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Shadow Play

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Posts posted by Shadow Play

  1. 4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    This is not really an option that clubs choose.  As you can imagine there is a huge volume of water you've got to put somewhere - every millimetre of rain on that pitch is seven tonnes of water, thats a lot of water! Often if the water tables are full the water is coming up from the ground so covers do not help.

    Valid points well made.  

    Apparently this is the 8th wettest winter in the UK since records began.  A mate owns a large number of properties and he was saying that several of the chimneys of the tenements are soaked through and they are just not getting a chance to dry out.  He’s owned the effected flats for quite a number of years and he can’t recall anything as bad as this winter.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Surely if you covered all the problem areas with some sort of protection, that would work?

    I think the problem with covering just some areas is that once the rain lands on the already saturated uncovered surface of a pitch the water doesn’t just sink vertically it will flow both above and below the surface towards ever so slightly lower lying area of the pitch.  Meaning the soaked areas may / will likely be the the lowest level and that is why water is pooling there.  Also covering up a relatively large area will lead to a large amount of rainfall running off the edges of the cover and I don’t think it’s practical to make sure all the edges are well off the pitch.

    I understand the club don’t want to spend money on Dens if the intention is to move to a new stadium but I wonder if there is some sort of rain protection system that can cover a whole pitch?  A system that could simply be moved to any new stadium if the time ever comes for that.

    I know what I’m trying to say above.  Not sure if it makes any sense the way I’ve written it though.

  3. I can understand both arguments regarding the pricing of tickets.  On the one hand it does appear to be quite a jump for some categories of season ticket holders in particular.  On the other hand good players don’t come cheap and we aren’t exactly getting huge crowds.  Definitely a balancing act required.

    If these are the prices I just hope everything possible is done to keep the price of a ticket as low as possible for any home ties in the cup (I understand both sides in any cup tie have to agree to this).

  4. 46 minutes ago, The Marly said:

    This is why I don't understand why people defend the use of pyrotechnics.  They are fucking danger in the wrong hands and the average football fan is definitely the wrong hands.  Couple of inches to the left and that wee laddie loses an eye. Punishment for having them on you inside the ground should be tougher.  A lot tougher. 

    Hope the wee lad is OK. 

    Well said.  Unless an official display on the pitch pre match etc this pyrotechnics nonsense has to stop.

    BBC stating that 5 people were arrested as a result of using pyrotechnics at McDiarmid on Saturday.  I can’t see how many people were arrested for having pyrotechnics at the recent Dundee v Rangers match.  I would imagine it would be at least treble that……….surely?


  5. 1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

    I don't think il get any applause at Falkirk when I peg it mostly because I keep myself to myself. 

    So can you lot please say kind things about me now so I can at least know I was mourned in advance?

    If your heart can take the celebrations of Saturday night I’m sure you’ve got a good few years left in you yet Bairnardo.

  6. 34 minutes ago, DumbartonBud said:

    St Mirren have done an end of season remembrance for fans that have passed in the previous 12 months with their names being read out and displayed in the big screen, that should be the best time for this kind of thing. 

    Such a simple idea that would mean so much to many of the families of the deceased.  Perhaps a page in the last match programme of the season as well?

    Well done to St Mirren and any other club that does this.  What is football without the fans?

  7. 2 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

    Clubs absolutely can search every single person who enters the stadium.


    @CaspianChris and the ArabTRUST, amongst others, were asking how someone could be able to get into the away end with the half bottle.  I’ve not heard from anyone that has a workable suggestion that would prevent people with half bottles concealed in their underwear from entering the ground with the item remaining undetected.

  8. 30 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

    Wasn't the wee boy I seen. It's cool though you can all jump to conclusions and assume I was talking about the wee boy and laughing at him 👍 cause that's the usual on the internet. About 6 of you quoted me jumping to that wrong conclusion.

    It was an idiots who lit and chucked them getting his hand treated  I seen🖕 is everyone wanting to feel sorry for and jump to his defence as well? 


    The fact you said “it wasn’t the wee boy I seen” would indicate the person you state you saw getting treatment was still a “wee boy”.  Yes, he definitely shouldn’t have holding a flare and yes he should get suitably punished but, no sorry, I’m still not seeing humour in the scenario where a “wee boy” get his hands burnt.  

    Do you genuinely still maintain you think that’s funny?  You’re obviously entitled to your own opinion but I just find that bizarre. 


  9. 36 minutes ago, Raith Against The Machine said:

    I was searched on the way in, having been greeted at the turnstile by a steward asking "voluntary search?".

    Hard to see how anyone has foiled that system. 

    If you refuse to submit to ground regulation 13 then they would likely apply ground regulation 17.  Therefore the system would not be foiled in the way you are alluding to.

  10. 3 hours ago, CaspianChris said:

    That's a total disgrace from the individual who threw that.

    Questions need to be asked about how they were able to get that in the ground as well.

    Absolutely agree that it is a disgrace for the individual that threw it.  

    I’m not trying to be smart (I would undoubtedly fail) but with regards to how they got it in the ground I have been going to the football for many years and have never had a pat down around my groin area and I have never been strip searched - for very obvious reasons.   Have you ever had that sort of search done?

    At a guess I would suggest they got it in the ground tucked in their underwear while wearing looser trousers.  I’m not sure how you can stop such items getting in a ground in such a manner.


  11. 1 minute ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I'm very concerned by it tbh. Two absolute passengers in there who Levein is absolutely obsessed with playing, then Phillips, who has a habit of looking really good while simultaneously failing to ever track runners or not hand the ball away 20 yards from our own goal.

    All 3 contribute nothing in attack (the only goals they've this season has been against you (Kucheriavyi x2, Smith at Dens, Phillips has 0)) while also crippling us off the ball.

    Just goes to show some players really do raise their game for certain opposition.  It’s almost like they believe it’s a derby…..

  12. 10 hours ago, Glen Scotia said:

    I can see us binning Goodwin and Docherty coming to the big team 

    Doc has complimented the Dundee support on numerous occasions saying how much he and the team appreciate the atmosphere.  I don’t think he appreciates the sound of knitting needles with only the occasional “roaring crescendo” when things are going well.

  13. 35 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    What the actual f**k are our defenders doing here? Wide open goal, player lining a shot up, and theyre casually strolling out the box holding each others hands.

    I’m not saying your defence is blameless but I’d be more concerned with your midfield if I were you.

    There were two Dundee players running towards goal down your right hand side from midfield with nobody near them.  In fairness to your players in defence I think they assumed Cameron wouldn’t shoot (very few players would have) and were therefore more concerned with the Dundee players running up the park to support play.  Players not being tracked by your midfield.

    One of the players supporting our attack was McCowan.  It appeared to me that was a player your players were coached to stop influencing the game so I don’t think you can criticise them too heavily for concentrating on him and the other Dundee player.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Lalo said:

    Lyall Cameron has been outstanding for us the past 3/4 months, fucking love that boy

    I was critical of Cameron not so long ago with regards to his defensive efforts.  I thought he jumped in too quickly to tackles and was a bit lightweight.

    Today showed he’s absolutely worked on and improved the defensive side of his game.  Cameron and McCowan are so entertaining to watch. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Lalo said:

    Made hard work of it but take the win every day. Wee shoutout to the Perth Ultras walking past everyone over the age of 16, laying in about 14 year olds and getting lifted. Good laugh 

    When I entered the car park before the game I overheard a St Johnstone fan is his late 30s / early 40s slagging a young Dundee fan for wearing shorts.  He was laughing with his mates loudly proclaiming “bet he cant afford long trousers.”  This comment was made despite the fact the said St Johnstone fan was wearing a Lyle and Scott top.  Very strange behaviour.

  16. Back to the football.  That’s one of our poorer performances this season so particularly happy to get all three points.  Especially when you consider the hostile atmosphere created by the Fair City Unity…..

    I thought we missed Beck today.  Although Dodgson was pretty good first half I thought he was poor in the second.  Hopefully that has blown away any rustiness after the international break as we will definitely have to play better to take anything from Motherwell.

  17. 24 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


    It was a piss take this time, based on what I said on the last one. I thought it was fairly obvious considering I've spent the rest of the thread calling us shite?


    The use of the word “genuinely” and referring to us as the Harlem Globetrotters had me thinking it was you trying to make out that despite Dundee’s efforts this season we weren’t that far ahead of St Johnstone and as such weren’t as good as some think we are.  

    Just goes to show how easy it is for the tone of words to be misinterpreted on this forum.  Perhaps it’s best for me just to post the following.  That way everyone will know exactly what is meant by it.



  18. @SH Panda If I understand you correctly your opinion is if Tony Benn, or anyone else for that matter, did pay fees to reduce inheritance tax “that’s probably going too far.”  Given the measures he took were relatively complicated I think it’s fair to say there is a good chance he would require the use of a legal / tax advisor.  Alternatively, you stated “if you can take reasonable steps yourself to limit your tax burden - fair enough”. 

    I know you’re not interested in the specifics of Benn’s Will and I only mentioned them again to give an example of why I am a little perplexed regarding your apparent stand on reducing inheritance tax.

    Are you saying you think it’s OK for someone who is educated in matters of inheritance tax to take reasonable measures themselves to avoid inheritance tax but you think it is “probably going too far” for someone who is not educated in these matters to pay someone to get legal and financial advice?  I’m not sure that is a fair way of doing things.

    Like you said everyone will have their own line and that’s fair enough.  Just curious why you feel there is a distinction from someone who pays to limit their inheritance tax and someone well versed in these matters who doesn’t require assistance?

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