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Posts posted by nofixedability

  1. Johnston's comments are now up on the BBC..


    Shameful stuff, and is akin to recording himself with a rangers branded dildo shoved up his arse then placing it on YouTube.

    It's quite clear that Kilmarnock would go under should there be a reduction in the monies available to them if Rangers were either removed from the SPL (or removed from the SFA). He really should be honest about it rather than claiming he has Rangers' best interests at heart..

    Johnston's quotes in the press this morning made me sick. A toadying weasel of a man.

  2. I agree - a smart move that may well see them minimise the damage to SFA reputation from this whole sorry affair.

    I think the SFA will have been heavily influenced in their thinking as to UEFA's stance on this. Rangers still due money to Rapid Vienna? My guess the main reasoning behind the transfer embargo. SFA cannot afford for Scottish football to get reputation as not paying debts to fellow UEFA member states otherwise impact will be on them, National team and other Scottish clubs in Europe. Also the Lee Wallace situation, how can they justify signing any further players in the near future when they haven't been able to pay for him?

  3. Can we please put the whole "diddies need the OF to visit 'cos of the money" nonsense to bed? Only once in the last five years have EITHER of the Ugly Sisters pushed attendance at TTOP over the 10k mark (while the one game we played against A*r, which was midweek and on TV, pulled in 11k+). The majority of their fans don't travel, and ours don't want to be in the same ground as those that do. Policing costs go through the roof, though, because Strathclyde's Finest know what they're capable of especially when they're out of their own middens.

    All fair points but would SKY / ESPN still pay to show all these matches over the course of a season? I doubt it.

    Of the Chairmen I would say only Romanov would be likely to vote against Rangers. It'll make things very uncomfortable for Lawell and Co. when all their fans are dreaming of no more Rangers and they bend over and vote to let them straight back to the top table and the status quo.

  4. It's an interesting question and it'll be enlightening to see what happens at the January window as to whether they bring in more full timers or not. Let's face it full time wages in second or third division will not work financially for any Scottish club, yet being full time gives the club a clear advantage over the other part time ones in the league.

    In my opinion for their long term survival they need to be part time very quickly.

  5. :lol: Their patter was awful. It was quite funny when they were leaving and they got abuse from the fans around them. "Does your mummy want you back by 5?" etc. Good banter.

    One of the best ever comebacks I've heard, was to a young supporter shouting at Albion Rovers (I think) earlier this season. I can't remember exactly what they said (It might have been something about Leccy as well) but it ended up coming out in a really high-pitched voice. The DBM started singing "Back to nursery, on Monday. Back to nursery, on Monday. Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na." instead of school. Pretty simple but it's still my favourite.

    Edit:- You must have been near me in the second half, I've just realised.

    Worst thing I saw at that game was the young Livi fan in the stand taking the piss out of the Down Syndrome fan behind the Forfar dugout that always shouts and generally makes a racket cheering his team on and against the opposition. When it was pointed out the wrongness of that he responded with the brilliant " I was only joking". Spotty little p***k.

  6. It was the first example of Franchise football in the UK as a result, and quite different to Clyde's case. Simply, Meadowbank's league membership was usurped by "Livingston FC", with the aim of creating a newtown club with a bigger fanbase and more potential to achieve success. Of course those aims have all proven to be laughable fantasy in the fourteen years that have followed, with any "success" achieved only on the back of ripping off untold numbers of individuals and companies both in the football industry and beyond. Had Meadowbank continued under the old leadership they'd probably be a mid table second division side these days, and part time still, with a core support of about 250. The creation of "Livingston FC" with the connivance of the LDC stole that club's league place from them very much against the fans will- that most current "Livi" fans appear indifferent, or indeed contemptuous, of those historical facts, in my view, makes the club and many of its followers pretty widely loathed throughout the Scottish game.

    Wondeful paragraph that sums up LFC to a tee.

  7. In other words; if it was ANYONE other than Livi you would be agreeing with Ayrmad?

    If any other club had done what Livi have done over the past decade or so, yes I would say they deserved the punishment Livingston received and a whole lot more. Personally, I think they should have been kicked out of the SFL and that they got off very lightly.

    My own club, Forfar, has pretty much lived within it's means for its entire history. Yes we have had and still had debt but it was always within the realms of real life. It would have been easy to run up stacks of debt as we bought our way up the leagues, buying players we couldn't afford to pay, managers we couldn't afford to pay in a stadium we couldn't afford to play in. Chasing the dream. But we, and many others didn't. A couple of seasons ago due to being skint we ended up in consecutive seasons bottom of division 2 then bottom of division 3, it hurt like hell but at least it was honest, we were there because our finances couldn't afford any more than that, we even implemented a policy that we only signed players from the local area, all because that was all we could afford at the time.

    Livingston brought in players they had no right to given their relative finances, they refused to pay creditors in full (still are I understand) and have generally treated people like crap. Broad statement I know, but that has been my experience with them so I'll stick with it.

    And how did Livingston react to being told their model was a financial disaster? They mocked other lower league clubs as unambitious and accused them of holding them back as if these clubs that were in the wrong by not wanted the precious SPL2 of Flynn, et al.

    Whatever McIntyre has or has not done the vote a month or so ago indicated that the vast majority of clubs in the SFL do not back Livinston's appeal and do not think they have been harshly dealt with. Livingston signed up to be a part of the SFL, if they don't want to perhaps they should resign and try to join some other association that would want them and would treat them as they should be treated.

  8. RE: Livi remaining full time.

    So basically nothing has changed here, the club will continue to live outwith their means and rack up more debt in an effort to jump up the leagues unfairly while other, better run, financially prudent clubs do not see any on field benefit from that.

    Then in one/two/three years when this mob that run Livinston pull the plug we will go through this procedure again. Livingston will screw anyone that was stupid enough to give them credit (surely no-one in Scotland is that daft?) and they can start again.

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