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Posts posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Beginning to think that Accies would survive a nuclear holocaust.

    I'll admit, I used to be one of the haters. Now, I've grown to appreciate what their yearly, successful battle against relegation really is, the essence of Scottish football, in all its petty, bitter, shitfesting glory.

    So, see you next season, when I like thousands of others, will gleefully predict that this is the year. Then when April turns to May, there you are, with your heads barely visible above the water, like the proverbial jobby that won't flush.

    And laughing.

    Well fucking played guys.


  2. 41 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

    Sebastian Gorka declaring "it's a war for our culture" over that episode of Arthur just months after declaring "they're trying to take away your hamburgers. This is what Stalin always dreamed of but never accomplished". Absolute king.

    Forever in awe of this man's giant fucking melon head.



  3. 13 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

    Could everyone stop parroting "heel turn" please?


    Shocking heel turn from DiegoDiego here.

    Did not see that coming 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    I think I'd rather eat razor blades than watch Benny vs. Andrew Neil, regardless of the outcome

    You didn't miss too much tbh.


    Andrew Neil (3000 year old decrepit tory): Mr Shapiro, you wrote that all Palestinians are literally dogshit and deserve to die. Whilst I secretly agree with you, you shouldn't say it out loud. It's not nice.

    Ben Shapiro (incredibly small VL): I am walking out of this interview because you are a literal Marxist.

  5. I don't think it's particularly outlandish to think that they've managed to whip up a bit of armour for the dragon tbh. It's the first thing I'd be looking into after seeing one dragon brought down and then the big f**k off ballistas on the walls of King's Landing.

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