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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Just a misunderstanding, QOS fans saw us talking about our derby match and assumed it was about them...
  2. If Jim gets the job we're right behind him....for two weeks. Was that not the infamous no divine right patter. Time frame fits,maybe the players took that as badly as the fans.
  3. He just did his own thing, wouldn't follow managers instructions so was punted. Wouldn't surprise that because he played for Man Utd once (youth team) he thinks he knows best. Inflated sense of self worth and all that, another reason to punt him beside ability.
  4. After reading the comment about what Scally said about McGinty it just makes it even more a necessity to get him out as soon as possible.
  5. I'm going to buck the trend and say I didn't think you where actually all that today. I genuinely think we were just terrible and after gifting you the first goal didn't ever get going. You pressed decent enough, but we would normally have played around that pretty easily. Don't get me wrong, you 100% deserved the win and I'm taking nothing away from you today. Didn't see the game but it's a win, first in a dozen games or so, so that's all that matters atm for us. Just good to stop the rot.
  6. I'm not entirely convinced Afolabi isn't in the doesn't try camp. Wouldn't be the first player coming from a bigger club who thought he was playing below his station, and frankly, for someone coming from a club like Celtic his performance level this season has been shockingly poor. At times it's looked like he's never kicked a football before. hope he's second on the list for leaving in January anyway.
  7. hope you haven't put that on your Xmas list as you may de disappointed..
  8. Take it the allocation have sold out and there's no chance of a ticket for non season ticket holders???
  9. Time to see how much this lot really disliked Duffy of if they truly are the shower that everyone thinks they are.
  10. The Matrix Resurrections. Massive disappointment. Everything that made the first one great is missing from this. Action scenes are shoddy and lacking, and the aim from the gum fights is noticeable poor, even for a movie. Folk are literally three feet away in a narrow path and yet still manage to escape a hail of bullets. It had some good ideas, they've gone the meta route, but is lacking in everything else.
  11. Hard enough January window getting rid of the players we don't want to keep, never mind have to think about replacing player who we did want to keep. Mathie has a big job January and not a lot of time on his hands, never mind working under budget constraints and searching for a new manager. The fact this all has to be done halfway through the season does not bode well for the rest of it. Really cannot be fucked going back to League 1.
  12. Yes we all commend you on your valiant impartial efforts. Your medal is in the post.
  13. It's all just a crapshoot at the end of the day with whatever manager/head coach, but with Mathie on board now hopefully there's a bit more stability and accountability with on field matters. Kerr could have done with him in place when he took the job as someone mentioned earlier. Hopkin deffo could, but more to keep him in check.
  14. Doubt. Was brought into work with the defence and things have not improved all season. Although how much anyone could get out of them is anyones guess.
  15. Careful mate or you'll be next up for a hounding. Not a Tory either please don't come after me...
  16. If yesterday wasn't a low enough point to punt him what is it going to take in the next 4 games, where no one is expecting us to take anything from them? Double figures loss? A riot inside Somerset? Only prolonging the inevitable at this point, and it isn't just the results, it is clear the players have chucked it too and that only ends one way.
  17. I shall be attending, not through any hope that we could get anything but just to observe how bad things get and how toxic it turns. Zannatta to score obviously and McGinty to chuck one in, obviously.
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