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Everything posted by Matty-RCFC

  1. Hughes is definitely a manager that wants his sides to play open, expressive football which gives him a dilemma going into the game tonight. Does he test his side by playing his style against one of the biggest forces in the country, or does he sit in and hope for a bit of luck on the break. If he plays that 433 that we used to see at Caley we could get ripped apart. I can see us getting a goal due to Celtics defensive frailties, but can also see us conceding 3/4 due to our own.
  2. Would love to see him back but reckon he’ll go to an Aberdeen or maybe even Hibs.
  3. Aye, senior players that know what it takes to play under him and they will demand it from the younger players too.
  4. Draper, Tremarco, Vigurs, Mckay - all played under Hughes at Caley. They know the demands he puts on his players and how often do you hear of players that speak positively about his training sessions. He gets his teams playing good football. People slagging him off and he hasn’t even been in the dugout for an hour. Time will tell - there’s definitely a lot worse out there.
  5. So there it is then - John Hughes confirmed by the club’s twitter. Would’ve loved to have seen Tommy Wright given the job but ultimately I think he’s holding out for a bigger club and highly doubt he would’ve wanted the County gig. Hughes will take a lot of slate purely from his club past but when you think of what he did with Caley, taking a mediocre team at the time changing their whole style of play and building what was a fantastic base that should’ve done better things had it not been for disastrous appointments by a fud of a chairman. His sides play good football and I think with the players he has at his disposal he will be able to adopt that style. Put it this way, I would’ve far preferred Hughes over Adams again. Personal opinion of course and we will see in the long run how good the appointment is but for me, Roy could’ve done a lot worse than he has.
  6. Ideal world would see either Tommy Wright or Gary Holt in. Need to get someone in quick so they can get a couple players in January to at least mould their squad a bit. One thing I will say is that whoever we do get has to be given time - do not want a repeat of the Owen Coyle situation.
  7. None of us wanted it to end this way, not one person. I sat here for weeks calling him for to be sacked hoping and praying he could prove us wrong but ultimately in a results driven business he had to go. The way the club are speaking (i.e the tweet) it seems as if he’s going to be “supported” by the club in the weeks ahead. Does that mean he’ll be sticking around? Reserves coach wouldn’t be the worst shout considering the job he did with them first time round.
  8. Received my email about the protocols for tomorrow’s match, got a bit confused so thought it would be best to ask someone in here who has already been to a game. I know I need to take my season ticket to the game, do I go into the club shop prior to the game to get a seperate match day ticket and is there a deadline for time you need to arrive by? Sorry for being a hassle just don’t want to miss the game off of stupid misunderstanding, cheers guys.
  9. Has anyone else who was selected to see the Hamilton match received an email from the club regarding the protocols with regards to Saturday? Had my letter sent to my house and replied by 12pm Monday but have had no reply from the club yet.
  10. I think if we draw the game Kettlewell will keep his job. Just personal opinion but I feel like Roy wouldn’t sack him after a draw.
  11. Agree that the Livi result shouldn’t matter win or loss as the league is completely our bread and butter. But if we do lose at the weekend against, in my honest opinion, the worst team in the league then unfortunately there is no excuses anymore to keep him. Not even because Accies are the worst team, but 3 wins all season, one of which was due to a flukey free kick (St Johnstone), another a penalty (Well) and a scrappy goal (Accies). On another day, we could honestly be sitting here with 1/2 wins. We’ve scored 10 goals in 17 games which is just embarrassing - of which I know 2 are penalties and I can count at least 4 set piece goals of the top of my head which could be more. We look a side void of ideas in all areas of the park. Ketts achieved a lot with us as a player but the longer he keeps dragging on this managerial spell which, let’s be honest, hasn’t been a success the more he is tarnishing his reputation as part of the First Division winning team. Would love for him to be able to turn it around and I really hope I am proved wrong but I just don’t have any belief that he can, unfortunately.
  12. Don’t care. Like 4-0 Livi or something. Kettlewell to slam the players and the happy clappers to let him off again. Next.
  13. 1. The jobs for the boys mentality. 2. He could, considering we’re almost in January and by the time the recruitment process occurs New Year would probably be upon us. 3. Yes. 4. Gary Holt, John Hughes, Tommy Wright (unlikely im aware but he’s available) with some amount of persuasion to name but 3. 5. Likely, but to survive in this league we’re going to have to spend. I cannot see Kettlewell being sacked this week because we are never expected to go to Aberdeen and win. I actually didn’t think we played too bad today; but the continuous praise for Ross Stewart has to stop because it is so blind it’s not true. Guy misses at least one golden opportunity per game which is simply not feasible when you’re sitting in this position.
  14. Highly doubt it but wouldn’t mind being proven wrong. What a signing that would be.
  15. Never doubted Ketts... All joking aside, exceptional performance from every man. But that was an example of what Ross Stewart can do when firing on all cylinders. So proud of that whole team today.
  16. Taken off with 30 to go. Thank god it was a £10 max bet because imagine the money Skybet would’ve made had it been more than that.
  17. Course he scores an *offside* goal ffs.
  18. Vigurs has the most tackles in County’s team this season. Mental stat.
  19. If he did go to another club and do well I’d be the first to say well done. The thing is players find it a lot easier to find clubs than managers do so the example you’ve used isn’t really relevant. Reminiscent of Richie Foran (not in terms of ability but struggle to get into another job). Maybe I went a bit far saying he’s not manager in a million years, he’s a coach and nothing more.
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