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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Snake Eyes G.I Joe Origins or whatever it's called. Awful stuff. Demonic. From the guy that did District 13. Was looking forward to it but even worse than Snake Eyes.
  2. He does a lot with that make a wish foundation. Think he's actually done more wishes than anyone so not a total piece of shit. Thought he was pretty good in Suicide Squad too
  3. Not to be confused with She's Out Of My League, which is exactly a very funny comedy with Alice Eve. Currently on Netflix.
  4. If that is true I would punt him for that, regardless of how well the team is doing.
  5. I'd make us play the game tbh, unless there's no more positive cases this week.
  6. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.473465,-4.6249064,3a,75y,131.86h,83.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUx28VOtF-j5xgSKTIwAePA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e4 theres a corner shop on the main road on the walk to the Newton station. Although maybe someone else can confirm if it sells booze I'm not 100% sure, can't remember the last time I was in it
  7. No it was midweek, Tuesday I'm sure. Think there was maybe another 3-0 home win which was on the Saturday
  8. One of my fondest game nights of recent times was when we battered you midweek at Somerset 3-0. Great atmosphere and performance, especially after all the oooooh stuff leading up to it. But aye, have no hope for this game, fully expect to get done over.
  9. I absolutely could see us getting a pasting if our midfield is overrun, then you have the calamity at the back. All very feasible. After all the Chairman patter about Hopkin it would be strange to see him punt him before Xmas. Tbh, all possible solutions and outcomes, none of them fill me with much confidence.
  10. If Raith hand out a proper spanking next week, and there's every chance they will. Then I think that will be the beginning of the end with the support. If he did go I really don't have any faith in the Chairman to appoint someone that would turn us around. He's as clueless as Hopkin, but at least he's got an excuse in being new in the job.
  11. Has been every game apart from last week when he was on the bench. Jeez, really need to brush up on this seasons squad. Couldn't even point out half of them to you.
  12. Is McGInty the captain now, have I missed that announcement? or is it just for today.
  13. Was he praising Zanatta's defensive abilities there or was I imagining it.
  14. What exactly is going on with the Moff or is it not to be discussed. Can't remember ever seeing an explanation for his absence.
  15. So Zanatta and Walsh both done more in these first few weeks than they managed in the whole of last season. Pretty predictable.
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