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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. I worked with a guy who refused to shite at work and would drive home if he needed to go. His dream was to be sent home one day because he shat his pants. And yes, he was a civil servant.
  2. Everything points to this being utter pish. I’m happy for a diverse cast as long as it’s not an attempt at making political hot garbage points. I don’t go on twitter for that reason.
  3. What work place doesn’t allow you to get up from your desk and get a coffee or tea whenever you want?
  4. The disaster at Chernobyl brought down the Soviet Union according to Gorbachev. Although communism was a terrible idea and bound for failure one way or another.
  5. The state of that pitch. You growing root vegetables on that?
  6. Leicester are pish but it’s not all Rodgers fault. The Leicester injuries are lengthy. That Dewsbury-Hull guy looks shite.
  7. Wealth off the radar. So far off the radar in fact it’s still in the general population’s pockets.
  8. Celtic fans ripping the head off it cause Ange ball finally paid off and they scrape a 3-2 against a poor Dundee team.
  9. They are still free to wear a mask I presume. What’s more 2021 than weird lefties forcing their agendas on people?
  10. Anything to get Boris out of having to answer for having those parties.
  11. 80s pop music like Bowie, The Cure, Depeche Mode are pish. You like the synthesiser, we get it.
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