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Everything posted by Dundee-FC92

  1. He's not at the centre of everything defensively, simple as that, although as Spuddy alluded to he's a brilliant communicator and probably just what the likes of Donnelly and Beck need. He's been an important part of the squad this season and overall has contributed well. In a back three he's excelled in some matches whilst notching a few important goals which has raised his stock with the fans . In a back two he's struggled multiple times and St Johnstone taegetted him almost scoring on multiple occasions had they not been dugmeat. It's not that wild to suggest Lamie would perform better there in the two. Didn't ask for him to be dropped and as Captain it's not going to happen anyway. Just pointing out the facts and he's no colossus in the air don't know if I've missed that - he's just a very competent centre back (which is a great improvement on recent years). No he's not. Beck and McCowan would be ahead of him as first picks. Thank you.
  2. A big match for two historic clubs in this country. May the best side win. Great rendition of Sunshine on Leith. Pride in their local area and the club at the heart of it through generations. That's a proper club, unlike your Livis, Hamiltons, St Mirrens and Dundee Utds. Thank you.
  3. Big Joe has been one of our worst performers over the past few weeks and his pace causes issues which may come to a head at Easter Road. May sound out the blue but it's also true. Lamie and Donnelly are our strongest pairing with the four at the back IMO. Had to double take there with the new picture. Now even more beautiful than usual Spuddy. Tickets selling well for Hibs. I'll be enjoying the day out win, lose or draw. We're safe as houses in the league and every game now is a chance to reach top six where if it doesn't come off there's absolutely no failure attached. Strange territory for all Dees; enjoy it while we can folks. Thank you.
  4. Huge match against Hibs next week. Any sort of points from there and we have to go to favourites for top six. Great to see Tiffoney get two goals but he is still showing signs that his final ball and decision making is going to have to improve. Lets hope today kicks him on. Start him and Costelloe again next week and see what they can do at The Hibs. Massive matches coming up all over the shop in what should be an exciting end to the season. All whilst Captain Birdseye does his best to wreck guaranteed promotion over the road. Get them up and funding our revival IMO, that's of course if we play them at Dens before they're officially relegated or thereabouts in which case the flooding from the miniscule away support may be the final nail in the coffin for the historic Dens Park as we move onto pastures new to kick on from our skint rivals. If Utd get promoted they are absolutely fucked and I'm looking forward to taking them to the cleaners on their own turf. Wonder how large the Tony Watts waistline will be by then - been taking tips off Granny Danger on genral slobbiness. For those counting the points gap from the bottom it's time to back these players who hold so much talent. Carson, Beck, Cameron, McCowan, Donnelly, Mellon and Sylla - these aren't our usual bunch of jobbers in Dark Blue. We have a talented squad who can get us top six; let's get behind the cuntos for the remainder of the season. As for the Perth looking in, how's the 'genuine top six chance' calls of last week going you deluded morons. They were told how the results would go but wouldn't listen. As I often do looking ahead to other teams fixtures you can see where points will be made up but pie chart man has the foresight of Ray Charles. We move on. Thank you.
  5. No surprise when I seen an image of Rudden celebrating there that the DAB support captured behind him is swarming with Wummin and Children. Nice knitted scarfs which were rustled up in the stands of Tannadice in their last match. Thank you.
  6. Looks like the Dingwall have given up on their team and headed back to the Shinty fields and forests in the hunt for foxes. Hopefully you can stick around for another season and let the Perth slip away into the seaside leagues first. At least there's some beautiful scenery in your neck of the woods so you have something going for you unlike the barren depression of central Perth. Within a season there's always a dreadful home loss out of nowhere such as The Arbroath last season. Looking at the fixtures this is most likely going to be it. With fixtures elsewhere a win here would be unreal for the Derry. Thank you.
  7. Thank you. Saturday will probably come too early for Lamie to start so I'd be going: Carson McGhee Astley Shaughnessy Donnelly Beck Cameron Sylla McCowan Bakayoko Costelloe Tiffoney isn't upto it IMO and Astley has to be fit by now. Should be enough to beat the Dingwall which is a must if top six is to come off. Thank you.
  8. Took the ball, went on a run and got brought down as you put it. 3-4 seconds - must've been a cheetah on the pitch ye daft b*****d. Pish. It's perfect for someone starting up or looking to develop for the benefit of their own future. That's if they can get over not having around 9 hours a week paid for three months. Internships are common in many industries and are usually the starting blocks. Know a boy who started off with a Barclays internship (unpaid) and the contacts and experience he received set him up for life despite no job straight away on conclusion. The volunteer will be put into a working environment where he'll be exposed to people within the industry which is invaluable and can create links on your likes of LinkedIn and no less the mighty Dundee FC. It is what it is; if someone uses it well it can pay them in their lengthy career where three months unpaid will be a drop in the ocean. Most likely the person who applies will have other commitments already and sees this as a great chance of development whilst following the club they support. There will no doubt be some perks to the job too including snapping pictures of Livi morons as they're relegated and Dingwall and Perth Dungaree clad fuds as they get their pitch forks out in the battle of the play-off diddy merchants. This will either make sense or it won't can't be fucked reading it back and went on a speil. Thank you.
  9. The play went on long enough for Perth to concede a penalty and a player to run from the halfway line with the ball you moron. Deary me. Thank You.
  10. If you want to apply and it can help further your future in any way then apply , if not then shut your pus and get on with your day. Coming on the Internet to whine about internships. f**k me. Thank you.
  11. How much should Dundee FC be paying for 9am-5pm one day a week and to attend matches with the media team? Thank you.
  12. That's usually how an internship works you throbber. Thank you.
  13. Your clubs responsible for hospitalising a young striker whilst in time added due to cheating throughout. Climb down off your high horse you clown. Thank you.
  14. On the left is Eddie Maloneee. Class. Thank you.
  15. If you're alluding to 'random' being like you, as in usually wrong and a series of graphical clusterfucks throughout then you're spot on for once. Thank you.
  16. Fair enough if any Saintees want to show sympathy but if your team didn't timewaste from the early stages there wouldn't of been enough time for one of your thuggish players to purposely wipe out Mellon. With the horrendous referee playing on, he should also have awarded a penalty against another of your clumsy defenders on Costelloe. Thank you.
  17. Big girls blouse.Just like the rest of the Saintees in here. I better not say too much or someone might call me Boring-92 which would be downright ridiculous and uncalled for. Hullo hullo we are the Dundee boys. Thank you.
  18. If we want top six we need the three points again next week and in the game in hand. St Mirren gaining 3 points midweek may have been critical though. At least we have hopes at this stage of the season which is more than I ever expected. Negatives today were Shaughnessy, Tiffoney and Robinson. Tiffoney looks like he actually has a worse final ball than McMullen although his hard work wins us fouls and corners. He also shoots like a three year old child much like McGowan did. Shaugnessy looks like he needs the two beside him and is far from the rock that he looked at times in the early stages of the season. Carson pulled off a few fine saves and on another day we could've been two down. Saying that it was very even overall and we didn't deserve to be behind at HT. Good to see Lamie back and hopefully straight into the starting line up against County. We have to start keeping clean sheets. Sylla MOTM. Thank you.
  19. A graph on your in game analysis of the match today please Boredom? Thank you.
  20. Two from the central area of the box in the following twenty minutes. Thank you.
  21. Oh Deary me. Two Dundee goals quickly come from the position where Mitov will save most according to the boring ones newest statistical clusterfuck. The icing on the cake would've been exiting the forum until June but you had no minerals to back your statistics and claims. Enjoy your genuine top six challenge, Greyhound breath. Have a safe journey home yokels. Thank you.
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