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Posts posted by Ginaro

  1. 3 hours ago, nicotina said:

    lok 4   largs 2   ht 1-0

    mcgregor gow forde christie 

    allan sent off at 1-0

    maxwell sent off by the worst referee

    ball accidently hits the ref   players all stop 

    for bounce ball   but he waves play on

    maxwell queries the decision and is given 2 yellow cards

    What happened to the ball after it touched the referee? Because if it remains on the field and doesn't change possession or start an attack then play continues. 

    And if a manager can't control himself after a yellow card that's hardly the referee's fault is it?

  2. On 22/08/2023 at 12:59, bigecumnock said:

    Just a thought but is there any particular reason for Cumnock, Talbot and Glenafton, three teams only separated by six miles all being away from home at the same time, this has been the case for all fixtures so far this season and all being at home on the same day. 
    Thinking about the supporters who for whatever reasons don’t travel too far for away games and don’t  have the opportunity to see a local game on a Saturday 

    You'd hope it's just a coincidence, as it seems like for the first 9 matchdays you have the same teams at home with the same teams away swapping each matchday.

  3. 3 hours ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

    Just to be clear guys I'm in no way complaining I just think it's the lowest priority cup out there and when your trying to have a successful league campaign then it kind of gets in the way. Ask Drumchapel last season as they missed out on promotion and had to play their final game before everyone else because of the final.

    tbh I think winning 2 out of their last 12 games was the main reason for Drumchapel missing out on promotion by 4 points...

  4. 4 hours ago, Cairn Cheerleader said:

    The Scottish Junior cup has 2 main sponsors this year with Clydebuilt and only sport I believe. 

    last season the semi finalist also got 5k each and finalist 12.5 each although the winner may have got an extra 5k

    this season the money is as follows....

    Winner £20k
    Finalist £10k
    Losing semi £5k
    Losing 1/4 £2k
    Losing last 16 £250
    Losing last 32 £100

    All games to the including 1/4 finals get an equal share of the gate after officials paid and 15% Sjfa

    Since you seem to be in the know - is that actually extra money or is it just the guarantee for each club? Because if you get a decent crowd then the sponsors won't be paying out anything.

    The South Challenge Cup also shares the gate money after officials but the organisers don't take a %age despite paying travel money.

  5. 12 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

    Looking at the trend over 10 years here's the number clubs that began 2013-14; and numbers still going a few weeks into 2023-24 (which will be a little too high if the most recent withdrawals haven't yet been struck off websites):

    Border                         was 31     now 25     fall of 19%
    Kingdom of Fife     was 43     now 32     fall of 26%
    Perthshire                 was 29     now 21     fall of 28%
    Aberdeenshire       was 85      now 60     fall of 29%
    Ayrshire                      was 57     now 36     fall of 37%
    Glasgow (all)            was 160  now 86      fall of 46%
    Lothian & Edin        was 73     now 37      fall of 49%
    Midlands                    was 53     now 21?    fall of 60%
    Stirlingshire             was 45     now 12      fall of 73%

    Clearly the situation is much worse in and around Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee than the provincial parts of Scotland (accepting that lots of clubs quit Stirlingshire for surrounding leagues). That then begs the question... why?

    Is it that council or commercial pitches have become costlier in the cities, whereas rural clubs have their own or more sympathetic local authorities? Has counter-attraction of Saturday mornings drawn off numbers in the cities, whereas option doesn't exist elsewhere? Have more players 'gone senior' in the cities? Has nature of young men's employment patterns & hours altered more in the cities over last 10yrs?

    Figures certainly make the lack of wholehearted consolidation in Strathclyde even more concerning.

    292 clubs in the senior pyramid this season, versus 262 in 2013-14 (+half a dozen NCL, don't know the exact number) and with U20s for a lot more teams that will surely have something to do with it as well...

  6. On 09/08/2023 at 19:19, megaspinnernet2 said:

    Can see the sat pm football turning into the like one league that suits each region with the amount of teams dropping like a West of Scotland amateur league, east of Scotland etc  

    The east region already has three separate leagues covering what is the East of Scotland League area (Fife, Lothians, Borders), it's the west that needs to sort itself out so that there are a couple of regions (i.e. Ayrshire, Glasgow, Central/Stirling) rather than three leagues covering the same area.

  7. 7 hours ago, Empty It said:

    The chaos it would cause if all crossings become instantly red when a pedestrian press the button, heaven forbid someone has to wait 30 seconds...

    I said "almost" instantly, i.e. go to amber fairly quickly (and with puffin crossings they can check if someone is actually waiting). Heaven forbid that drivers should have to be reminded of their place in the transport hierarchy. After all, a 30 second delay @ 30mph means you are prioritising drivers who are 400m away above pedestrians waiting to cross.

    3 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

    There is no longer any need for a green man. They should do away with all crossings as pedestrians have the right of way over motorists and cyclists now. They can step out into the road wherever they want and everyone has to stop for them. 

    You're thinking about when pedestrians are waiting to cross a side road.

  8. 23 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    I hate when pedestrians push the button at traffic lights without thinking even if there is hardly any traffic on the road before promptly walking across the road leaving the approaching driver to wait at red light with no-one there. 

    That's the fault of traffic engineers as push buttons at traffic lights should be almost instant rather to avoid that, rather than prioritising cars hundreds of metres away.

  9. Talking about former refs on VAR duties, in the EPL there was Lee Mason and Mike Dean doing it this season - except Mason was relieved of his role after messing up an offside check and Dean stepped down at the end of the season. Don't think it's as simple as just putting retired refs into VAR roles, as it's a different skillset.

  10. 1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

    Jamie McCunnie and Sean Murdoch are working their way up the ranks. No idea how long it takes for a ref to get to Premiership level though.

    He was cat3dev in 2020-21, cat3 for two seasons and his twitter now says cat2. So maybe one or two seasons there before cat1 and doing SPFL games.

  11. There is no requirement for it to be a licensed ground from what I can see in the rules (10), though there are some basic criteria for grounds (11) 

    Presumably Fort William have informed the SFA and the board will decide where/when it is being played (10.3). Both clubs rather than just the away team, can get up to £600 from the SFA for travel if it is at a neutral ground (32.3)

  12. 16 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:


    The thick c**t got caught because he took a lassie to where he'd buried the body to brag about it. 

    Gets more shocking every time new info comes out. Cyclist stopped for a coffee at the same hotel where the brothers were with a hunting party, presumably continues on his journey and is caught up and run over by the pair of c***s - then left for dead. Guessing quite often people turn a blind eye to drink driving in more rural areas. Hotel owner tried to persuade him to stay for the night, nice sentiment but on the other hand it's your drunk customers driving a few miles back home that end up killing him.

    Police work leaves a lot to be desired as well. They get a letter mentioning the twins as they were at the hotel that night, 6 months later they visit the estate but were asked to leave. The cyclist didn't make it to Tyndrum so the answers had to lie somewhere between there and the hotel.

  13. The WOS constitution has this rule, which I thought was interesting:

    B 15. A Club relegated from the SLFL that is a) based within agreed geographical boundary of the League, and b) was previously a member of the League or a member of the SLFL at the time of the formation of the League will automatically become a full member of the League and shall play in the Premier Division. Any clubs relegated from the SLFL that was previously a member of any other comparable league shall not be eligible for membership of the League.

  14. I've never seen the great appeal of replays unless you end up sharing the gate of a much bigger club - you have to arrange travel at short notice and it displaces a league game, which for the preliminary round this season would be the September international weekend with local derbies scheduled (hospitality booked, bigger crowds).

    The SFA page has been updated with all the dates as well as the teams and rules: https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish-cup/format-rules/

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