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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Think the Chairman is praying that Duffy's spell in charge is acceptable and nothing more so that he can just hand him the job and not go through the rigmarole of another application process after getting his fingers burned with Hopkin. There def seems to be less focus on the comms side of things as I assume he is putting all his focus on the hub where he is in his element. At the Killie game I had someone offer to stand at the door when I went for a slash because the doors don't lock properly on the new toilets on the NT. I mean, how hard can it be to solve that particular problem. Everyone knows about it.
  2. Was a decent enough watch without being spectacular. Must be looking for a second season with the way it ended.
  3. That'll be the Pars on the up and up now probably, leaving us QOS and Morton to slug it out for 8th place. Unless we play a blinder in January, which I can't really see.
  4. This tedious shitposting from the DKB's almost makes me yearn for the days the biggest annoyance we had to deal with was the intrusion of Doonhamers on the thread. Almost...
  5. Was watching the hills have eyes 2 and 25 mins through it cut to an ad for the first film. Taking the piss with this...
  6. Be hard to get current team, mainly Aero, to sign new contracts in January when manager is uncertain and we're slugging it out with QOS and Morton at the bottom. Sure most would like to see current squad emptied but it's not really realistic to bin a large percentage of it. And how much backing do you give Duffy in January if it's uncertain how long he'll be in the job.
  7. Good to see others liked Dune here and it wasn't just me. Glad to see we'll get a second part as it would have been a tragedy not to at least finish the first book. The director has said he wants to do Messiah as well but that might be pushing things a bit too far. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll catch on and do monster numbers for the second part. Children of Dune could be possible as there's already a decent miniseries of it. God Emperor I think is un-filmable.
  8. That's both goalies had 3 games consecutively so wonder if might be going back to Albinson for this one. Team must be pretty gassed after last night so prob need to freshen it up as much as Duffy can.
  9. Fairly honest assessment from Duffy in the interview, sounds like he was dithering a bit with the subs toward the end of the game. Sounds like too many of the players were just gassed toward the end.
  10. Tomi is pretty limited in terms of ability is he not, or is it just that he's got no service. More of a penalty box striker.
  11. Subs should have came sooner, we offered nothing second half. If we were trying to win it that is.
  12. Decent game so far holding our own. Sleepy Joe could be doing more and still look a bit shaky at crosses but hopefully a Duffy super double sub changes the game.
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