanks to injuries. Drop Moffat back to replace Geggan in midfield and Moore can get a change up front. Would also give McGuffie a game and rest McCowan.
  4. He’d need to work on his discipline big time for that to work - spends far too much time huffing whenever he loses the ball. I wonder if we might see Moffat dropped back instead.
  5. I think he’s talking about Kris Doolan. That guy who left Talbot almost 11 years ago.
  6. Wouldn’t they all have known that the aluminium planes were supposed to just bounce off the buildings though? That must have reassured them.
  7. Look at you getting all worked up defending a league from another country.
  8. It’s absolutely tinpot. The fact they f**k over football fans by scheduling the games around it is tragic.
  9. Cathro failing seemed more to do him appearing to be a personality vacuum wrapped in a charisma bypass. You only need to look at Brentford to see the benefits a bit of analysis can bring
  10. There was that Pride of the Clyde guy a few years ago who signed up and started a thread saying he was a yank who’d just moved here and wanted to know which team to support. He signed off every single post with his “tidings”. He lasted a while but I’m about 90% sure he was an alias either of Swampy or that Morton fan who pished himself.
  11. That was the main man Dryhorce. Spent months spamming the Tartan Army forum, giving us such delights as MUBTUMBO. After being chased out of there he seemed to decide out of nowhere he was an Ayr fan and then spent another few weeks spamming our thread thus giving birth to the wonderful Spacegoat. After being banned on here he joined an Ayr fans page on Facebook. If I remember right he eventually left it in a huff to go and support Rangers.
  12. In case my previous post hasn’t made it clear I’ve really came round to this, far more exciting that appointing any of the various jobbers who were getting touted for it. My biggest worry is that Sandy seems to be going as it sounds like he was instrumental the past season and a bit, as well as being popular with the players.
  13. +1 mostly for that wonderful profile photo. I hope it triggers all the knicker-wetters.
  14. Absolutely no one on that shortlist (apart from Young at a push) stands out in the slightest. I’d far rather we appointed Kerr than McIntyre or Canning. People will go on about the Roberts example but equally you can also look at Archibald or Jack Ross. Every single managerial appointment is a gamble regardless of experience. Get behind him and hopefully he can build on what’s already there.
  15. Hadn’t realised till now that Chambers is getting a game for Arsenal again Absolutely tragic stuff for a club with their resources. Who are their other options at right back?
  16. There were 3 part time teams in the league the season he was at yourselves. I don’t think he’s ever had a particularly small budget compared to the opposition - except maybe with Dunfermline in the SPL but that hardly turned out well.
  17. Clinging onto some hope here: As far as I’m aware McIntyre has either none or very little experience of working on a small budget, which is apparently one of the main criteria for getting the job.
  18. How in the name of f**k is that not a forward pass
  19. Hasn’t McIntyre been sacked at every club he’s been at?
  20. I’m not that keen on Stewart getting the job but those past 2 results could easily have happened under McCall.
  21. It’s within about 15 minutes of two train stations and closer to the town centre than Somerset (plus it’s a much nice walk than having to go through White City in Ayr). I think it’s a decent enough away day.
  22. What an egotistical fanny refusing to have to go through an interview process
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