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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Maybe they forgot to put it up.
  2. Well done to Davos who survived every major battle in the show despite proclaiming not to be a fighter. His cannon fodder proofness is second only to Sam's.
  3. Maybe Varys' ravens came down with bird flu.
  4. I'm surprised his immune system has lasted this long.
  5. I hope DA gives himself a barracking for that one.
  6. No they weren't, you just made that up to play the victim card.
  7. He's playing the disability card again, like he did on the sre fb before he went away in the huff
  8. It's like this roaster is having a conversation with himself, in another language.
  9. The NW is basically pointless now, only reason for him joining again is that it would renounce his claim to the throne.
  10. Wall isn't there anymore, he'll have to build another one. Still, it'll give him something to do.
  11. The Dothraki are a virile people
  12. Partick thread seem to think Rudden will be announced on loan for them next week, seems a bit odd announcing a loan this early.
  13. Like how if you've read the books would devalue the show? And complain about what, that there are leaks. More surprised that there were given how tight security was supposed to be this season.
  14. Can you just give us a list of all available players in one go instead of spreading it out for the next six weeks. To spare us all.
  15. Considering his age Celtic might want to keep him local so they can work on his development during the week, then loan him to an English team in a couple of years. He trained with Celtic during most of the week this season and he's still got a bit of bulking up to do.
  16. Ferguson never seemed the attacking type, I can't see him bombing up and down the wing whipping in crosses. That might change how we use our RM next season. Hopefully next season we go back to how we were in league 1 before Shankland signed, with everyone chipping in with goals. In reality we'll probably struggle and look a bit lost.
  17. I'll miss reading the leaks and live episode discussions of this season. They've been just as entertaining as the show. Surprising how accurate the leaks have been considering this season was supposed to be locked down like Fort Knox.
  18. Not starting for this Raith team would bring your confidence down tbf.
  19. Not exactly a sterling performance for McGuffie there, and the Raith fans don't seem particularly impressed with him.
  20. I don't have a problem with how any of the characters arcs have played out, just the pace at which they've got them there the past couple seasons. It'll be good experience for the writers having the kind of relationship they do with the fanbase. Should prepare them for when they move onto Star Wars
  21. Not sure that's in him tbh.
  22. Thought it might be Moff with his age and McCowan coming through. He could get another championship team for next season on pretty good money so offering him less would be a bit odd. Could see the others having league 1 offers. Be surprised if they all signed on again.
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