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Officer Barbrady

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Posts posted by Officer Barbrady

  1. 7 hours ago, gogsy said:

    McNamara didn't come through the system at Celtic either, was nearly twenty two when he signed forCeltic

    I'll field this- i threw McNamara in as comparison to Callum McGregor being quoted as PFA PotY, of a player i felt could have it all, and in the late mid-90s, was doing it against truly quality opponents, and shortlisted for this himself against them. In my view, CMcG isn't a particularly special player, but then he doesn't need to be. That's not his fault, he's a professional doing his best, but i fail to see how Celtic could attain better than him, Forrest or Tierney from the proposals McCart puts forward.


    The catalyst for this was the question, why would Celtic's players, or those of any elite club for that matter, including a young McNamara, have improved playing in L2 (or D3 at the time), more so now when they have produced players of a sufficient standard under the current format to help them remain dominant while pocketing gazillions from sell-ons of foreigners signed for peanuts. They can't have both these, then also demand to excel at lower league level with the standard of player montheloknow highlights above. The vested interest alone is against the nature of the sport.

  2. 2 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    FWIW, McGregor is on a shortlist of four for the PFA player of the year alongside another Celtic graduate, James Forest. 

    It was merely a personal opinion, when i posted regarding him. Jackie McNamara was quoted in the same category, twice, when competing with genuine top-drawer players in the 90s. "Unfulfilled" was mentioned regarding him, it's fair to say. 


    With regard strictly to McGregor, as an example, McCart's sole tenet on this is that Colt teams will develop better players than him in the future. This is garbage. It's not something Celtic need to improve on, in the current climate. It's 40 of the 41 other clubs, who need to instead. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    Celtic have three youth-team products as first team regulars (Tierney, McGregor, Forrest) and have several others who may be on the verge of breaking through (Ralston, Henderson, Johnston). Those six guys have had 177 first team appearances between them this season. Previously, the likes of McGeady and Maloney have made them big transfer fees, and the likes of McManus and Mulgrew were first team regulars for a while.

    You can criticise them for a lot, but I think Celtic are actually doing a pretty good job of bringing through youngsters into their first team. All of which makes it even less necessary for them to have a Colt team.

    Fair enough, Craig. On a personal level, i'd accept Tierney but perhaps shaky on McGregor, as a particularly great product, and of course there's no doubt that the previous youth finds, coupled with several multiple-fold findings in the transfer market have made Celtic a very wealthy club in financial matters, but morally bankrupt when bleating about impedements to competing in Europe.


    It's blindingly obvious that none of these proposals will increase a single aspect of Celtic's competitive sphere. The real question, which most of us already know the answer to, is what do they think will? 

  4. 1 minute ago, Bazil85 said:

    It's so frustrating they keep pushing this idea when it has been shown there is little fan appetite for it outside the biggest clubs. If they want to improve the quality of young players then lobby for change that forces teams to develop, it would be so easy. 

    Two/ three year grace period then put in a rule where 3-5 of all starting 11 need to be: 

    - Under 23 at start of season 

    - Trained at YOUR club for a minimum of three years before they're 17. (This would prevent bigger teams just swallowing up young talent and mean all the players would be Scotland eligible)

    All clubs being bound by the same rules would soon force the youth issue. 


    Far too much logic here. 


    What worries me here is that McCart is utterly irrepressible on the subject of "development" being key to this, way beyond his vested interest. These youth players will still be "coached" and "developed" by the same fucking delinquents who've churned out shite, James Forrest, and more shite for a decade. And by definition of being involved with the biggest clubs (he fails to specifically say which other ones want it), he and his "coaching" team will he beset by the same results-based KPIs as the 'senior' team- f**k development!!


    Get it binned.

  5. On 22/04/2019 at 22:10, Marten said:

    The success of the Dutch youth system* is due to a number of factors. Coaching, better training structures, better youth structures across Dutch football, non-league clubs working with local league clubs and so on. Copying the "colt team" side of the Dutch youth structure and nothing else is basically copying the least important part of the structure. A number of Dutch clubs are pulling their colt teams out of the pyramid system as they claim it's not having the desired effect. The whole proposal is madness and if it ever goes ahead, it should be part of a large scale reform, on it's own it will never work.


    *I know the Dutch national team have been horrible in recent years and in club results Ajax' run is clearly exceptional, but I'm talking about the long term, over the last few decades.

    From a Dutch viewpoint, that could be a severely kneejerk reaction given that €20m-plus sales have been a regular feature this century and Frenkie de Jong is about to go for €75m. The fact Dutch products  are in the majority of these, yet haven't reached a finals lately doesn't suggest it's a quality issue. 


    I've long considered over-coaching to be the Antichrist of player development, given that we in Scotland continue to piss thousands of man hours away on trying to achieve a 1% improvement from utterly shite and disinterested players.


    And that is the mistake which we will make if we try to follow suit, even if i think Holland should remain loyal to their tried and tested format which at least leaves the players with the basic technique required. If the coaches now can't get results from the current best 1,500 or so 'professional' players, then what can more coaches (at more clubs, if that's how the Colts will be considered...) possibly get from the inevitably larger pool of lesser-ability players required to fulfil it? 


    It's complete bullshit, the whole thing. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    I don't think we'd even get that. Their fans can't even be bothered turning up to watch the main team playing in the early rounds of cup competitions, so why would any substantial number go to watch a youth team playing in the fourth tier?

    This, a million times. Cite the Irn Bru Cup, as being heralded the template upon which the whole idea was embryonic.

  7. 21 hours ago, tamthebam said:

    Funnily enough, it's in the name - it doesn't say "Tam the Nice Guy with a Balanced View of Life, the Universe and Everything".

    Incidentally folks, City supporters were told by Clyde stewards not to sing anything against Goodwillie at Broadwood on pain of expulsion. 

    To be honest he's not my favourite person in the world but the only abuse I would ever give Mr Goodwillie  is to call him a diving b*****d. And Clyde fans don't particularly like their stewards either.. 

    Now that second sentence is an utter lie. You'd only be warned about singing offensive lyrics if you sang, at all!!


    And it is of no measure of mental health to be well-adjusted in a perversely sick society.


    Our stewards are fine, now. 

  8. 19 hours ago, You Only Live Twice said:

    emoji1318.pngCan’t say I do, it must be getting drowned out by the desperate apologising of a paedo sympathiser. I’m just waiting for the likes to start racking up on your post from all the other despicable wretches in any case though.

    You undisputedly strike me as the type of guy who enjoyed watching Abducted In Plain Sight.

    I think we've a few of our own who fall into that category, tbh. Despite what they see in front of them, on any scale, they are simply unshaken in their insistence that it's all fine and dandy. Let's hope Edinburgh's DVD player is broken and they don't get to see our highlights from Saturday. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    yes, our nasty stewards are ready to pounce on those poor misunderstood people. Somebody should write to Amnesty International, it's such a shame.


    "You're suspected of having a superiority complex and coming from the West of Scotland so you must be a Clyde Unbelievably Naughty Toerag. It's a  lifetime filling Edinburgh's potholes for you, sunshine..." 

    What a shit anacronym, Tam. You are indeed a bam. Did you use up all your charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent to concoct that?

  10. 4 hours ago, peternapper said:

    Had a whole week of bullshit from some Clyde posters & was nearing a Kevin Keegan like outburst so  after yesterdays disappointing draw for us  thought I would join in the chat again in a more relaxed manner.

    What a big fucking baby. We may have called you names, slagged off your senile twat of a manager and town in general, but it's only to try and undermine you. McInally, being given another year, will manage that all by himself going on yesterday's showing.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:

    You practically won the league yesterday and your having a meltdown on here over a few posts from Clyde fans emoji23.png

    As much as I don't want to get involved in a crowd w**k. The play off game between Edinburgh and Clyde is more than likely going to exceed the capacity of the stand at Spartans ground. Will the grass bank behind the goal be used again?

    I think, in truth, we will finish second (pending Friday's 'outcome') but as it is i don't quite think there would be an enormous crowd on a Tuesday/Wednesday night at Spartan's, compared to a Saturday match. I don't think there would be much difference between them at HQ. The best hope for two decent gates would be for us to end up third, and play at home first, as i expect we'll make up easily 70-80% of any crowd attending either leg. But we want to win every game and go in on good form.

  12. 1 hour ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    Wales isn't even a country. It's been administered by England since the 14th century. Can you Imagine Some regional team from Bavaria or Catalonia getting in on that ticket. Pish!

    Have the Welsh ever been asked the question, "do you wish to be an independent country?", and then refused the opportunity? 

  13. 16 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:
    6 hours ago, Officer Barbrady said:
    "Without cruelty there is no festival" - Neitzsche
    "It is no measure of mental health, to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Krishnamurti

    What do either of these two know about Scottish Second Division football? Bugger all, I would think.

    I'd call that a distinct advantage, if i'm honest. And even if it weren't, what exactly is there to know about it that would give anyone superiority? 

  14. 23 hours ago, Hampden Diehard said:

    Superb clusterfeck of a thread. I bet some of you City guys are wishing you'd stayed in the LL! Welcome to the twilight zone of the world as seen by the Clyde fans.



    "Without cruelty there is no festival" - Neitzsche


    "It is no measure of mental health, to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Krishnamurti

  15. 9 hours ago, tamthebam said:

    I just wanted to know your qualifications that's all.  

    you see, when considering sentencing a Judge or Sheriff will usually request a background report on an offender from a psychologist or a trained expert. Reports will usually contain a risk assessment informing the Sheriff or Judge as to the risk of further offending. The Sheriff or Judge will then decide what is the best sentence based on this information. For those who pose a particular risk of re-offending there is an Order called a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) that may be imposed. A SOPO can also be sought in the civil courts should it be deemed necessary.

    And I just wondered if compared to Qualified Psychologists who have read academic studies and attended conferences and those involved in working in the Criminal Justice System  who have had many years of experience whether it would just save a lot of tax payers money by employing Clyde fans to help Sheriffs pass sentence in future. 

    In answer to my second question:

    Certification in terms of the Sex Offenders Act either lasts as long as a Community Payback Order does (orders quite often last 18 months to  two years), 7-10 years depending on the length of a prison sentence or 5 years if a fine is imposed. Community Payback Orders are quite a common sentence for Sex Offenders in summary cases. 

    Thomson was fined, which is a lesser sentence compared to a CPO (which if breached can lead to a court re-sentencing  an offender as if no Order was ever made) but imposing a fine meant that he was subject to certification for 5 years- actually longer than the more serious sentence of a CPO. 

    But all you experts knew this of course. 




    Yes yes, this is all old hat tbh. The Queenies beat you to this by about two years. What they didn't do, in fairness, was shrug shoulders at a child-bender in their team.


    What it doesn't answer, is how can it be acceptable to fully support the apparent findings of one such case, after being thrown out in the garbage at the PF,  but nonetheless written in plain black and white by the pretendy, he/she-hurt-my-feelings court (presumably so as not to differentiate between the confirmed and alleged crimes) yet largely ignore another which definitely, absolutely did happen?


    Would it be the fact that the second happens to be playing for your team when it's at the top end of a league? I find it very difficult to believe that Edinburgh City have at any time forged enough of an emotional attatchment for them among their spectators, to strongly support his position at the club OR for the situation to be seen as anything other than normal activity, with no recourse either expected or permitted, it would seem. If its a simple game of football the twenty-odd punters are after, there are plenty of others they can attend. 


    There is no-one, absolutely fucking no-one, that eager or hungry for success at this mob to merit having Thomson on board, unless either endorsing it as they help him rehabilitate (a proven non-option in thousands of similar cases) or are an equally-as-CT mentally-ill liberal nutjob claiming to support his rights. Your local MPs certainly give rise to a certain unicorn and rainbow agenda, so it's easy to see where both outcomes originate. 

  16. 37 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    What are your qualifications to make such a judgement? Please enlighten me.

    Is what he enacted, and admitted to, perfectly reasonable conduct? For fucks sake Tam. See below. 


    1 hour ago, You Only Live Twice said:

    I hear where you’re coming from, but allowing yourself to become “bored” of these types of issues is the start of a very slippery slope indeed, and exactly the attitude which this wretched little excuse of a club EC has hastily and forcefully adopted.


    36 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    What is the difference between being fined as he was and being placed on a Communty Payback Order as happens in other sexual cases in terms of registration? 

    Again, see below. 


    1 hour ago, You Only Live Twice said:

    Hang on then, if he is a proven rapist then why is he not rightly behind bars for committing such a heinous crime? I must be missing something emoji848.png If they were guilty as charged, why did they not only both deny it but also actively appeal it? Tell you what, for ease I’ll just take your word for it emoji6.png

    Some serious growing up required in North Edinburgh, or a systematic neutering of all males of reproductive age in the area instead if you're actually serious here, Tam. 

  17. 4 hours ago, strichener said:

    So presumably you have followed the story closely and bowed out when there was no criminal case brought?  I haven't followed the case that closely but I am pretty sure that there was no "FRESH EVIDENCE" rather that the burden of proof in criminal cases is beyond reasonable doubt and in civil cases it is on the balance of probability.   Regardless, the case went before a judge, the judge ruled that the defendants were not reliable and were guilty of rape.  It is not unproven. The rest of your post is obviously random thoughts, supposition and downright fantasy and is certainly not based on anything I have posted.

    You batter on with your condemnation of Edinburgh City but at least you can do so now from an informed position that a judge did find that one of your players did rape a women.  Alternatively you could acknowledge that you had as much influence in the employment of your players as EC have with theirs and that the phrase "the club is bigger than any one individual" is equally applicable to both. 

    tldr; Support your team and drop the point scoring over who has the worst sexual predator playing for them. :thumbsdown

    If the rest of the post, regarding the HMP in your area, is rambling then i accept that charge fully. But it only is rambling because i struggle with the concept of apparent ignorance of Thomson's deeply sociopathic tendencies because he served any time over it. I mean genuinely struggle here, Strichener.


    Society may pretend that in these hip, liberal times that the world is ready to forgive, and those who don't are the problem. Those types on here clearly only have faith in one side of the legal system, and make their own judgement anyway based most likely on sympathy for the severity of the allegations, coupled with some form of contagion trauma as a means of retribution. Nothing else. 

  18. 4 hours ago, strichener said:

    So presumably you have followed the story closely and bowed out when there was no criminal case brought?  I haven't followed the case that closely but I am pretty sure that there was no "FRESH EVIDENCE" rather that the burden of proof in criminal cases is beyond reasonable doubt and in civil cases it is on the balance of probability.   Regardless, the case went before a judge, the judge ruled that the defendants were not reliable and were guilty of rape.  It is not unproven. The rest of your post is obviously random thoughts, supposition and downright fantasy and is certainly not based on anything I have posted.

    You batter on with your condemnation of Edinburgh City but at least you can do so now from an informed position that a judge did find that one of your players did rape a women.  Alternatively you could acknowledge that you had as much influence in the employment of your players as EC have with theirs and that the phrase "the club is bigger than any one individual" is equally applicable to both. 

    tldr; Support your team and drop the point scoring over who has the worst sexual predator playing for them. :thumbsdown

    Only one club has a proven sexual predator playing for them, though. Only one has been on The Register, which is usually gas mark 1 for sex offenders. Thomson ranks around a 4/5. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    I could have swore I saw Edinburgh City at the top of this thread once..:whistle



    That's awfully strange. 


    I could have SWORN that the pyramid was introduced to challenge and ultimately to replace the allegedly badly-run, debt-ridden, unscrupulous senior clubs supposedly all-too-often amoral, reckless, win-at-any-cost mentality, with this new structure featuring clubs with a new, vibrant, community-inclusive manifesto, and to create transparency throughout the multiple administrations of the game in Scotland leading to us winning the 2030 World Cup in the process.


    Maybe Edinburgh City and their well-wishers can reflect on this, having now clearly become beset by the very self-interest they no doubt previously keenly engaged in wishing to eradicate, and indeed emerged as unlikely poster-boys for the campaign itself. 


    They wanted equality in football, well they're being treated as equals now alright. Get over yourself. 

  20. 12 hours ago, strichener said:

    To ignore what has happened since then is very convenient for you.


    1 hour ago, strichener said:

    The post I responded to quite clearly stated "For it to never reach court, was and is the only factor in why i believe what i do. If one shred of evidence to the contrary were provided, i would have been the first to abandon the club."

    Thus completely ignoring that since this time there was a civil case whereby the judge quite clearly relied on evidence when coming to the conclusion that the person was a rapist.

    Of course this is nothing major (according to Officer Barbrady's matrix of sexual offences) and can be completely ignored.

    As I have already posted, the players that clubs sign are not usually controlled by the supporters and I have no issue with Clyde supporters cheering on their team with or without a rapist playing for them.  I do take issue with supporters defending players who have been found to be a rapist by a judge.  Compounded by the very same defenders of their players attacking supporters of another team for the behaviour of their teams players.  Absolute hypocrites.

    Fresh evidence, Strichener. FRESH EVIDENCE. Clearly the original evidence was insufficuent to mount a case in the first place, either you are incredibly thick not to read this or you simply don't like the individual, the club or its supporters for not taking the matter lying down, as it were, therefore an unproven allegation carries more weight for your venom, based on who is involved, than an admission from an individual that he instigated and prolonged his deeply sick predilictions for children, and has seeked no cure for his illness despite its availability, but nonetheless an individual you are happy enough to watch in peace and quiet. 


    If it is the case you simply believe 'serving sentence' is the key to human indiscretion redemption, do you by any chance pop into the local gaol with Christmas presents for Thomson's ilk each year, presumably as i doubt many would visit their family members ending up in that particular nick? Following your logic, its YOU who'd be the hypocrite for judging after sentence served. 

  21. 46 minutes ago, strichener said:

    Ahhh the good old defence of trying to apply a scale of severity to the sexual offence.  :rolleyes:

    It is one thing to be a football fan and cheer on your team (regardless of who plays for them), it is quite another to go to these lengths to try to excuse the actions of an individual just because he happens to be a player in your team.  The judge in the civil case was unambiguous-

    It's got nothing to do with the fact he plays for my club. If you cast your mind back, there were spates of rape allegations throughout the sporting world at the time, not least one involving the Scotland keeper, a then-St Johnstone midfielder and an alleged reality TV star, all three of whom i held mutual acquaintances with at the time. I had no vested interest in those, or DG/DR's cases, other than hoping the correct verdict was reached. DG played and scored for Scotland in the aftermath, returned to even play for Aberdeen in the intermittent period between cases, with the FP case still looming over him. For it to never reach court, was and is the only factor in why i believe what i do. If one shred of evidence to the contrary were provided, i would have been the first to abandon the club. 



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