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Everything posted by P475

  1. We are 159 season tickets up on this time last year. AJ's new signings must have stirred a bit more interest this season.
  2. But only twenty or so took the offer up, the rest are reported to have said " we're no that hard up, we can afford our own bog roll"
  3. Why didn't I see this one coming I must admit it's a great comeback though. Hope yer next shites a hedgehog
  4. Happy new signing Bairns. I hope he turns out to be hopeless.
  5. Only time will tell if we've peaked, I think we will get way better but, again, only time will tell.
  6. True enough. We got knocked out this tournament last season, then went on to finish way higher in the league than one of the teams that beat us.
  7. It's also easy for fans of teams not doing so well to belittle this tournament, or say it's an important preseason team building exercise when they are in the running to progress. Then there's the teams that are winning their group, those fans want their team to progress further, and the more they do, the more those fans take it seriously. True story by the way.
  8. Ah c'mon now. You obviously give enough of a f**k to keep going on about it. No! Why do you ask?
  9. All us Pars fans for a start. Then I suppose both Dundee teams will give a flying f**k for different reasons. Also, any team that fancies their chances of winning second place in group D will likely give a flying f**k too. Hope that helps, Senor Bairn? No need to thank me.
  10. You're right, he is a Blackpool lad. He is a legend to Pars fans the world over. Great professional and all round good guy. One of my favourite Super Joe stories is when a few kids asked him for his autograph while he was out walking his dog but, the lads didn't have a pen with them. Joe went home and got a pen and paper then came back to sign it for them. Total legend.
  11. Hippo is in a team of quality now... so, he no longer has to carry a whole team of deadbeats. Any time he had an off day it stood out like a sore thumb as he was the only quality player they had at the time.
  12. Great to hear that Joe has got another club. He is away to AFC Fylde.
  13. Spot on. When Joe went to the rovers hardly any Pars fans moaned about it. If he turns up in Falkirk then best of luck to him. We would still applaud him if he took to the field against us, no matter who he is playing for. Joe will always give 100% to any club paying his wages, that's just the kind of guy he is. He'll be a great signing for any championship team, even some premier teams would benefit from having Joe on board.
  14. Wow! This is like reading DAFC.net only way.... way funnier.
  15. https://dafc.net/forum/read.php?f=7&i=846172&t=845891#reply_846172
  16. FFS, who'da thought it, I'm totally shocked, stunned, and amazed all at the same time. I never knew there was a "personal message" facility on P&B. I've never had to think about this before but, there must be some way of blocking posters from sending you PM's?
  17. Strangely I read it as one group of fans passing comment on another group of fans conduct at the football, regardless of which player is involved Racist comments can come down to interpretation (I'm not denying some of our fans actions here) and comments can be blurted out in the heat of the moment mind... but, to go out of your way to buy props in order to mock a mans disability is way beneath contempt. When it comes down to fans acting like scum, falkirk fans won "world recognition" for their efforts in premeditated abuse of a football player.
  18. I hope he stays for the season. He is the best signing the rest of the championship could have wished for.
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