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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Gibson beat Houston in a sprint to the ball late in the game, which isn't really on tbh. Today just felt so needless and avoidable, more shooting ourselves in the face rather than the foot.
  2. Today was brutal though. surely a turning point. I'd have rather O'Connor started in midfield with Dempse and McInroy either side of him sitting back a bit.
  3. At the very least that should put an end to Muirhead in midfield. Be amazed if he starts there again. Actually quite like the look of Ashford, quick turn of pace, chases players down and has a good touch but hard to judge him on anything else as he's completely devoid of any decent service. Back to the drawing board eh...
  4. that'll be us kicked off the QOS revival then. Looks like 10ths back on the menu boys.
  5. Robbo about to kick off and batter c***s in the club shop Should have stuck him in midfield
  6. Haven't got mine either, what a riddy. Check the spam folder just in case.
  7. We ain't out of it yet, if any of the three of us were capable of stringing more than two wins together we wouldn't be where we are. Yes we have improved but anyone that thinks we're safe yet needs to give themselves a wobble. A win for you lot today would be the least surprising result of the season.
  8. anyone say this game is massive today? just had a look at the table and morton have arbroath and the pars killie. could be 12 ahead of qos and 9 ahead of the pars with them having a game in hand. A loss puts us right back in the shit.
  9. A no score draw for this would be most disappointing but wouldn't surprise me at all.
  10. Partick fans aren't too keen on him either tbf. I'm fully prepared for him today to either score or chuck one in the net.
  11. Time will tell, obviously I would love to be wrong and for him to be a success but I'm just not buying it atm and he's got a long way to go for me to change my opinion of him. Not that he cares like what I think of him.
  12. Can't be benching him next season if we bring someone else in, 800 quid to sit on the bench is a nonsense. Although muddied a bit in the short term with relegation a possibility. Question remains if his recent decent form is down to a competent midfield or to get that extension... The fact he's triggered it now just sets off alarm bells for me personally..
  13. Didn't even wait to see what league we'll be in next season, he's obviously triggered it as soon as he could. And with his reputed wage you can't really blame him.
  14. Watch him turn to shit now. There was rumours about this contract clause at the beginning of the season. One final gift from Hopkin.
  15. Have to buy your own router or mesh system, that will sort it out.
  16. The thing with McGinty is that even if he keeps up this level of performance I still wouldn't sign him for next season, considering the wages he is apparently on now he still isn't worth it. And if he stays in the team until then he's hardly going to agree to a decrease in wages. Looks like Baird could be off too and he must be on a decent wage as well.
  17. Morton not quite out of it yet, bubble could still burst for them although atm looks like they are more on the way up rather than down. With QOS having a game in hand Saturday is indeed vital. The sooner we get the further away from 10th the better. Their game in hand is away to Thistle as well, so that could go either way.
  18. Binged the Hellraiser series the past week. First and second are great, third is okay, Bloodline is watchable, Inferno was pretty good coming from Scott Derrick son. Rest are shit.
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