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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. I wonder if Zanatta would have pulled that stunt if crowds were still allowed, the reaction makes me miss not being able to go to the game on Saturday. Poor form from Raith too, no idea why they felt the need to announce it. Must still be sore from getting pipped to the title. Let it go lads.
  2. Every chance someone like McGllyn could get something out of him, could be a Nisbet type deal, or he could end up the Harkins type. Kerr has talked about developing a culture amongst the squad, surely his biggest failing as manager.
  3. Can't imagine anyone at Ayr will be too happy about his tweet, maybe trying to manoeuvre an early exit.
  4. As well as just releasing him the now, save on wages. What a strange day.
  5. Very uncouth of you to announce such a thing this stage of the season.
  6. Thought we actually created a fair few chances, had two good ones in the last five minutes. just don't have anyone to finish them. Walsh was the biggest culprit today.
  7. Hope we're not going back to these bouts of totally falling asleep.
  8. BBC updates aren't worth a shit, is that 2 for Moff now?
  9. He made a big deal about scouting players beyond just their ability and whether they were right for the club. Poor judgement or just desperation on his part, prob a combo of the two.
  10. Could see him playing in Scotland next season, just not for us.
  11. Disappointed I wont to get the chance to post an array of Shooter McGavin related gifs tbh
  12. Think Arbroath would be best suited to keeping Thistle down. McCall is a bit of a jammy bugger when it comes to things like playoffs. Although this current Thistle team full of glue factory candidates and completely devoid of any creativity might be beyond even him
  13. Watched a few games on that recently and it's really not that bad. Really depends where the camera is positioned more than anything
  14. Such a powder puff effort from Moff at the end there, best chance of the match
  15. Not 100% confidence but it would take quite the f**k up to mess it up now. Things are a bit more stable and one of the positives to come out of today was that they came back from a goal down to get a point and didn't fold like a cheap deckchair which they were prone to earlier in the season
  16. Maybe it's just the match up with Raith this season that turns the games into such dour affairs. Anyway, seen enough since Kerr was sacked to be almost confident that we won't be relegated. Moff really should have scored his one on one, or at least tested the keeper, it's strange how much he's regressed in this area, surely just a mental block
  17. think everyone knew how that moff one on one would turn out
  18. Mr Dependable. Criminal how much space and time he was given. Into these fannies Ayr.
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