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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. I was in for some bridge rolls and a bottle of wine. No cakes for me.
  2. Derek just doent have the same "football knowledge" as Celtic Football Club. Thats what football boils down to after all, according to fans of Celtic Football Club.
  3. Whilst the statistics are excellent, your formatting leaves a lot to be desired. Ditch the black background and the gradient graph background. I also dont like graph titles that sit outside the graph.
  4. I'll sign up for one day. I could cover a Tuesday 1300-1303hrs.
  5. Not too much fun I would imagine, especially when you’re on your knees and a paedophile is putting it in your mouth.
  6. This. Trades used to do a decent pint of Export. I do also miss Tartan special on draught.
  7. Like a sherbetless flying saucer apparently. <<<<<big team found etc
  8. Either that or he got a bad deal here, one year. https://www.hillarys.co.uk/
  9. What about men with tits who dont have a mental illness, like say, me?
  10. Who the f**k is this deviant c**t anyway? Donny? (Not Bairnardo, Im well aware of him)
  11. Time of the month I expect. Not sure what the wife's excuse was though.
  12. no but starting to get the jist Bit like this only 150 years older.
  13. At the end of that clip she does say it is banned but the BBC didn't show that, they showed the "being banned" bit last night. Fucking nuggets. Probably just shite journalism but still.
  14. So why didnt the BBC show the bit where she said it was banned?
  15. Dont know if this is the right place (and frankly I dont even care as its going here anyway) but even the wife noticed this one last night on the BBC Scotland news from Sally Magnusson and an intrepid liar reporter. "Fracking is banned in Scotland because Sturgeon said so" was the gist of what Sally was saying. Cue a clip of Nicola saying last year that fracking was being banned (the emphasis here on the word "being") and then onto some reporter c**t stating "so as we see, Nicola Sturgeon has said fracking is banned". Do the BBC know how the English language actually works and that words actually do have meanings?
  16. You would think the posties would use the elastic bands to bundle up all the tenners they've nicked from birthday cards.
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