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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Give it about 3 weeks of it being open before it has to close because of a covid outbreak.
  2. Surprised he made so many changes, welcome one though. Good to see Aero and Daire starting. Interesting to see how Tomi reacts to being benched...
  3. Black & White TV needs binned too, too much upkeep to make it worthwhile, get the highlights back on YouTube. I'm sure there are fans who would be willing to handle basic social media stuff for free, like the match preview, prob even a few here. It shouldn't be that hard. But hopefully this is all sorted when the new Commercial Director comes aboard.
  4. UpInTheAyr


    Last season definitely the weakest of the lot but still a great show shame that it's ending. Would like to have seen a season about the North Valley or the Cocaine Cowboys in Miami. Currently watching season 3 again atm.
  5. Am I too late to the Allan Johnston hair transplant party?
  6. Is the lack of comms not because there's no Commercial Director atm since Graeme Miller left. As for Kerr I think we all liked him but surely he was just out of his depth, especially since it was just him and McArdle running things. Really should have had another experienced coach with him from the start
  7. Has Josh Todd been any good for you lot, completely forgot he was with us last season and considering our dire need for a midfielder have we made a boo boo again?
  8. If they announced that they will be doing some business in the January transfer window then I think that would at least give the fans something to look forward too and stem back the negativity a tad.
  9. I don't think anyone at the time saw us picking up players from teams that did worse than us as a good thing, can't say we weren't warned. Got a feeling though that the only way we will get a clear out is if we drop to league 1.
  10. Slow joe doesn't have the legs to be chasing that much in midfield, he's probably too much of a luxury we can't afford at the moment. Bradley and Maxwell are too light weight atm to be that effective although they do try. The set pieces were again honking yesterday and that's something we really need to capitalise on as we ain't going to be that effective in open play.
  11. Ah, for some of us that was the most excitement we saw during the game.
  12. He did try to make a run for it toward the SEGGY fence trying to blend in with the crowd. Doesn't really work with an attendance as dire as ours.
  13. Yeah the one with the blue jacket. The other was a skinny little runt. He wasn't for knocking anyone down.
  14. Possibly, although I saw it I don't know what his son looks like. Did find it a bit odd though the Steward focused on they two when they weren't being loud or overly inebriated. Did look a bit out of place.
  15. McCall's underage drunk son assaults Steward after refusing to leave Ayr end is a pretty good one though.
  16. Fucking hell I was a few feet from them. His son is a mouthy little pissant then , thought he was just your garden variety ned. Steward took a sore one the way he crumbled to the ground. Entitled little shit.
  17. A few of them have a first, or second, touch bordering on the horrendous. Tomi shut his own good run through on goal in the first half and McAllister has a fondness for these wild shanks masquerading as a pass.
  18. See it more as a contraction tbh. But lets delve into this matter this is important stuff here.
  19. He's really regressed and I wouldn't put it all down to lack of support
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