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Posts posted by EKYM G

  1. Players wont be an issue if there was a switch to summer football , if anything ur going to get more interest imo.
    Theres going to be more games getting played, 2 a week would be possible, uv got boys that work Saturdays/shifts and cant play so it gives more options/flexibility to players if they can play through the week. 
    U would have enough cover over the holiday periods. Amateur football has changed massively over the years, its not the be all and end all for players now, some can take it or leave it on a sat. Sure if u ask most team managers they will tell u they have boys missing most weeks for various reasons so i think to rule the idea of summer football out because boys have holidays is a bit naive.

    Not naive?? Based on facts from every pre season for years. We run 2 teams with squads of minimum 20 in each. I can guarantee you we couldn't put out 2 teams a week on a Saturday during the summer never mind 2 games a week. Players would be an issue for us. Based on summer pre season experience. Maybe other teams/clubs are different but I can only talk about my Club.
  2. Think it might be a bit different this year. There wont be many away on summer holidays the way things are just now.

    Agreed, but longer term for me summer football sounds great and loads of advantages but without players just not feasible imho.


  3. Having run my team for the last 10 years the amount who actually go away in the so called summer is very low. It’s well spread out now with boys going away all year round.

    We run 2 teams and pre season for a good few weeks we can usually put 1 team out made up of the 2 teams due to summer holidays. It would have a huge impact on us.
  4. The societal shift away from football teams being formed around a "community"  is also having an effect. Players have no real attachment to a club and so when the going gets tough or they can't be arsed, it's easy to chuck it and start again somewhere else!
    This is especially true from a Stirling & District perspective, where I can think of more than a few teams who fold and start again almost every other year. What's the point?
    I think this may change in the future if the so called "Community Clubs" manage to achieve the community aspect and create a pathway from youth to adult football. That may create some attachment and loyalty to the club.

    Totally agree with this. We had EKYC in our area who had teams up to 19s them nothing. We had started a football academy for 4 year olds with the hope of getting players coming through in 15 years time. However, both Clubs got together and still kept their own identity but formed a Community Club with players from 4 now right through to 80 at walking football. Our Caley team is about 50% players from EKYC so it's worked well and kept a larger % of players in the game at amateur level after youth level who would ordinarily have chucked it. I know not everyone can do this but it has worked well for us.

  5. It was Michael.
    I voted against it, won’t effect us to much with us playing in 3G but I don’t think clubs should be made to switch the game for few reasons ie it doesn’t always suit when you have guys working in call centres for example and are coming to a home game only for it to be moved 30 mins drive away. Most teams outwith maybe yourselves and maybe southside don’t have the squad sizes that can deal with missing key players when game is switched.

    Personally I think we all want to play football on a Saturday and if your game is off and you haven't played the team away from home it makes sense to reverse. Avoids backlog of fixtures and possible mid weeks (which are far harder at times to get a team with guys works) and better than doing anything else on a Saturday. It's a rule in the Caledonian League for the game to be reversed if they have a park and I think it works very well.
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