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Everything posted by philpy

  1. According to davie innes, Christie lost the plot after Tuesday night.
  2. I saw that in home bargains, £4.49 for 4.
  3. Sod teemu, shein and the likes. Get these lads back on the road. Oh man, those were the days, no online shopping, yer ma's pal would come round wi the catalogue and an order form.
  4. Those poor babies had a right to live, she took that right away from them. I hope she gets beaten the f**k to death in jail, or she does the world a favour and kills herself before anyone else gets the chance to do it for her.
  5. Just watched the highlights, hibs rather fortunate to get away with that handball near the end...
  6. Anyone got any spare freebies going??
  7. Last one of the night. Lovely stuff. If anyone is ever in keswick or the surrounding area, please pay a visit to the taproom these guys run. Only open Tuesday to Saturday 2-7, but worth a visit.
  8. No programme at carlisle united this season either.
  9. Didn't manage to get a ticket for Tommorow, stupidly thought I'd leave it till I got home from holiday yesterday afternoon. Bloody annoyed as I was looking forward to it....
  10. I'll say something to her, and it'll be "mmmm" or "mmm-hmm", followed a minute later by "sorry, what did you say?" annoying as f**k.
  11. Picked up myself a nice piece of fudge while on holiday to enjoy with a wee dram tonight. She picks up said fudge, opens it, takes a bit, at which point I asked WTF she was doing. Her answer "oh, I Just fancied trying it". My reply of I bought it for myself, at least fucking ask first, was met with the death stare..
  12. Got this in keswick. £33. Local supermarket (booths) was charging £40, but a gift shop had it cheaper. Really nice. Could have had a Penderyn for £28, but not a fan of the Welsh stuff. Bought a miniature the day before to test it. Really nice. First time I've purchased stuff made in England, and I'll probably get one of their others.
  13. I thought I was getting called up as a witness for a case at the high court, but was never needed, but I was going on holiday the week the trial was starting anyway. Evil c**t was found guilty anyway.
  14. That was so bad even the tumbleweed couldn't be arsed moving.
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