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Posts posted by JulioBairn

  1. 3 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    Plus they haven't invested the extra cash they said they would and that deans told us was just a formality.  Only Deans and the Rawlins can explain why the club can afford to not only knock back 600k plus but also do without the extra investment the Rawlins were supposed to be injecting.

    Surely a question that has to be asked at the Q&A…

  2. Ok so long story short:

    The club is still being terribly run and alienating fans.

    I am no lover of the board and I’m all for fan involvement but (In my opinion) The Navy Blue bid was never going to be accepted as it would’ve resulted in Deans losing his role (demanding an independent chairman), Holt losing his job (before a bit of back tracking) and Rawlins spending more cash for no gain. 

    The Rawlins have gone from messiah to villain before they’ve even set foot in the country 🤷🏼‍♂️. Mrs Rawlins seems to be a bit of a nippy sweetie and has been upsetting people. 

    The Crunchie Initiative are good guys who’ve been treated terribly.

    f**k me 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. 20 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Got to love our fans. 

    We have had Years of shite, called racists by the club, taken for granted and taken to the lowest place in over 40 years. 

    a few guys try to pay homage to our best ever player and a few who want to pump in the largest ever investment are being banded the same as the stewards of the club. 

    this club reeks of division caused by years of incompetence. 

    Wake up and go and take a look at yourselves FFS! 

    You are not being banded anything, the fans are looking for info on a supposed fan bid but you are not prepared to tell us anything. We know fine well how incompetent the board have been and we don’t need much of a reason to beat them yet all we get is the deflector shield and riddles.

    Here’s how it looks to me. You’ve put forward a proposal (to Gary Deans and the Rawlins) that would see Deans lose his role as chairman, Rawlins have to invest significantly more money and Gary Holt lose his job. Turkeys and Christmas anyone??

    If there is more to it than that then I’m sure we’d all appreciate knowing a bit more about what’s going on at our club. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

    Seems like every man and his dog have got the intimate details of exactly what the Rawlins have said or done to the Patrons & CI guys bit no-one is willing to share?  What harm would posting some actual details on here do at this stage? As others have said it may give folk like me an others more reason to galvanise against the owners if they really are out to destroy the club. 

    I don't doubt the CI guys have been treated shabbily but their statement said nothing really about the reasons the board have given them or what actually happened.  All we've heard from the Patrons bid is that someone (Mrs Rawlins?) took a swipe at their character but no actual details for us to judge. 

    Based on the information we do have I completely understand why the Rawlins wouldn't accept the conditions attached to the Patrons bid.  If there's more to it then get the details out there, until then it all just sounds like bumped gums and playground stuff.  



    Everyone keen to talk in code about how they’ve been hard done by but nobody willing to actually give any details.

    I am no fan of the board but from what I know of the Patrons bid it seems obvious they would reject it. Not sure why they don’t want to give their side? Not entirely sure why they didn’t get the fans on board with their “fans bid” before actually submitting the bid either 🤷🏼‍♂️. What I do know is the whole “Mrs Rawlins was nasty to me but you’ll find out for yourself one day” is getting a bit tiresome.

    These people were practically out canvassing to get the Rawlins in now there seems to be a massive change. Surely us less wealthy fans deserve to know why??

  5. 8 minutes ago, HonestAl said:

    Half a dozen of last years team joining (mainly) teams that were playing a league above us or laterally had us by the balls.

    Are we so sure we’re right and they are wrong?

    I’m really concerned with our recruitment, not least in just why any decent Under 25 year old would want to sign on.

    Sorry I must be picking you up wrong here. Are you suggesting we should’ve kept some of the utter shite we had playing for us last year?

  6. 28 minutes ago, HonestAl said:

    Was just thinking…..

    Gomis - 2 year deal at Championship Club

    Alston - 2 year deal at Championship Club

    Connolly - 2 year deal at Championship Club

    Durnan - mooted to be joining Championship Club …..

    Leitch - 2 year deal at League 1 club that finished above us

    Mercer - 2 year deal at League 1 club

    So just what was our problem? (Rhetorical question)

    Did Gomis not sign for Clyde?

    Alston is living off his reputation.

    Connolly is never fit.

    Durnan is signing for Alloa.

    Leitch and Mercer are pish.

    Im not entirely sure what point you are trying to make here but none of the names mentioned above are good enough to take us forward. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

    Has Connolly just signed for Raith without telling the club? 

    Nothing mentioned on our social media pages or website yet, which isn’t a great look either way. 

    Club slaughtered for announcing Durnan was away. Club slaughtered for not announcing Connolly is away 😴😴😴

    Is anyone really bothered? Nope, didn’t think so.

    Cheerio 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

  8. 11 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

    If a 2 from the current board, the Rawlins, 2 from the investment plus a fans rep and independent chairman is not a balanced ticket that recognises 5 principles I don’t what is.

    1. Retains the seats the Rawlins have

    2. Gives continuity with 2 of the current board still there ensuring some of the foundations already in place are not torn up. 

    3. Gives a balance with the Rawlins investment (remember to retain his 26% he would need to invest another 160-170k) 

    4. Brings fans representation back to the club

    5. brings a new chairman in to ensure that all sides pull together for the benefit of the club and giving the club the fresh start it needs and deserves

    All that and the club get best part of 750k as a result. if that is bull in a China shop so be it. 

    I’m no expert so please correct me if I’m wrong but is number 3 not a massive stumbling block? Why would Rawlins want to invest another £170k to have the same stake as he does currently and have less control?

  9. 3 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Surely get a few signings or re-signings announced tomorrow given contracts with existing clubs in Scotland should be up.

    Agree. As someone said earlier, there’s no way BainsfordBairn was in today just to take Paul Dixon’s photo. I expect a few announcements tomorrow. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

    You’d think with Holt in since January, we’d have a lot of players identified and ready to do deals. Maybe had to wait on the manager coming in first though to give him final decision. 

    Noticed too that Gary Deans Q and A was supposed to be at the end of this month...

    I think we do. Don’t think it’s been a brilliantly kept secret that there’s  at least 4 ready to walk in the door. We’ll be waiting on contracts expiring. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

    Well let's hear about them then?  How many have been in positions of influence during successful periods for clubs like Stoke and Orlando (or similar)?  

    Sorry - you can't expect to win support just by being fans with money.  Maybe there's more to the fans group than that (I'm sure there is) but nobody other than a select few knows anything about them.    

    This is what I don’t get. Yet more secrets and mystery. How can this be classed as a “fans bid” when it can be put forward and rejected before 99% of fans even know anything about it?

    Why wasn’t it made public? Why weren’t the fans asked about how they would want fan representation to look? Why has nobody come forward with any info? Why was it rejected?

    If this is a “fans bid” then surely the fans should know 🤷🏼‍♂️

  12. 4 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

    As I've stated before, no one in their right mind will reveal sources or who the investors are without their permission. 

    It's up to them to provide the evidence at a time of their choosing, which is beneficial to them

    As an aside......The story is now all over Facebook ,with quite a few posters who have connections to the Investors providing comment on its veracity

    Exactly what I said. Surely the people involved tell us what happened rather than leaving it for everyone to find out from someone else’s source who’s got everything this week wrong so far. The fans will be on the fans side, start dishing out some facts.

    Think I’ll steer clear of the Facebook page thanks 👍🏻

  13. Why is everything on here so cryptic and secretive.

    “I’ve heard something but I’m not telling you what or where from”

    We’re already hiding behind usernames ffs, if you know something then spill and f**k this code talk pish.

    The rumours of the fan investment are very concerning. Surely someone on the fan group just comes out and tells us straight what the offer was, what the demands were and why it was rejected.

    They would obviously have the support of the fans so why not give us some facts rather than everyone hearing from a source who has a bigger dick than someone else’s source 😴

  14. 12 minutes ago, Gollum said:

    As shite as we've been, those are roughly the 12 players I would keep. I'll say it again, lots of players have come in and out and ALL (read: every single one) have been crap. A few who have left us have gone up a league, been promoted with other sides etc. They cannot possibly all have been crap, they were just in a situation where everything has been collapsing for years.

    If we keep those players and add some grit, we will be fine. That's been the case for years though, so who knows if we will, but we can't just keep calling everybody crap and pretend it's got nothing to do with our set-up.

    A midfield of Alston, Miller and Telfer with Mutch in goal, Hall as one of the CBs and Morrison on one wing is absolutely fine. Dowds always put in a shift and we've barely seen Keena. It's not all doom and gloom, but a lot has to change around the team.

    Can you give me a wee clue who’s left us and been good? Surely you’re not referring to the likes of Buchanan and the Queens Park mob?

    Also, a midfield of Alston and Miller with Mutch in goal, Hall at CB and Dowds up front is terrifying. Surely it’s not too much to ask for better than that?

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