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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. another appaling set piece I would sub him for that
  2. could come back in an hour and I wouldn't have missed anything why oh why persist with these tactics then, especially with what's at stake
  3. Will be following the other game a hell of a lot more than this one, and have a hell of a lot more faith in Arbroath to get a result than our lot. Go a goal down and we are done for.
  4. If anyone should receive a donation from Ayr fans it's (probably) Arbroath.
  5. Don't get the team to sign it that will devalue the thing. And honestly, what kind of sadist would be wanting a memento of this team.
  6. Morton are at least capable of scoring a goal so that at least gives them an edge over us.
  7. If they buckle under the appearance of a banner then they are more useless than I thought.
  8. Not that bizarre, folk here have been saying since the start of the season that the team'll come good. Too much quality etc, just need Moore/Wright/Walsh back etc bad weather etc the pitch etc
  9. Ooft imagine that. I have no doubt we would have finished 10th if that was the case. Small mercies and all that. I'm resigned to us going down and have been for a few weeks now. Not another penny from me.
  10. Well...yes, that's what most of us have been hoping for for the past few weeks is it not?
  11. Doubt the players give a shit at this stage, or even less of a one now. Fully support a banner or two though.
  12. Plenty of space to erect something distasteful where they train. Just to make sure they see it.
  13. Or, how long realistically can we stay FT in League 1. One or two seasons tops?
  14. Yes, couldn't even manage a season of mid table mediocrity. Takes a special effort to get punted from this league in this of all seasons. A huge effort from everyone at the club.
  15. This rabble are in no position to turn their nose up at anyone walking through the door
  16. I'm not sure Hopkin would stay for a League 1 campaign, would be a hard sell for the fans anyway so good luck to the club with that, although they have been feeding us a steady stream of shite for most of the season so...
  17. Fucking grim state of affairs when you'd actually prefer Kerr to still be manager. No way we are winning a playoff against Thistle or Falkirk. Only sliver of hope I had was that Morton would out shite us but I think that's gone now.
  18. You lot are having a laugh with this we're more shite than you patter.
  19. Robbo will be along in a bit with some puff I'm sure, or maybe Wattoo, although he seems to have done a runner as of late.
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