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ian mac

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Everything posted by ian mac

  1. Went for a pie at 35mins when I got to front of queue female with blonde swept back hair and black t shirt looked over my shoulder and served woman behind who she was on first name terms with. When women asked how much she said don't worry it
  2. Tom lang not in the dunfermline team today hope their not gonna waste him
  3. As far as Barry ferguson goes he should have been sacked after the formatine Scottish Cup when he had the cheek to slag off the Clyde fans who booded him #"chancer 1 other pt why didn't someone have the foresight to offer mcstay & lang terms before contracts ran out 1 deal for L1 and another for L2
  4. does anyone know how many non season ticket holders are in that section are they being scapegoated here? think all supporters of non old firm have more in common than divides us
  5. does budge think no one in that section put money into save hearts when they had the begging bowl out? now she wants a seat on spfl board they are expendable. if budge hadn't bought into hearts no one outside Edinburgh would have heard of her doesn't know much about football if she supports old firm colt teams and has saddled the jambos with her pal levein who is unsackable no matter how bad results get. I don't understand why fans allowed themselves to be persuaded season tickets were the way to go in the old days you could vote with your feet if things were not to liking now all the power is in the hands of the owners for better or worse
  6. that's why some superleague clubs are getting anxious about the timing they would prefer to go as a unit but some are dragging their heels and Winton and Dalry could steal a march on them by going 1st and entering at a higher level this is what's worrying the buffs
  7. I heard Winton rovers they already have floodlights and seating
  8. it was also mentioned 2 ayrshire District teams showing an interest could go in at a higher level if the superleague take too long making up their minds
  9. Jim gannon in today's record says league 2 isn't professional football lol he's forgotten it's only a few yrs since sevco were in it
  10. This would completely devalue lower leagues bet fans would still be expected to pay league 2 prices rather than under 18's where they do this in thesSpain it's a division with 20 clubs play each other twice not 10 teams having to play each other 4 times
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