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Everything posted by JinkyBairn

  1. In hindsight aye, but I think he deserved the chance to go for it again considering there were no Hibs or Rangers in the league this time. Just a shame that the start of last season was an absolute bomb scare and it turned out the way it did.
  2. His replacements ultimately let him down in the end, but he’s largely responsible for getting the best out of the players you’ve mentioned (sure it was him who even decided to put Leahy LB to begin with).
  3. Really pisses me off when folk slate Houston as some diddy manager for us. He gave us the only enjoyable spell since we got relegated almost a decade ago.
  4. Not saying the board aren’t to blame as well, but Hartley is the guy who’s paid to assemble a team and what he’s done has utterly fucked this club. There’s not a single player he’s signed that I would want to keep.
  5. In hindsight, Hartley should have been under more pressure with his shite start since his team was full of established Championship players who finished 2nd the season before. What Hartley has left McKinnon with is nothing less than a crime.
  6. I’ve never hated so many Falkirk players in one assembled squad . Hartley has really fucked this.
  7. I’ve never seen such a shitebag of a performance in my life. Enough to put you off going back tbh.
  8. Been going since the 02/03 season, and without a doubt, Housty has been my favourite manager.
  9. Why do folk keep getting involved with these Morton posters? Just an absolute waste of time and boring as f to read now. Just ignore their shite patter and they’ll f**k off eventually.
  10. Fair play to Ray, that’s the most competitive we’ve looked all season. Players who previously looked murder (e.g. petra and paton etc.), looked more than capable. Keep us within touching distance come January and i’ll take it.
  11. Would like to see Mitch on goal next week, or Mitchell (if fit). Not been impressed with Fasan at all.
  12. First half was much more like it. First goal went in for them and the lack of confidence was clear to see. Absolutely crumbled. A lot of work for Ray boi to do.
  13. Some of these ‘players’ are driving me mental on instagram. 5 losses in a row, bottom of the league, 0 points and these clowns keep posting photos of the games as if there’s no embarrassment attached.
  14. Even their players are getting in a nick over it all : http://www.greenocktelegraph.co.uk/sport/16686497.morton-players-anger-at-silent-treatment/
  15. Bagsy using the first available pic of Ray holding up the Bairns scarf.
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