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Bring Your Own Socks

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Everything posted by Bring Your Own Socks

  1. Fair enough. Let's have a democratic vote to see who's right then. Three years is an age in this whirling world of ours. When IndyRef happened who would have thought that North Korea would have ICBM capability. Or that the US would be run by a game show host. Or that China would be actively deploying it's colonial muscle in the South China Sea and leading the world on climate change. Or that UK would want to leave the EU. Or Queen's Park would survive at least two seasons in League 1. Things change all the time. It's how the world and it's people have evolved.
  2. Presumably because they think a Tory government will prevent their subsidies and standard of living? The singular reason I voted remain was this. Whatever the number is that UK pays into the EU pot will eventually become zero. Consequently, the various EU funding schemes back into UK will also zero. Those currently benefitting will then become dependant on Westminster support. The Tory party has demonstrated that anyone outside London is just resource for the mother ship. In England they've been cleansing, over 30 years, inner cities and creating a dependency on debt and benefits, crippling the poor and working classes. They are now throttling the young professionals, laden with debt from their education, with horrendous build-to-rent housing, rampant rent costs and no property ownership for their later years. HS2 won't be built to prosper Birmingham and Manchester. It's to drain northern England of their best talent for the benefit of London. And it's going to get worse as the Establishment becomes more desperate to defend the remnants of the Empire. We're very lucky we have a credible option to get away from this shite. Farmers, in an increasingly competitive global market, should really start thinking about who will be looking after them in the next decade. Blinkered, selfish b*****ds.
  3. The first two aren't seats in this election so they will definitely have a problem winning them. West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine had a seven thousand majority for the SNP 2 years ago. And I was told by a farmer from Dumfriesshire last week that Mundell is haning by a thread. I'm struggling to find any level of evidence that the Tories will pick up seats. Happy to learn
  4. Some performance from Nicola today after a thumping opening from Pete Wishart and Angus Robertson. The only party leader who is consistent with the messaging. A natural born leader. We are very lucky. An impressive cast alongside and the hall packed to the rafters. Was talking to an aulder fella from Dumfries. Says the young farmers are with us and Mundell's been posted missing for 2 weeks. Set phasers to Malky!
  5. Davidson on Sunday Politics. Now she deluded by her own self-importance she continues to ignore the will of the Scottish Parliament by saying the Government has no mandate for a referendum. Never seen Gordon Brewer looking so angry. She's all over the shop. Can't keep the lies straight. Just like her boss. And apparently only 'young girls' died at Manchester. She's an abomination of human being. I hope her Scottish contingent get absolutely battered at the election. The question I want to hear is will she consider her position if there are no Tories from Scotland at Westminster.
  6. Love this thread. Montrose for the flag next year with a mx24 points from Clyde Rangers.
  7. It's not about Corbyn and May. It's about Tories v the rest. This "union" we hear of already has separate leading parties in the four distinct nations. The only one where The Cons are prominent in is England. Since GE2015 the Labour Party have largely spent their time sniping at each other. Those against Corbyn, career politicians, offered a future akin to what Milliband and Brown had already failed at. A reddish purple hue. Corbyn has realised that's playing straight at the Tory strengths and has wheeled out a manifesto that in practise is ridiculously unachievable but has cynical mimicked the Cons in their tactics; tell the people what they want to hear. Forgiveness rather than permission. And it's working. Back to red. And if he manages to keep the majority narrow those in his back benches who think he's wrong will quickly get in step, pull off the ties and revive their careers. And a strong Labour\SNP\Plaid\Green working relationship will encourage dissident Tories in Westminster, who are pro-EU, to push against the Whip as the inevitable failures unfurl when the incompetent Tory negotiators get hampered by the Brussels version of filibustering, a tactic that May is admired for ironically. Plenty to play for yet.
  8. Unionist deflection targets working here. Topic is about Davidson, evil witch of the North. Absolutely no policies from this lot. Just distorted lies to anyone daft enough to believe it. The only one focussed on independence. Ten more years!
  9. Bald men and combs there fella. Not being direspectful to your research but a fraction of these numbers is a horror show in one of the longest established and wealthiest democracies on the planet. My only correction (without diluting the Tory position at all) is that successive UK governments, red and blue, have contributed to this mess. Our lot don't get everything right but they certainly don't consciously destroy lives. We're lucky to have a credible option. Be grateful. Get as many as possible out and narrow the gap on the Tory majority.
  10. So your granda was to blame for it all. The Black & Tans were one of the main reasons the IRA (before the Provos) resorted to premeditated violence. Brutal regime, largely made up of officers who wandered far away in Africa and The Subcontinent and discovered Ireland was too close to home for their thuggery. Says everything about the bigotry still rife in this country that Scottish people can't offer an opinion on the rights and wrongs of this recent history without being tagged as a loyalist or republican sympathiser. As for Davidson, thrashing the soles of her feet with a bamboo cane would be appropriate for her wrongdoings. But she'll be a baroness within 5 years and join that other grotesque distortion of a human being that shoed Ruthie through in the first place. Bring back the APG!
  11. Fair enough. I made the schoolboy error of judging you against Clyde fans who normally start next season's club thread around February.
  12. I think your genuine question is dependant on the assumption that this current UK government actually gives a shit about it's citizens.
  13. Isn't it weird how many things that were totally acceptable in 2014 are now totally unacceptable. i think I'll have made it on PnB when I can get on a list like this.
  14. Yes,lets mock and criticise others when doing absolutely nothing to improve the situation. Dead easy to point out what's wrong. How about coming up with a practical solution? One that's economically viable. And in case you missed it, it's the SFA who are responsible for the national team and the Scottish Cup. Send your 21st Century ideas to them. Keep me posted on how it all works out.
  15. Seriously hope that all 3 Angus teams get promoted this year.
  16. I like Annan too but it would perfect if they could just settle for fourth. Kilby will walk the play-offs.
  17. Is that the Hydro in Glasgow adjacent to the SECC & Clyde Auditorium surrounded by hotels, restaurants, bars and just of the M8 with a train station across the road or is that the Hydro at Harthill Services?
  18. Maybe you should have. Don't recall Blackburn United stepping forward to rejuvenate Scottish football or provide a world class venue (FIFA's judgement, not mine) for the national team or hosting european club finals or hosting a global sports event that attracted hundreds of millions of pounds of investment into the Scottish economy? As for your lick of paint comment; this is the Third Hampden, arguably the Fourth after it's rebuild. QP also built the first and second, each time moving onto bigger and better. Each time providing a stadium for the national team. In fact, the very first Scotland team was entirely fielded by QP players who also provided the navy jersey that still to this day is Scotland's home colours. In our one hundred & fifty year history no other club has ever stepped forward with a case to have the national stadium anywhere else than Hampden.
  19. Trying far too hard there chum. Dry yer eyes. Same old guff on this subject liberally mixed with self-agendas. Per head of population, Hampden draws bigger crowds for internationals than anywhere else in Europe and has the infrastructure to support it. And if the visionary Queen'sparkers had listened to those who moaned about the bowl being old fashioned, without it our great nation wouldn't have been able to host the Commonwealth Games. It's a new feckin team we need.
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