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Malcolm Malcolm

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Everything posted by Malcolm Malcolm

  1. 'The experienced Scott, 61, February's Irn-Bru Phenomenal manager of the month in the First Division, says management is not just a young man's game.'
  2. Listening to these football dinosaurs dribbling on about British footballers (which weirdly always includes ROI players) is about as fun as a trip to a British pub full of Leave voters in some shithole Spanish resort town.
  3. It doesn't matter if you're a grotesque tangerine failure who has been out of the game for years when it comes to the jobs for the boys circuit.
  4. Thanks for the summary - not a chance I'm reading that. If it's that long and boring Levein was probably interfering with it.
  5. There's no chance of a half built stand like Motherwell or a big mound of earth like Patrick Thistle? *I am well aware we bought a stand off our rivals and stored it in a warehouse for years without ever constructing it as promised.
  6. What happens if they don't get enough money to finish the stand?
  7. I have mixed feelings reading that - I was against the appointment but this season has proved me somewhat wrong
  8. True enough, but it is a competition so he could keep it to himself. You don't want another Xander Diamond situation...
  9. Is he known as a Rangers fan or just being obnoxious and unprofessional or both?
  10. It's a nightmare, mate. He won't let me go to Nando's
  11. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/john-rankin-slams-nandos-obsessed-10121021?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral Have any of you seen this? Rankin seems to be something of a dickhead. Going on about 'entitled millennials' like Mackay
  12. That's absolutely disgusting. What a piece of shit McInally is.
  13. Yeah, he's an utter twat in a whole variety of ways.
  14. I'm sure his laddies are great but unlike most Scots lads they can do whatever the f**k they want which is probably how it was for Graham too. I still like the guy though - he has good intentions.
  15. Spiers has a real soft spot for the middle class. I distinctly remember him describing private school bigot Chris Graham as refreshingly bright and articulate, i.e. upper middle class. That worked out well for all parties.
  16. Agreed - there's not a chance they could afford that kind of signing spree.
  17. Goram positively revels in these connections when he's in certain circles. It's appalling. I would favourite your post but it seems a bit inappropriate.
  18. 'Remember, it is barely a year since Goram, when opening a pub, spoke of an altercation with Pierre van Hooijdonk in an Old Firm match in 1996. He told a cheering group of Rangers fans that when he saved the Dutchman's penalty in that game he went up to him and called him – and he was paraphrasing here – "a non-white, unclean, non-Protestant with no father". And Goram is going to be lauded at a benefit dinner? But back to the book. There is one aspect of his life that has a grisly fascination and that is his supposed links with loyalist terrorists in Northern Ireland. He recounts a story about him drinking in the Rex bar on the Shankill Road in west Belfast. The Rex was not a political pub but still it was a favourite haunt of Ulster Volunteer Force supporters. This is where Goram fetched-up.'Read more at: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/tom-english-the-self-pitying-goram-still-sees-himself-as-the-victim-1-1362600
  19. Alex Ferguson says Jimmy Cowan of Greenock Morton was the best Scottish goalkeeper of all time but he puts Goram in the same bracket. What a shame Goram is an utter neanderthal.
  20. Totally disagree - it was madness to play guys like Bob Malcolm and Stephen Hughes and Maurice Ross and have a genuinely world class goalkeeper sitting on the bench on that kind of wage.
  21. One of the stupidest things McLeish did at Rangers was to make Wattereus his number 1 over Klos. The Dutchman was no slouch but Klos was a ridiculously good keeper.
  22. Good on Andy McLaren, I have enormous respect for people who turn their life around like he has. I'll definitely go back listen to the podcast.
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