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Posts posted by TheInvincibles

  1. 4 hours ago, Fifes Elite Force said:

    Speaking to an Airdrie fan just yesterday about this lad and he said that a few offers had came in but were pretty poor. I made a joke about us maybe using the Rangers cash money to bid for him, I didn't really expect us to pay any sort of fee for anyone. Without knowing the figures it does seem Airdrie are in a bit of bother cash wise.

    Anyway Ryan seems to be highly rated and scored goals for Airdrie but as usual I will reserve judgement until I see him.

    he has just signed for Dunfermline. he was the highest goalscorer in Scotland last season - speaks for itself. a huge loss for our club

  2. 2 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

    Queen of the South to beat Airdrie for me.  Not sure on the odds but Airdrie have lost Andy Ryan to Dunfermline today and I can't see them troubling QOTS


    Probably double up with East Fife as Peterhead will be making numerous changes - http://www.peterheadfc.com/news/item/1897-fizz-has-gone-out-irn-bru-cup-claims-balmoor-boss


    Obviously this is meant for the midweek thread...

    as an Airdrie fan from day 1 it is a very worrying time for the club. we have just sold our best player and top goal scorer, our goal keeper is on his way to motherwell and knowing the state of our club, the money brought in the door for these players will go straight to the chairmans pocket.

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