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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Win next week could open up a wee gap between us and the rest of the dregs.
  2. Got a new PC and it is updating to Win 11. Anyone any idea how to get rid of the login screen at start up and just go straight to the desktop. Don't really want to be having to enter a password every time I boot it up or restart it. Could do that on my Win 10 PC but I think that was maybe cause I was set up on a local account which seems to have been removed now
  3. tough one with Callum because he's a volunteer and prob puts a ton of work into it so it feels bad to criticise him and you don't want to shit on him because of that, but aye he's terrible. Can just imagine McGinty at training today doing his upmost to make a good impression on the new manager i.e sucking up to him. Hopefully The Bull sees through it.
  4. Wish we could get HBO Max here. TV library must be great, was wanting to see Oz again.
  5. I hope the players are shitting themselves at the thought of this guy coming in.
  6. Surely someone at the club has leaked this so assume it's a done deal. Really random name to put out there if not
  7. Experienced enough to put a rocket up some players with some authority and good track record of developing young players. never heard of the guy but choo choo and all that...
  8. Thing about McGinty and Salkeld is one is probably a good personality in the changing room and the other has a good work ethic, which trumps there actual ability on the pitch, which makes some managers see them as an asset. Only explanation I can think of as to why they keep failing upwards.
  9. Pretty predictable all this so far. Although I'm more excited by the goings than the incomings so maybe Voice should have tweeted about that. Aye they're all staying aren't they.
  10. Going for the new new manager bounce here. 0-0
  11. Was a month between McCall leaving and Kerr being appointed and about two weeks between Kerr being sacked and Hopkin appointed so I'm not sure how much weight you can put behind `taking your time`
  12. Maxwell will be away next. Always the danger with this window, losing the wrong players which just adds to making this window even more difficult.
  13. If we could get all our January business done next week that would be.. Had enough of this type of chat this season tbh, seems particularly constant this season. If we haven't shifted the dung by the end of next week then I don' think they will be this season.
  14. but then you have to find someone to take them, or pay them off, and that doesn't sit well with me. Especially if they are on a good wage they ain't getting that anywhere else.
  15. I don't think we're going to be punting anyone in January, looking at you Morton mingers. Usually when a new manager comes in it's clean slate, everyone gets a chance etc.
  16. Before Canning is linked with the job: "He's dross don't want him anywhere near the club" After Canning is linked with the job: "Actually, he might be alright..."
  17. Wonder if new guy will be bringing his own team in straight away or will have to work with Hopkin's dross for now.
  18. Social media game has been a bit more lively past few days anyway.
  19. three home games in a row coming up and probably not gonna get to any of them. shoulda bought a season ticket...
  20. This is all good for long term but I wonder how effective it will be for the immediate short term. would be a massive set backwards to get this all set up and end up relegated.
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