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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Yes, always struck me a bit odd in recent weeks that he seems unaware of the predicament we are in. would have expected much more relegation battle talk. All the more remarkable that we could go a quarter of the season winless and still finish 8th. We are the only team not to pick up a win in the last 6.
  2. Fucking hell Gondoh made an appearance never saw that. Definite OG. Gibson raging after the goal on the highlights quelle surprise.
  3. Why not? Played 3 lost 3 conceded 9 scored 0 against them this season. No wins in 8. Can't even remember the last time we won at home. Pretty sure McCall would secretly revel in doing us over. Even if he plays a second string team. The only glimmer is that when we do win it tends to be against top of the table teams.
  4. Tell him if he wins next week he's got the job.
  5. You know, I'm actually surprised by the amount of support they are still getting from the fans at this stage so fair play to them for that. Would kinda expect it to be pelters all round but they are doing their part, shame the players aren't. Think this is, as folk have said before, it's not a lack of effort they are just collectively guff, which goes a long way with the fans. We are still not winning on Friday, and anyone that thinks so has to explain their thinking.
  6. Don't kid yourself, if we get anything next Friday it'll be done to sheer luck. It's hard enough for this squad to perform without the added pressures of everything this game brings. Plus a potential big home crowd if they lower prices. You think this lot will relish those type of conditions? Or buckle as per usual?
  7. Shame our own ineptitude stops us from revelling in your relegation. We may escape next week but by that point it'll be too late.
  8. Fully expect us to finish 9th next week, can't keep lucking out with these great escapes, our shiteness is going to catch up with us at some point. Oh, and because thereisalight has cursed us already for the game. A no score draw is the best we can hope for and hope QOS do us a favour.
  9. We ain't beating Thistle next week no chance, best we can hope for is to fluke another draw and hope QOS do us a favour (unlikely). Don't know how anyone can still be expecting anything from this team with one game to go.
  10. Only question is who would want to shaft us more? Gibson or McCall?
  11. They ain't beating Partick or anyone else. Only hope is we jammy our way out of this.
  12. No idea how this will go really, the chance to break our jinx in a game that would relegate them seems fitting. On the other hand, their win against ICT and Gibson's comment today make it seem like it'll be business as usual. Bullen can save the pish platitudes regardless.
  13. If Bullen mentions "passion" in the press tomorrow we are toast.
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