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Posts posted by JulioBairn

  1. Do you think anyone at the club has realised that teams aren’t “raising their game” against us, they are just better than us?

    We are in a sad and scary place. We are a mid table League 1 club and I can’t see things improving if we continue as we are. I’m also not sure things will be any better if we sack him and bring in someone like Rice.

    I feel we’re fucked either way. What do we do? What’s the state of play with the fans “takeover”?


  2. Deans and Colborn had to go, there was no other option.

    It looks to me that Rawlins have walked as the fans didn’t kiss their arse at the Q&A and they’ve realised how big the divide between the club and the fans actually is. I appreciate I may be wrong on this but if that is the case then f**k them tae.

    Whatever the reason it’s time for the fans to take control of the club. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

    On the positive side I see Peterhead's twitter account is ripping Deans. More please. Make him even more of a laughing stock.

    Our esteemed chairman is being openly ridiculed by clubs and fans across the country 💪🏼  Surely there is no way back.

    Also surely the club have to back him or sack him?? They can’t just sit in silence as our “leader” has the pish ripped out him can they?

    Deans Out. Holt Out. Colborn Out. 

  4. Another game that goes in the bracket of we were better than them but not good enough and I heard too many people saying “it was better.” It may well have been better than the dug shit served up recently but ultimately it’s another 2 points dropped and the gap gets bigger  

    We called it weeks ago…our season hinged on signing a goal scorer. If Declan McManus (or similar) was playing today he scores and we win. Likewise QP and Cove would both have picked up 3 points due to having half decent strikers.

    We don’t have enough fire power and it’s now a long way back.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    I said last night that Rawlins will not be blown about by fan opinion. The whole mantra tonight I expected. Fans have three choices

    1. Suck it up

    2. Not go and say nothing

    3. Organise themselves to sort the problem out. 

    Too many that I can see chose option 1

    I agree but I think option 1 was chosen at the start of the season and has run it me course.

    I know they now have season ticket money etc but If there is not a sudden upturn on the pitch then option 1 won’t last much longer IMO. If we lose on Saturday I think there will be major unrest and we’ll see the start of some sort of protest. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, some_guy said:

    Did anyone ask why Holt hasn't done the decent think and fucked off yet? From what I've read, tough questions weren't asked and they were allowed to spout the usual pish and walk away unscathed? 

    They haven’t walked away unscathed but there was only ever gona be so much that could be achieved tonight.

    The mood in the room was anger and they have been left in doubt that there is still major disconnect between us and them. They know we think the recruitment has been shite, the style of play has been found out, team selection has become pretty concerning, results are miles off being good enough and that we want people being held accountable.

    Does it matter? No. They made it clear that change wasn’t in the equation and that everyone is basically gona try really hard to make things better bla bla bla.

    Colborn couldn’t have had a worse night if he tried

  7. Heartbreaking to see the mess we are in. We had 4 weeks where it looked like we might have turned a corner (on the park at least) but we’ve been found out and have no answers.

    Sheerin claimed in his first interview that he is responsible for recruitment but it appears Deans has contradicted this today. If Holt has signed all of these players then he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If Sheerin’s only responsibility is picking the team and style of play then he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Deans doesn’t have a leg to stand on anyway after overseeing one shambles after another. The players have down tooled since Alloa and should be ashamed.

    Our club is rotten from top to bottom. 

  8. Please stop with this no booing pish. We are a supposed Premier League team who, at the time of the booing, were 8th in the 3rd tier. They are lucky all they got was a wee bit booing.

    If we start to accept that so as not to hurt a players feelings then we’re fucked. Move the ball faster, play forward when it’s on and show a bit of fight and it’ll go a long way. 

  9. Abysmal first half performance. Anyone know what was said between Sheerin and the fan at the end, certainly didn’t look like they were on the same page. Sheerin leaving the pitch to a Keena chant also sends a message. He looked raging, his reaction will be interesting.

    I’m not suggesting the fans pick the team but Keena and Ruth have played together for about an hour in the last 2 weeks and they’ve scored 4 goals. If Sheerin doesn’t learn from that then he deserves to fall on his sword.

  10. Confidentiality 😂. Nothing has been confidential in our club for decades. Back the Bairns didn’t require confidentiality so why did this 🤔. Back to my original point, you went about this all wrong (in my opinion). 

    If it’s facts you want I’ll give you one. The bid was doomed to failure from the outset.

    I repeat…f**k Gary Holt, Gary Deans, MR, SA and the rest of them. I repeat…I’d like nothing more than fans controlling our club. But I repeat…It’s nothing personal but I think the NB group made an arse of the bid 😢

  11. 42 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Explain how NB made a c**t of anything? 
    Amazing 11 guys raise 550k (with more pledged) to try and help get the club out of a tailspin piloted by this regime and NB made a c**t of it. You could not make up some of the bullshit our fans trundle out. 

    I’m sure we’ve been through this but we’ll do it again anyway. 
    Mistake 1 - A fans bid that was a secret from the fans until it was rejected. Should’ve got the fans on board before taking it to the club, increasing the pressure and making it harder to reject. 
    Mistake 2 - Demanding the removal of the chairman and sporting director before you’re in the door. What made you think that would ever be agreed? Surely you get in the club first then look to make changes from the inside. 
    Mistake 3 - Expecting a businessman (Rawlins) who you campaigned to get in, to pony up more cash to maintain the same shareholding. Again, not sure why you thought that would be agreed and was another flaw in the bid.

    I pledged to be part of the Back the Bairns bid and would like nothing more than the fans to oust some of the clowns running our club. Also I have nothing against you and the “11 amazing guys” but it’s not hard to see why your bid failed unfortunately. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Duncan Freemason said:

    How about now? Are you sure now why people still talk about Deans engineering the demise of the 500k bid? Who out of Deans and Holt and the association of yes men have since demonstrated competence in any meaningful way?

    “Best Falkirk team to watch in many a year”. That was certainly a statement and a half.

    Do you remember who brought in Alan Gow?

    The last few weeks are concerning. I’ve been a fan of Sheerin but can’t defend anything that’s happened recently. Persisting with Hetherington is weird, Ruth has been disappointing and losing Morrison is a massive blow.

    McCann has shown nothing, Miller is done, Mutch is average at best, our best CB is a 35 year old left back…

    We were great to watch for a few weeks, we’ve been worked out, let’s see if we can adapt.

    Ps I’ve said a number of times I’m not a fan of Deans, Holt or the board. Just because I think the NB group made a c**t of it doesn’t mean I have an erection for Deans. I also find it a bit weird how you’ve scrolled through a months worth of comments to be able to say “I told you so”. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    We need one better than Keena not just the two backups.. Getting one better than the two in reserve could be done by asking anyone in the crowd to bring their boots next Saturday.  Bobby Linn scored 21 goals in a season at this level  a couple of years ago so I presume if he's dug meat then  the player we get in in will score even more than that.  Brilliant can't wait.

    Glad you’ve got something to look forward to 👍🏻

  14. 5 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    Identifying players means sod all if you can't get the signing over the line. Good managers and good dofs get signings over the line and that's why they  win championships. One excuse after another on here.  Players have been mentioned in triplicate on here FFS. Again it's only league feckin one we need a striker to get goals on not the champions bloody league. Mediocrity rules down here and yet we still find it impossible to get somebody competent enough to get a few goals at this level.


    True and if we don’t get anyone over the line before the loan window closes then I’ll join you in pointing fingers. I’d like to think we’ll bring in a striker on loan better than the 2 we currently have in reserve and better than that list of dug meat you just produced. If not it could have a huge bearing on how this season plays out. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Bairn in Exile said:

    The "same guys demanding a proven striker" aren't paid 40 - 50k a year to do that job, Holt is. With his length of time in the game and contacts, plus his boast that he is able to identify 3 players for each position, means that he should be doing his job and getting us those players and earning his salary.

    Edit: Sorry Back Post Misses just saw your post saying exactly the same, my apologies.

    I am aware that Gary Holt comes across like an absolute bellend but are you just overlooking the fact that we identified Paton and McManus but were unable to get them?

    Im also aware that Gary Holt is being paid to do the job and if we don’t bring in a couple of decent loan signings then questions should be asked and fingers should be pointed. I’m with you on that 100%. 

    Finally, I’m not asking you, BPM, Shadwell and the rest of the “it’s not my job brigade” to sign anyone. We are all fans and I’m asking for you to provide suggestions on a fans forum rather than just continually going round in circles. I’m intrigued to know who you think we should sign cos the names mentioned so far are either pie in the sky or absolutely barking. 

  16. This is painful to read the same guys demanding a proven striker then can’t name a suitable one when asked. Megginson - part time living up north…not an option. 
    Goodwillie - not an option. 
    Murray - Good signing for them just like McManus was for us at the time. At the moment not an option.

    I believe we identified McManus and Paton, both would have been good additions but we were outbid. I believe we will now bring 1 or 2 in on loan and they could make or break our season.

    Based on what I’ve seen so far, a good striker wins us the league. If not it’s gona be a close run thing. 

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