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Posts posted by Davffc

  1. I started to type that we are, at best, no better than for the majority of the time under Sheerin and arguably worse but that 4th goal ffs. This "performance" is a shocker equal to the 6-0 against QP. Airdrie better all over the park and fully deserve to be well up probably by more than 4.

    Rennie is out of his depth and quite frankly doesn't deserve to get until the end of the season. I wouldn't be upset if by this time tomorrow he was on a plane over the Atlantic heading west.

    The new board aka The Patrons are seemingly above criticism on here but this is entirely at their door and they need to sort it now whether Rennie is one of their mates or not.




  2. 32 minutes ago, brokeville said:

    Unfortunately Falkirk’s the big loser in this given the match income. Most of the clubs struggle to get 500 fans so it makes no difference to them. Very little coverage of how the decision was reached if even if there was a vote.

    We just have to accept and get on with it.

    Yeah for most teams in L1 and 2 the max capacity probably allows all season ticket holders in to each game at least, if the average attendances shown on transfermarkt are correct



  3. On 21/12/2021 at 16:33, brokeville said:

    The SPFL should cancel the games for the next 3 weeks and extend the season to accommodate. They must have dialogue with the clubs regarding this and other suggestions now. It’s just a pity the SPFL are an incompetent bunch of idiots.

    They did and L1 and 2 decided not to ask for postponements -https://spfl.co.uk/news/spfl-press-release-48140

    Of course we don't know what if anything was on offer about extending the season or whether games were going to have to be played asap after the league recommenced or what happens if there was an extension of the crowd restrictions.

    I agree with your general statement about the SPFL being a bunch of idiots.

    I'm surprised the club havent issued a statement of their own since they issued this, may have got lost in doing the ticket allocation stuff for this game - https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2021/12/22/club-update-11/?fbclid=IwAR3GIBuvjjtljUnMbjZqUfk2mgXVb2YD4coTtdnmDpJTYD6uoSO26pxmXPw

  4. 2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

    I guess you are entitled to your opinion as we all are but I think let’s get one or two things clear. 

    1. Me or my mates are not running the club. I am a Patron like another 20 or so guys who have elected two Board members. They are working beside the FSS and two other directors to take the club forward. No one has control - that is the whole point of the model. Working together. I have no more or less say than any other patron or fan. 


    If we don’t pull together nothing will change and we will eat ourselves alive. 


    Sorry but aren't the two FSS appointees also Patrons as are Gordon Wright and Ronnie Bateman ?


    Whilst the two FSS appointees we are told are temporary it seems to me that regardless the Patrons group are effectively running the club via their appointments to the BOD and will be for some time - certainly until the end of the season. Whilst I'd prefer that the FSS appointees weren't also patrons that's water under the bridge for now.

    Fair play to all the Patrons for putting their own money in so absolutely it is right they have some members on the BOD but all of them - looking from the outside it does seem to concentrate a lot of power in one group ?

    I fully accept the new BOD needs time to sort the club out however we have two weeks until the transfer window opens with a new manager incoming this week. I think we can all agree that the curent squad won't win the league, and given the last few week's performances won't make the play-offs (at the right end of the table) unless the new manager can work some minor miracle without new recruits.

    On that basis I don't think it unreasonable for fans to have some concerns about who may be identifying January signing targets given our recent history, and without knowing more about Martin Rennie's current knowledge of Scottish lower league players.

    That's not a criticism just a genuine concern as I think his appointment is the right one given all the circumstances.

    I agree we all need to pull in the same direction but I do think perhaps we need to hear something shortly from the patron's group/new BOD given the above. Perhaps tonight's meeting will go some way towards that if I understood what was said when the meeting was announced.











  5. 24 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

    There are undoubtedly problems at the moment.  I agree (and always have) with anyone calling for Holt to go - he is a cancer at the centre of the club.  Sheerin too has become incredibly frustrating over the last few games with his refusal to change things to play 2 up front and that must change next week. 

    Having said that the point @bejazz1makes about balance is a good one.  This forum is incredibly hard to read at times when every 2nd post is punctuated by Shadwell ranting about completely everythng and ZBairn Potts mysteriously turning up at the same time every day to turn every conversation into another whinge about their pals not  being allowed to invest.  

    No Falkirk fan is seriously saying everything is rosy at the moment.  We are all well aware we're in League 1 and on a bad run of results.  

    I find myself being much more positive on here than I often am at the games, purely because the lack of any willingness to give an inch on the entrenched beliefs most have and the need to try and at least offer up a counter argument to some of the more ridiculous points made.  

    Watch the highlights from yesterday and tell me we weren't incredibly lucky not to be out of sight.  I'll make it easy with the link and before anyone says it I KNOW that chances don't = points but last 2 seasons chances just weren;t being created and the football was dugsh*te.  

    We do need to play 2 up as both Keena and Ruth are capable of forming a decent partnership if Keena can match his effort to his ability.  We do also have better players this season than we've had previously so I also dispute that.  Sure we have some rank rotten players too  that are well documented but McDaid, Morrison, Nesbitt, Telfer, Keena, Ruth, R Williamson would all walk into any other team in the league.  A run clear of injuries would be nice and is long overdue.

    Of course we have to turn the tide very soon and start turning chances into wins.  Watching this season v last I still have more hope than I did then that a good run is possible but things need to change fast. 



    And if Montrose had scored the free header from 4 yards out and their penalty we'd have been 4-0 down. Your continuing insistence that we have the best team in the league and we are just unlucky week after week is bizarre to be honest.

    Our defence is every bit as bad as anything we saw under M&M. Both goals yesyerday were complete jokes. Connor Sammon has currently scored as many league goals as Keena, Ruth, Ompreon and Wilson put together - and thats being generous and crediting Ruth with the 2nd.

    Sheerin, as others have said, apperars to still have the development coach mentality that winning or losing doesn''t matter as long as "we play the right way". The only right way to play is to win games.

    Lose to EF next week and the only reason for Sheerin to remain in post is to protect Holt and the BOD - it was obvious when May was appointed he was out of his depth, unfortunately we might be heading that way under Sheerin. Until such times as Holt, Deans and their crew are nowwhere near the club we might never find out for sure whether under other guidance Sheerin might work out.


  6. 3 minutes ago, Believe The Hype said:

    Anyone else streaming the game? I thought coverage started at 2:15, all I'm getting is a Kilmarnock badge 

    This is on the confirmation email -Please note that you may be faced with a holding graphic until closer to kickoff

    I guess thats what we are seeing with the badge

  7. I wonder whether we will now find out whether the Rawlins are part of the answer and are prepared to shake the club up from top to bottom - or part of the problem and happy to continue to go along with SA/MR.

    GD statement Sept 2020

    "Phil and Carrie have been working for several months on a potential investment in a football club in Europe and particularly Scotland. As a Board, we have spent significant time getting to know them and ensuring that our respective ambitions for the club are completely aligned."

    That statement worried me at the time given how much of a shambles we were/are. Presumably they also signed off on the appointment of Holt - managing to make us worse on the park is really quite astonishing.


  8. Typical of the incompetents at the SFA. If a club has called "publicly" for suspension why would there be confusion over who they are.  Bizarre.

    Obviously nothing at all to do with their call to allow the championship to continue whilst suspending L1 & 2 and then having clubs unable to complete fixtures within less than a week.

  9. 1 hour ago, AL-FFC said:

    Laverty is down as a midfielder 

    Out the list i would and i am hoping here, remove Telfer and Durnan as we can do better and really wouldnt be too difficult as one is largely invisible and the other is a defensive liability improved as he has his ability is on the same level as Paton i.e. not very skilful, milk turns quicker and does the basics (just)

    Saw this on the Falkirk Herald (yes I know its the FH) website earlier

    "Talks are ongoing with Charlie Telfer, Paul Dixon, Ben Hall, Mark Durnan and Aidan Connolly over reneweing their deals, with at least a couple at an advanced stage to remain in the navy blue for next season."

  10. 2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    Medical records :lol:

    I think it was pretty obvious the poor lad was needing some sort of medical care after he was taken off on Saturday. Saying he's having surgery is hardly a huge breach of confidentiality. 

    If you're genuinely annoyed by this, in any way at all, then you're a horrendously stupid cretin 

    Unless your club had permission to share the information I'm not sure the Information Commissioners Office will agree. What they shared is likely to be considered sensitive personal data as defined in section 2(e) of the Data Protection Act 1998.

    "2. Sensitive personal data.

    In this Act “sensitive personal data” means personal data consisting of information as to—

    (e) his physical or mental health or condition,"

    And trust me the ICO really don't like organisations mishandling sensitive personal data.

    Of course if our club have shared it with your club inappropriately we could both be in trouble.

    Oh and just to be clear the GDPR referred to earlier doesnt come into force until May this year.

  11. 10 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

    McKee hasn't started a game since we played Dumbarton in February. Harris hasn't started a game since we played Dundee Utd in November.

    Neither have been mentioned in the frequent "can you give us an injury update?" questions asked on Falkirk TV.

    It therefore seems reasonable to speculate that neither are wanted and will not be playing next season if we bring in replacements during the summer. You could probably apply the same reasoning to Rory Loy, who hasn't started since Brechin in February.

    If that's true, they can either sit out the final year of their contracts with a guaranteed wage but with no chance of game time, or choose to cut their losses and try to find another club. If it were me than I know which option I would choose.


    The question tho is would anybody take them (McKee.and Harris) on the same wages we are paying. I have no idea what we are paying them but I can't see them suddenly getting huge increases or possibly even matching current pay elsewhere so they might just see their contracts out. Harris in particular must be seen as on the slide to the lower divisions. 

    Loy might be slightly different if someone thinks they can sort whatever is currently causing issues.

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