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Bring Your Own Socks

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Everything posted by Bring Your Own Socks

  1. SPFL report their gates were up last season. I’m sure we’ve done this excercise before but if you had 500 paying an extra £2 then you would need 83 walkups to recover that at £12. Never gonna happen.
  2. It’s only £2 more than 3 years ago. With inflation that’s really only £1 per game more. £18 per season. Hardly scandalous. And we’re still the lowest anywhere for concessions and family deals. I’d gladly offer you £18 but you’ll only go and gift it to Paddy Power or the like. Is it not better in the bank of our Glorious Hoops?
  3. Kind of like the last two seasons? To paraphrase First Engineer Scott, he cannae give it any more power. Beggars can’t be choosers.
  4. Close is okay. Thankfully we'll have Berwick to prop us up. Or is it Clyde? Hard to tell the difference these days.
  5. A. Trialist N.A.Buddy Nu Guay ( Vietnamese) No Kan Do (Korean) Shi Twan (Vulcan)
  6. It's getting exciting. Running out of days to just guess wtf is going on.
  7. Think Gus is going to need all the game time he can get. We'll have more young men on trial than the Sheriff Court.
  8. 36 clubs have announced signings so far so we're not the only one. Luke Donnely not listed (although confirmed on Stranraer FC OS) but Galt, Burns and Cummins all there. Wonder where the likes of McVey and Docherty went? https://spfl.co.uk/news/article/list-of-spfl-summer-signings/
  9. My aspirations are much lower at the moment. A starting eleven seems unlikely never mind promotion.
  10. Lazarus had no part in being brought back from the dead. He was a willing participant but, being dead, some other being performed the holy miracle. It’s a matter of record that Lazarus wasn’t responsible for his own death either, nor the subsequent choice of tomb. Even the most loyal of his disciples must accept that Saint Angus has had some part to play in the current exodus.
  11. Public humiliation of my mental health issues. Where's an86 when I need him
  12. It's the Challenge Cup. That belongs to the SPFL, as does the League Cup. SFA own the Scottish Cup. I've been to Ainslie Park. Nice, welcoming clubhouse (aka football academy) at one end, modern stand along one side, bit of a terrace along the other where the dug-outs are. Nothing at the far end. 4G surface. In the middle of a residential area. just up the street from their old place. Great for the community set-up, bit soulless for cup-ties tbh. Wasn't many there when I visited (a deby match) but they'll probably roll out of the Pilton for the Glasgow Giants.
  13. Just caught up with the League Cup draw. Looks an evenly balanced group. Two in stripes, two in hoops and the fifth undecided.
  14. ..."allowing players to come and go" eh? I recall asking the question in January, when the debate was about players coming in, was there any concern about key players leaving? You boldly predicted that nobody would leave unless Gus wanted to. Remember? So who's the villain in this pantomime? Despite the alleged intervention of Mrs Muir, a one-eyed man with a white stick could see that there was serious friction between Gus and Wullie. I'm on record several times that the key players for getting us promoted were Muir, McGeever and Berry and our successful L1 campaign dependant on Muir, McGeever and McKernon. Muir was the last critical player we had last season and rightly would have thought a bit of respect was due but there were several public spats between the two during games, one notably where a heated conversation ended with Wullie advising Gus to "f**k off". Wullie actually wasn't close to his previous years' performances but his confidence, like the rest of the team, would have been low and there can't be any doubt that the continous rotation of the defenders was a tension point for the goalie. No doubt in my mind that he was 'punished' for sharing his opinions with the boss, like so many others over the season. The fact that the starting XI was still getting tinkered with to the end of the season told a story. For Gus it's more important that he wins his personal battles rather than Queen's Park winning their battles on the pitch. Nothing will change this season. There isn't now because he played less than half a season. Had he been given the confidence, had a stable defence in front of him (bear in mind that's Gus' speciality) we might well have seen a resurgence in the second half of the season. Like the others on here I can only make a judgement based on what I saw from Muir and White over the course of the last 3 years. But we'll never know now. Thanks to that naughty Mrs. Muir. Nothing to do with Gus, right? I think the fact that White has been instanty released is damning evidence that he wasn't good enough to be a L1 first-choice keeper.
  15. We'll see how it plays out. I doubt very much if Gus will be worrying too much about the following season, for two reasons. Firstly, if he's learned anything it'll be that players use us as a springboard to someting better so there's always a risk that it doesn't get past season 1. Secondly, if it doesn't go well and we drop down Gus most likely will be letting someone else have a go. As for squad development, the change to U17-then-Development was catstrophic for us. As we'll no doubt see in the Right Said Fred cup lower league Colts teams will get trampled. Hopefully the new set-up for 18s and the return of The Strollers will help clubs like ours make the transition better. Three cheers for young Malky. On the upside, expectations are so low right now it could be an enjoyable season, in parts at least.
  16. It’s worth remembering players are leaving other clubs too. We’ve had loans from Hearts, Hibs, Morton, Thistle and St Mirren recently.
  17. Good man. I expect by now this thread has gone viral and the twitter server is in meltdown.
  18. Word of the Day Superb! Mr Braveheart will indeed be grateful. Your defence is justified. I expect you'll be getting a visit from The Spider soon whose mockery was a little more cutting than my modest correction. I sense he's ploughing through the Oxford as we speak. Enjoy your flat, warm beer. Sante!
  19. Admire your work Major but Allez Les Stripes just doesn't work the same. Your words echo the plight of our club at the moment. How to keep the best of the past without holding back the future. QPFC have always been a giving club and it's important we can find room in our hearts for the Uncouth. Say a prayer for them. Yours in sport Monsignor BYOS #jesuis'oops
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