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Everything posted by philpy

  1. He's no actually dead. The auld c**t is going to do 100 laps of the pool to raise money for a new summerhouse.
  2. I'm thinking of taking in a Spartans game at some point, been saying it for years. No excuses not to this season. My first priority is managing a good few raith games, I managed 1 last season, some supporter I am
  3. I See musselburgh have put a big blue fence up behind the goals where the main road up. Bang goes watching through the old fence
  4. They were out in force in tranent Last weekend. Where's harry clarke when you need him??
  5. My last job, was there for 11 years, nearly burnt myself out at times pulling them out of the shit to get them orders out, was off on occasions with stress. My leaving present?? A card. they had the audacity to invite me to their Xmas night last year, which I would have had to pay £30 towards. Was the same date as my current employers piss up, which cost me f**k all.
  6. I'm definitely going. Remember I'm a subcrawl Virgin, so please break me in gently.
  7. I've got a top set that I've had for about 15 years. However, they are getting slack very easily now, so it'll be a trip to the dentist soon to to get a mould done for a new set.
  8. I'm hoping to be a decent contributor to this thread this season. Living in East lothian, I'm in a decent enough catchment area so to speak. But hopefully my first game will be in England, carlisle host wigan on the 15th August, just happens that we are in keswick for a week when it's on. Only going if we can somehow source a lift back to keswick, as there are no late buses from carlisle. Planning on heading up early afternoon for some food and beers.
  9. Just saw a red lichties flag on the telly at Glastonbury
  10. Ah well, at least the commercial guy lasted a wee bit longer than tommy mclean....
  11. There's plenty dinosaurs lurking on here....
  12. Not these days mate. End up feeling a bit Sluggish.
  13. Changed jobs. I left My last job after nearly 11 years, of which my last year and a half I was the yard foreman. The company was bought over by a large group of shareholders and placed unachievable sales targets on all the branches which meant we were burning ourselves out every day. I was off twice with work related stress and i was eating crap and drinking alcohol every night. Not to the point of alcoholism, but it was becoming a bit of a crutch. April last year a position came up with a local company, 10 minutes drive away. I've lost a stone and a half since January, mental health is much better, everyone looks out for each other, last year my wife was seriously ill, and I was off for a wee bit, and was told not to come back till she was home and resting. I got full pay, and every other day the boss was messaging me to check we were OK. I'm also £207 a month better off for just being in a basic yard and warehouse role.
  14. Sounds like a Dutch of class for you guys. As long as he doesn't clogg up the midfield you should be OK.
  15. Got it checked. 100% not cancer. Getting referred to the dermatologist.
  16. Kallum higginbotham is definitely signing this week. Was told by the chairman.
  17. I don't know if anyone on here has had or knows anyone with experiences regarding moles. I've had this bugger on my leg for years now, and the area around it has been sore. I've noticed a few black spots, but the wife thinks the pain is just a "thigh strain". Would it do any harm to have it checked??
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