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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. Wordle 1,016 5/6 Cracker! Happy Easter
  2. Sydney Devine on Sportsound and Tam Cowan's nowhere to be seen
  3. Given the DUP's stance on dinosaurs it's ironic that he's got teeth like a t-rex. Nice tie though.
  4. The first name I can remember seeing that started LL. Thought it was a misprint in my Panini book.
  5. I noticed it but thought Fleeting was a bit tenuous. Sympathy greenie delivered.
  6. Actually a decent shout. 116 goals scored while playing in an absolutely dreadful Scotland team. If only she was 15 years younger https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_top_international_women's_football_goal_scorers_by_country
  7. Granted it's a bizarre accent, but he's a native of Stirling.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Carson
  8. Used to service the water coolers at my work. Surely that alone earns him a place in the top 50?
  9. Funnily enough we passed them on the same motorway the day after the game. Not sure which vehicle's occupants looked more gutted between theirs and ours. So even if the Moroccans had forfeited the game we were still going home too soon.
  10. Cheers, I doubt I'll break it, even if I did starting from tomorrow it would take until August
  11. I remember in France for the 1998 World Cup, driving up to Lyon on the A7 we crossed a bridge and noticed a whole section of the parapet was missing. There were no cones or emergency vehicles around so I assumed it had just happened. Got hold of a paper the next day and there was a photo of a lorry lying in a river about 100 feet below a motorway bridge. My limited French was not required
  12. Yeardle streak ends on 134 #Yeardle #736 #gimmedirection https://histordle.com/yeardle/
  13. That said, someone born in England supporting the opposition at Wembley will probably be doing so due to their ancestry rather than the club they support. I think that is likely to be unique to Scotland.
  14. I'm sure it happens in loads of countries, England for starters.
  15. A few of my mates took out the 5 matcher (as I have previously) but when this fixture was announced I had a feeling it would be an awful experience on and off the pitch, so was happy to save 30 quid and sacrifice the SSC point.
  16. In 1992 we finished 5th at the Euros.
  17. We look like a team that's past the peak, similar to Scotland at Argentina 78, although if we were to get the same results as then we'd probably qualify out of our group.
  18. Wordle 1,012 5/6 Happened to me on turn 4.
  19. No more £1 bottles of Banks's Bitter then (It'll need to be £1.10)
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