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PB 4.2

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Everything posted by PB 4.2

  1. Always raw bloody thuggery with you. You've done time, right?
  2. Sounds like a harrowing experience for your granddaughter and for that I'm sorry. I think you should focus on the positive experiences you all had on the cycle paths and probably take her back there in the future. Gymnastics is a great alternative if the altercation puts her off cycling for life. Regarding the incident; the highway code clearly states that you MUST NEVER ride in an inconsiderate manner. Ask yourself the key questions: Was the road busy? You answered yes. Was I riding two abreast, in a fixed formation? Yes. Are there frequent pinch points? Yes Was it a nice sunny day with less than 10 shopping weeks till Christmas? Yes. Was your speed slower than the average cyclist? Given that she's only 6; probable. Only you can decide if your cycling was inconsiderate to the other road users. I'd a great deal of respect for anyone who challenges irresponsible and illegal cycling, but the person who confronted you was clearly an angry knob, who doesn't know the rules about pedalling on the pavements. Anytime I pull up adults cycling with children I always watch my language and I carry around a tub of strawberry candy lollies to ensure all parties leave on harmonious terms.
  3. said the man who doesn't know how to operate a washing machine or dishwasher.
  4. Does it return more #gains than my Quavers diet. Be honest, mate.
  5. Imagine the gear you could have got if you'd went round the other 9! You'd be the top boi of Wallyford.
  6. Word Salad. Time you were banned again, McSpreader.
  7. The seat is higher up then the handlebars and the bike doesn't have any pedals.
  8. Today was a hospital day for my partner's D & C , op. We managed to persuade the consultant to test some tissue from our unborn ( this is normally only done after 3 consecutive miscarriages) which will hopefully give us an idea why the pregnancy ended. I would be interested to receive contact from anyone who's unborn was tested, the findings, and moving forward.
  9. Can the OP @Scary Bear add a poll to this thread to gauge the support for a smacking ban.
  10. Living proof that violence breeds violence!
  11. Green dots don't extend to these thoughtful replies and the 4 PM's. So thanks to you all for your considerate actions.
  12. whiskychimp having the mare of all mare's here. Imagine trying to defend a position where it's cool to strike a young child. In 20 years time this kinda shit will be laughed at.
  13. Is the buttocks skelp more effective than a Chinese burn ?
  14. Bless it's my wee rattled cyclist pauper on speed dial as per. Hopefully storm Brian knocks you off your bicycle and down a very steep embankment and into some very very jaggy nettles.
  15. Absolutely not. But I do think they'd have been better parents if they chose to correct my behaviour using non-violent means.
  16. Genuine reply here. I recall being smacked at age 4 or 5 and thinking - 'If my parents love me why are they hitting me?' Obviously, I'm not scared or anything, but It potentially made me trust them less as a wee nipper.
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