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Sir Kenneth of Eadie

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Everything posted by Sir Kenneth of Eadie

  1. I hope that’s the Porn ~star tubby. Invitation to Player of Year. … Oot!
  2. They should capitalise on this. It’s nation~wide and further … What a brilliant advert for your club.
  3. The Drum do have a brilliant main~stand with an excellent view. Chap a door gingerly. Just don’t breathe in.
  4. Old Jack taught us well and he was tighter than a Gnat’s Chuff.
  5. What is other people’s shit and crap doing on our thread. There is no swearing here far fook sake. Be respectful.
  6. Thank~you lord. Our tenancy at the (Bog)~ heid was a woeful experience. I’m still drying oot efter 20 odd years. That’s why Scottish football is going backwards.
  7. My cuz plays pro football in Australia. The climate? If it is, has burned most grass to black ash. A nation who hate a carpet are embracing and becoming up the world. We need to evolve with artificial surfaces. It will get better. Let the sport scientists geeks get it right eventually. Scotland is different. Wet, wet, wet. It’s a quagmire.
  8. Imagine playing the mighty Drum at football. In my days it was professional @rse kicking. A man’s sport.
  9. At Holm park with 1000 growling Bankie fans. Doubt we’ll see it. If we ever get that mob home or away in the Scottish then it’s behind closed doors with 1000 plus growlers outside.
  10. Jeezus! We spent a couple of boab. It’s never our thing. Like most we look for a bargain with talent and rarely go over the small club budget. Our old owner taught us well. Very few become legends. We have had our fill with the money mercenaries, most were duff.
  11. Much obliged boss. No offence! Always loved Maryhill stadium. It has character.
  12. You like us. That’s refreshing. What’s the matter with the Thistle, the Pertick tissel, The Harry wraggs, and sometimes the Maryhill Magyars.
  13. We are not and never a bitter club. It’s not the Bankie way. All the very best to all clubs in this league. Every team is just outstanding and absolutely brilliant and have taught us vital lessons. That actually made us cope and progress in a tough football environment. We will always thank~you so kindly for making us a bigger and better team. Much luv from Bankie~land All I can say now is … release the Bitchfest
  14. I do hope our lovely legions of female support have the right care at the stadium too. That’s extremely important as fans. I take hot flushes at my age. It’s a fkn bugger!
  15. Good luck to the Paper Hankies, the Ham Shankies and sometimes the Damn Yankees. We really don’t like the rude nonsense and rhyming slang from other p***ks.
  16. Either reverse psychology or the voice of doom!
  17. We need to be a bit Gallus to progress. We paid a visit to the Premier in our old format with that attitude. It’s not all about money. A Good signing bye the bye.
  18. A few legends wore No 8. Welcome on~board Dean. Time to shine for the famous
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