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Frank Grimes

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Everything posted by Frank Grimes

  1. Surprised at this Doubt you could’ve paid me to go after the other night
  2. Please, it’s too soon Can FIFA do another World Cup quickly? Not giving a shit about this game at the moment and will be travelling on Xmas eve so it will be the radio for me
  3. I’ll be there for the day out on the lash with some pals I haven’t seen for a while Would be difficult to get out of bed for otherwise Expected absolutely f**k all tonight and yet it’s the worst I’ve felt after a game since QotS Fitba, eh
  4. And this is why it’s unforgivable I honestly couldn’t give a bollocks if we’re sitting 3rd right now above a patchy Hearts, an abhorrent Hibs and Livingston ffs Thats the bare minimum we should expect and we should’ve picked up a hell of a lot more points at this stage of the season than we have The LC semi is a red herring, we’ve beat absolutely nobody to be there and Sevco will roll us over at Hampden Can’t wait
  5. That’s Goodwin done I’m afraid The fans will never forgive him for that Shame I like him but I don’t think he’s the answer anymore and it will be a very steep uphill battle for him to ever get the fans onside again
  6. Am I wrong to be concerned we appear to have played 0 friendlies since the Atlanta game? I’m concerned we’re going to be rusty going into a tough double header
  7. I think it’s less likely now than at any other point in the last 20 years
  8. It really is Who knows what goes on behind closed doors but you’d think the council would say something like “we’ll put, say, £15 million towards it and we would like x, y, z” The short sightedness consistently shown by c***s like Ian Yuill really do sum us up as a city in the last 30 years Aberdeen still has so much potential but we drag our feet on absolutely everything
  9. Unless Davey C pays for the lot it’s never going to happen And Dave is pretty generous when it comes to the dandies but I canna see him forking up £80 million I’d rather we reconciled the fact we are staying at Pittodrie and focus our efforts on modernising the stadium They’ve been speaking about a new Aberdeen stadium since Scotland’s Euro 2008 hosting bid ffs Sick of hearing sound bytes about this pipedream tbh
  10. Surely some first teamers will get minutes against Formartine tonight? I’m concerned if we go into next week without any further matches under our belts
  11. When are Queens Park moving into lesser Hampden permanently?
  12. Celtic not announcing it on Twitter is brilliant shitebaggery
  13. Hibs in full patter mode at the moment On a day when Hearts lose 4-0 Hibs still manage to be more embarrassing without playing a game Sake lads
  14. Bit of crowd trouble I’m hearing Weegies up to no good as usual
  15. Why would we? Boyle is a massive Dandy, hope he makes a speedy recovery
  16. Which will never happen, therefore no democratic route as they will block it from now until the end of time
  17. It’s a No No democratic route for Scottish independence
  18. I suppose we’ll find out once and for all if this much trumpeted “partnership of equals” is a voluntary Union or not I suspect not and the tedium will continue on and on with every single PM just saying “No” because they can
  19. Against my better judgement I listened to the mini Gio sacking pod Kevin Thomson must be the cringiest c**t in Scottish Fitba, if he was chocolate he’d eat himself Backs himself to do the Sevco job Planet does the boy live on
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