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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Toilet locks have been fixed on the North terrace. So that's a win of sorts...
  2. We've found our level. Should be 2-1 up but thoroughly uninspiring stuff.
  3. Moff would have been proud of that miss
  4. Decided to go to this to play and win the half time draw. Reckon I have a chance with today's limited numbers. Very very cold today, wrap up warm you 4 Albion fans.
  5. This Shell Go+ ad where you have to scroll to continue with content is a bit much is it not?
  6. Well it seems like Duffy is going to tinker with the team till he finds the right combo so there's every chance.
  7. Yes we would be approaching Watford levels of managerial merry go rounds if he was punted, not that we could afford to anyway. All about who, if anyone, we bring in in January. Even if the club came out and said we would be doing some business then it would go a bit of the way to placating the fans.
  8. Think this rank form is all a ploy by the club to drive up booze sales among the fans at the new hub.
  9. Geggan or Higgins back in at...some capacity at the club, now or in January to do....something. Just thinking about possible options with next to no money available.
  10. Well yeah, 14 points now between 5th and 6th. Surely that has to still be the aim.
  11. No, because prob can't afford to. Either chuck money getting rid of him or use it to allow him to bring players in in January. God knows what state we will be in by then though
  12. Another 4 nil pumping (minimum) and surely something has to change. Can't go on like this, even for another 4 or 5 weeks until the transfer window.
  13. Nice of Afolabi clean through on goal and pass it nicely to the goalie.
  14. Just aimless guff, no chance of scoring and easy to score against. We are in serious bother.
  15. Pretty much same as first goal. Shocking defending from a corner.
  16. One half of this will be enough for me, unless something drastic happens. Might go clean the microwave. Pretty sure we're going down.
  17. Give it about 3 weeks of it being open before it has to close because of a covid outbreak.
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