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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. He’s a big Trump man so it’s probably not a huge surprise.
  2. They aren’t looking decent at all. Their defending has been nearly as bad as Southampton’s.
  3. The fact that the turnstile operators were just looking at the tickets on people’s phones without the ability to scan them is wild. You could have had several people just showing a screenshot of the same ticket and it wouldn’t have flagged up.
  4. If that happened then it’s vile and deserves to be called out. But I’d be very surprised if anyone in the Ayr support had the first idea about the guy’s mum. Seeing someone saying it was more an innocuous “yer maw” comment that (understandly) struck a chord with the guy. Although I wasn’t on the north terrace so anyone’s guess is as good as mine.
  5. We could play Inverness 36 times a season and still not beat them.
  6. I’m not sure what’s worse, Samoa being thick fucking c***s or the ref deciding that the 80th minute on the try line is the perfect time to give the tournaments first squint put in.
  7. Neilson being a complete diddy will never fail to amuse me.
  8. Thoughts on Somerset Boab as a person aside, if I remember right he raised quite a lot of money that Roberts absolutely spunked up the wall. I remember reading quotes from Roberts (in the Ayrshire post no doubt) talking about trying to sign John Gemmell from Stenhousemuir mid-season, and the gist of it was that he made an initial bid to “test the water”. Then as each bid got rejected he kept bidding more and more - saying himself that he was getting carried away and having too much fun with each bid. He was literally gambling a very high 5 figure sum for very little reason other than to have some fun - like he was playing manager mode in FIFA. The worst period in our club’s history? Aye I can get onboard with that theory.
  9. Conrad Balatoni was nothing special for us and I’d argue was pretty shite after the middle of the season. He go an exceptionally easy ride that season.
  10. Startling the number of people who think every player will happily sign a 2/3 year deal if we want them to.
  11. I’d have Armstrong ahead of McGregor never mind Snodgrass. Leaving him out is mental. Also Phillips has scored a few goals for West Brom over the last 3/4 weeks. He’d have been a better option than Burke.
  12. He looked like he was wading through treacle every time he had to run, but still ended up one of our top scorers despite playing only a third of the season. Never understood why he gets so much ire than just about anyone else bar Harkins from that squad.
  13. Farid el Alagui gets a very harsh time from our support considering some of the shite he had as team mates who contributed even less than he did.
  14. You’re the one who brought up history mate, not me.
  15. Given the competition Phillips is probably one of our more in-form attackers with 4 goals in 9 games. He’ll definitely be in the squad. Fletcher has started the season well although apparently he can’t be arsed with Scotland.
  16. Ayr have spent a fair chunk of their history near the top of this league or in the one above it. Not every club’s history is confined to the last 25 years.
  17. Poor stuff but not at all surprising - fully expecting it to be same group of roasters who combusted with rage every time Crawford and Harvie touched the ball last season.
  18. Getting very good reviews tonight. Encouraging even if it was against a League 2 team.
  19. I was okay about it mostly until I heard him on Sportsound last night - the way he was talking definitely gave the impression that it was something he had been waiting for for a wee while. Also pretty much said the only reason he didn’t go for it last year was because he didn’t want to replace Archibald - if it wasn’t for that he’d most likely have went at a similar time of the season. I’ll always be grateful for the way he’s turned us around, and there is some logic in his decision (bigger budget), but it does grate a bit if he’s always been going on about his loyalty to Cameron while secretly crossing his fingers for the Thistle job.
  20. The club have only just tonight opened the job to applications. Anyone getting "linked" at this stage will only be because they've either a) got some of their media chums to talk them up or b) Dave from Prestwick has chucked £20 quid on them at McBookie.
  21. A Q&A isn't a bad idea especially with so many people moaning for years that there was no communication from club to fans. It could do with being a better format though with questions submitted and only the sensible/legible ones being put forward.
  22. Out of all the names mentioned I’d take Houston. His record is largely good and we won’t get anyone who’s been flawless throughout their career - McCall certainly wasn’t either.
  23. I’d imagine Doolan is one of our higher earners as well - wouldn’t be the worst outcome.
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