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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. But he was succeeding McCall which was always going to be a tough act to follow. With Hopkin, not so much. Especially with how Hoppy is regarded atm by most fans.
  2. Bringing in someone who at least has some association with the club might not be the worst idea if Hopkin is punted, but we've just had that with Kerr so...
  3. Think the dressing room is probably split with his Morton lot backing him and the other half had enough of him, which is probably worse than if they all were against him. At least with that the whole team would be together in something.
  4. If Hopkin and his backroom staff are all contracted for this season and next they must be pissing themselves laughing at how they managed to rinse Smith.
  5. If he'd signed a couple of forwards, or utilised better the ones he had then let go, then he'd prob have kept his job till at least the end of the season. ~Scoring goals can cover up a lot of deficiencies
  6. Still thinking about that "Hoppy" interview. How incredibly stupid is it to blame the fans, especially with another home game in a few days. How does he possibly think that's going to play out. There's a massive disconnect atm between the fans and the manager/team due to the past year, that's why it's so easy for both sides to sling shit atm.
  7. It will take some wheeling and dealing for a new manager in the January transfer window, unless he somehow miraculously is able to get a tune out of the current squad. If current form continues then the quality of manager we are able to attract will dwindle on a weekly basis.
  8. It's being added to the HBO streaming platform on the same day as it's US cinema release date, for 31 days. It's the deal Warner, I think, agreed with HBO earlier in the year for all their movies at least this year.
  9. When you see the Hot tag on the thread before you click into it it has that added wee bit of excitement to it today.
  10. That's one way to endear yourself to the fans I suppose. If he wants to pinpoint the source of the toxic atmosphere then he should be looking inward.
  11. I'll be going to this too, mainly out of morbid curiosity. Expect an uber defensive display from Hopkin and a must not lose mentality, even more so than last night. Won't make any difference though.
  12. Nifty little teaser trailer for The Matrix 4. Actually looking forward to this too it looks great https://thechoiceisyours.whatisthematrix.com/uk/
  13. Yeah I'm not that confident about a sequel if it's dependent on box office. Dune just doesn't really seem like the kind of thing which would attract marvel type numbers. Hoping that any award success Oscars etc and the fact it's part of the HBO deal will help greenlight a sequel
  14. Surely if we lose to Rangers B team then that will be his death knell, then Smith will have no choice. I think McCall probably propped everyone at the club up and kept them on their toes. Now he's gone and they've all reverted to type. Sacking Hoppy and his team, bringing a new team in, then making funds available for January. That's a whole lot of cash we don't have.
  15. You're right dunno why I thought it was him. he wasn't tall anyway but then neither is Houston, who didn't bother challenging for it
  16. Seeing Hopkin sat in the dugout the last five minutes it really looked like a man who knows his goose is cooked. for my first time seeing this season I thought there would be a touch of the melodramatics from everyone on here about how bad they were and that they couldn't actually be as bad as everyone makes out but they were. Zero creativity, no attacking threat, a bunch of players who look like they are lost or just not up to it and for a team of hammer throwers filled with defenders they let Zanatta score from a header.
  17. That's two black players been sent of now. I'm not saying the ref is a racist but.....
  18. The defending is turgid, the midfield non existent and the attack with Tomi would work if we supplied and supported him but we don't
  19. For a team full of defenders it is far too easy for Raith
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