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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Enjoying the carlisle game so far.
  2. Anything with a "retro" design will be a firm favourite of mine.
  3. I've Just tanned 2 of the mghee's doner pies from asda. Never again. The pastry and meat were fine, but the chilli sauce was a bit on the hot side.
  4. It's a right b*****d eh?? I started taking my fexofenadine tablets a month early to try and build up some immunity, but it's not helped. The areas outwith the estate are work are predominantly fields, which doesn't help either.
  5. We had a situation whilst walking our neighbour's dog last week. A big tan and white American bulldog decided he'd like to try and take a chunk out of his face. Neighbour's dog is an 11yr old spaniel who is a big softy, and had no idea of how to defend himself. It took the wife getting between him and the other dog and letting out a large scream for the owners, who had made no attempt to take the dog away from the situation, to grab the dog. They never even apologised or asked if if the dog our ourselves were ok, they fucked off away into a nature reserve, which is something else they should not be doing. Pair of absolute fucking scumbags.
  6. "Kin you count?" Aye john, i can pal. Yer team's getting humped 5-0.
  7. I Wasn't told the name, but they had their new man more or less in place, but he shat out of telling his current team he was leaving. This Was straight from the chairman's mouth.
  8. I'm just hoping a decent budget can allow us time to get a good proven talisman in. We simply can't afford any more "panic" signings such as fredriksen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he signed after a trial period?? If it turns out he wasn't doing enough to warrant game time, then how the f**k did he pass a trial??
  9. The dualers at the 02 glasgow were excellent, as were death of guitar pop.
  10. I heard a cuckoo up near threpmuir last weekend. Never saw it, but still cool as f**k to hear it.
  11. One of life's simple pleasures right there. I often go down the local club early on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, where there is maybe myself and another 4 or 5 folk. I can find a corner and enjoy a pint in peace and quiet, before the local "dames" and the loud crowd turn up.
  12. Isn't your girlfriend and mum the same thing in Kennoway??
  13. I was trying to find a polish deli today but ended up at a German place. I took a turn for the wurst.
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