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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. Well yes I doubt many people would buy into that now. A bit different 300 years ago when the priority was keeping a Catholic off the throne.
  2. Indeed, might not need to frack either https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/990586/yellowstone-volcano-eruption-what-would-happen-yellowstone-map-supervolcano
  3. I'm no fan of the monarchy but Liz is a direct descendant of the Stuarts.
  4. Absolutely correct... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_fish
  5. Might be some road improvements along part of the way soon... https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44841123
  6. It was actually a European Championship qualifier, but apart from that good post.
  7. Why'd they abstain? Last I heard the SNP were in favour.
  8. Indeed... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/13/scots-moral-duty-stay-british-referendum
  9. Did he offer advice on how to pronounce his name?
  10. Make it a guest presenter for every show like HIGNFY. Alex Salmond one week, Brian Blessed the next...
  11. Given that the 7000+ new members didn't join before 13th June it seems a bit odd to mention them.
  12. Bring back Peter Sissons, he's younger than Dimbleby too.
  13. Absolute disaster, unbelievable for it to happen again so soon
  14. My folks visited Westminster once many moons ago and, upon hearing they were Scots, Fairbairn offered to give them a tour of the houses. Was so pished he couldn't walk straight apparently. Most of the information he gave was a used whisky scented ramble.
  15. For once I'm in agreement with Mastermind. Bizarre to criticise a Unionist for wearing the kilt given its connections to the British establishment and military.
  16. It's there, hidden by the text... https://wingsoverscotland.com/the-people-betrayed/
  17. Squires managed to fit the Sun front page in today. Top work https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2018/jun/12/david-squires-on-the-world-cup-football-christmas-is-here
  18. Would need to be a tea tray given the required shape.
  19. Mark Nicholas on Channel 5 sounded genuinely ecstatic when Scotland won.
  20. Because of immigration too... https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/beware-of-immigration-say-the-british-expats-enjoying-sunny-spain-10167638.html%3famp
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