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Posts posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Tbf show Euron is pretty forgettable. He just an incredibly horny sailor who's willing to run errands for a shot on Cersie.

    The Euron in the books though, no chance you'd forget that mad b*****d.

  2. There is literally no incentive for Israel to come to the table.

    They are permitted to flaunt international law with no repercussions, indeed, actively encouraged to by the world's most powerful country alongside an international community which, at best, looks the other way.

    They have the majority of Palestinians walled up in an open air prison, blockaded and with control of the water supply. They can continue to build settlements and claim bOtH SiDEs ArE aS bAD aS tHe oTHeR when the Hamas dafties chuck a few fireworks at the world's most advanced anti missile system after the IDF have razed whole blocks in Gaza City.


  3. I see a pregnant woman terrorist and a young infant terrorist were amongst the 16 people killed by Israeli forces in Gaza. I know they were terrorists because Israel only targets terrorists.

    I'll sleep easier tonight knowing the world is a slightly safer place thanks to those brave IDF lads.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Falkirkfan6871 said:

    Yes and where will Ayr be next season if they fail to go up it’s game over back to League one 

    That's not how it works m9. Failing to get promoted to the Premiership doesn't automatically mean relegation to League one. They'll still be in the Championship.

    Unlike yourself.


  5. 3 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:

    If a society doesn't engage a ludicrous, fradulent grifter who says racist things for money, in the cultured art of debate, can it truly consider itself a society?


    Sadly no.

    Robinson must be defeated in the marketplace of ideas. 

  6. 1 hour ago, BawWatchin said:

    Being a minority doesn't have to have anything to do with your appearance. The guy holds an unpopular view and instead of confronting him on those views in a fair and rational manner, they intimidate and harass him instead. They're no better than he is.

    Spot on here m9.

    If history has taught us anything, it's that the best way to deal with fascists is to sit them down with a cup of tea and have a chat about their feelings.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

    There's undoubtedly going to be a shitstorm about trans athletes competing at international events, but as you point out yourself, that's a shitstorm that's down the road yet. Semenya isn't trans, this is situation occuring right now, affecting athletes who are already being disadvantaged before trans athletes are even in the picture.

    It's not as if everyone just rolled over and went 'ok then' after she was tested ten years ago, it"s just a nonsense its taken this long to address what has always been a palpably unfair situation.

    They're not really addressing the issue though are they ? All they are doing is effectively banning one particular athlete from their prefered events by saying her testosterone levels are too high for these distances.

    It's just muddying the waters even more. Is the eligibility for those distances now not based on binary gender but on T levels ? Will female athletes with low T now boost themselves to the accepted limit ? If I get my T levels low enough can I give the 800m a bash ? 

    Semenya was born and raised a woman. A woman with higher testosterone levels than usual. This gives her an advantage, we don't know how much of an advantage though. The world of sport is full of competitors who have been blessed with genetic endowments(no jokes please) and huge physical advantages that are unfair. 

    I get the concerns about trans athletes, I really do. There certainly needs to be a discussion around that issue. But I'm not buying into the trans panic stuff that has burly 18 stone guys calling themselves Julie and sweeping up all the records and medals from the 100m to the synchronised swimming. The majority of that stuff is just bigotry. There's a solution and a compromise there, it's just going to take time.

    Incidentally, the Semenya case, which was ostensibly settled by her gender test 10 years ago, only really reared up again after her win in Rio and the tears and snotters from the 6th placed Sharpe and the racist Polish lassie. Perhaps one for the conspiracy theorists, but I'm pretty sure that Sharpe's dad is quite good pals with a guy named Seb Coe ...


  8. Surely the biggest troll would be a massive build up in the next two weeks before Cersei stepping down voluntarily and the whole of the last episode is just Tyrion and Varys chairing a council meeting where they politely discuss the allocating of resources to rebuild Westeros and the minutiae of a trade deal with the free cities of Essos.

  9. 1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

    No, they tested her gender and confirmed that physiologically she meets their definition of a woman, but reading between the lines it's clear that that's not all there is to her.

    I realise that this is nothing more than speculation, so I'm happy to remove it or have the mods do so if it's deemed inappropriate, but I have read 'reports' that she's physiologically hermaphrodite, so externally she resembles a female, but she also has internal testicles, so effectively she is both sexes at once.

    I agree entirely with @Jambomo's excellent post on the previous page. This isn't about discriminating against Caster Semenya because of who or what she is, it's about protecting the right of the vast majority of biogical females to a fair and equitable competition. It's unfortunate that to do so they require Semenya to take extraordinary steps herself, but the alternative is either that you forego all notions of fairness entirely, or start opening the pandora's box of permitting athletes to legally use whatever artificial means of levelling the field that they see fit.

    Either way, someone 'suffers'. It's a question of do you impose that suffering on the 99% of physiologically typical female athletes, or the tiny minority who are atypical? Ideally you wouldn't make exceptions for anybody at all, but then you're ignoring the issue of fairness.

    It's not just about Semenya. If you go look at what's happening in female collegiate athletics in the US, men who identify as women are being permitted to compete in women's events, with the end result that athletes who were previously also-rans when they competed against men, are now completely obliterating the field in women's events, and physiological women simply can't compete. As much as I'm all for inclusion, trans rights, and right to self-definition, this is patently and ridiculously unfair on athletes who are born biologically female.

    This is all very well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that her gender was tested 10 years ago and she was cleared to compete as a woman.

    The situation now is, she is able to compete as a woman in distances 0-200m and 1500m+. But would have to compete as a male in 400 - 1500m events unless she takes performance reducing drugs. It is of course sheer coincidence that those are her distances and in no way means that she's been discriminated against or thrown under the bus in some sort of opening shot in a forthcoming trans war.

  10. 1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

    I think the available "unhappy endings" now consist of either Cersei, or more likely Dany maybe losing their shit and wiping everyone out with wildfire or dragons or some shit.

    The unhappy ending most were anticipating probably revolved around the dead IMO

    There's a good chance either of those happens. Probably Dany cooking half of Kings Landing forcing Jon to bring her down.

    No way Cersei survives. This ends with one of the 'good guys' on the throne to rebuild Westeros.

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