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Quiet Riot

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Posts posted by Quiet Riot

  1. 1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

    Iv just drank a 1 year old bitter, brewed by a very interesting brewer I met last week. One of the Medical Directors of NHS Scotland emoji23.png Mental the folk you can meet over a hobby.

    Anyway, it was a 330ml bottle, but its 9% and im steaming. Heartily recommend homemade alcohol for a direct hit on your brain stem.

    Agreed. On my own IPA right now.  Calculated it at 6.6 % but it tastes stronger.  Third bottle and definitely feeling it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Archie McSquackle said:

    A few different beers and finished off an Old Pulteney 12yo tonight. Loving the Hopo and a nice smooth peppery taste to the Midnight Sun.


    The Broughton 6.2 IPA is my no.1. Had six tonight, because I only had six.

  3. On 21/03/2021 at 11:31, DA Baracus said:

    No, it isn't connected to the internet and I worry that the anti virus stuff it has won't be up to the job given how long ago it was connected! Plus I don't think I have a cable to connect it.

    Do you use the XP PC for anything else?  If not, does it matter if it is briefly exposed to a bit of malware?  Especially if you are disconnecting it after?

    Otherwise can you upload the music files to a cloud service like Google Drive then download them from there?  Even if it;s to a different machine then you can use a USB from there?

  4. 5 hours ago, Craig the Hunter said:

    Let me know how it turns out, looks like my kinda gear! I wish I had the space for home brewing, would love to give it a go

    I've just started and I'm in a 2 bed flat.  I have only done kits so far, it will probably take more space if you are doing the mash yourself.  I don't know your living arrangements but if you are organised it doesn't take that much space.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

    With a lot of people likely to be WFH for multiple days a week in future, buying weekly passes will no longer make sense for them...I wonder if they've thought of introducing flexible multi-journey tickets, maybe pay up front for ten journeys you can use when you like within say 28 days?

    Do you mean like this?


    These have been about for years.

  6. 19 minutes ago, GiGi said:

    It's a full build. I'm not shopping for individual parts. Can't be arsed with it any more.

    Also the power supplies are in almost as short supply as the GPUs since the new cards all have large power draw, and spikes that won't be handled by a 550-650W unit. So 750-850W PSUs are being snapped up to power the 3080s and 90s.

    Fully Modular Corsair 850W 80+Gold for £115 on Amazon.  They have been cheaper but it's not mental.

    And that's retail.

  7. On 11/01/2021 at 22:59, Ludo*1 said:

    Could I do better for that sort of money? It'll ultimately mainly be used for Zoom calls and working from home and would likely be the computer of choice for the next 10 or so year!

    Happy to stretch the budget if there's something must have tbh but as I say, not got the first clue.


    On 12/01/2021 at 19:20, Mr X said:

    I knew you were going to ask that! Im not sure you could do that much better for the money but you could do a fair bit better by spending another £300-£400, maybe less.

    Its not a great time to be buying a PC though with the scarcity of graphics cards and the knock-on effects

    Got to agree, it is seriously the wrong time to be buying a PC.  If you can get by on what you have for a couple of months then that is what I would be doing.

    I am building/upgrading my PCs all the time, but I am buying nothing right now.

    Doing my head in as I have a couple of cases just waiting for a new build.

  8. 8 hours ago, GiGi said:

    OcUK. I've confirmed they have the PSU and are just waiting for the systems guys to scan the final parts and then they'll start the build. About time it's been over a month.

    Also my mate in Germany is wanting some of my spare parts including that 2070 Super but fucking Brexit is going to make getting it there expensive for me and for him. 15% import tax on value of gifts.

    Graphics card prices are mental world-wide. Even old ones.  I put an RX 580 in a PC for a pal in September and it cost £150. Same card is now £220 minimum.  That's a 4-5 year old card.  It's fucking miners that's the problem again.  Looks like I will have to stick with my non-Super 2070 for now.

    Never liked Overclockers, always thought they were expensive and they seem to be doing some serious scalping on new CPUs & GPUs compared with other retailers.  Can't believe it's a power supply they're waiting on.  They seem reasonable right now if you shop around.

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