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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. Good question. I've no idea what we're aiming for any more. NZ has proved that "Zero Covid" is impossible. The restrictions can't last forever
  2. No deaths in Scotland again. 15th July was the last. Infections hovering around the 40-50 mark. Maybe time to ease restrictions a little (gyms, swimming pools?) and see where that takes us? Am I right in thinking a review is due on Thursday?
  3. It was a great show of ambition from the club, but at this point I'm glad he turned us down.
  4. So that's on top of gyms and swimming pools.
  5. Did I see further easing of lockdown restrictions in England yesterday? There must be quite a lot of things you can do down there that you can't here?
  6. Oh I know that. But many referees would have gave it. Ultimately, glad it wasn't
  7. Great three points that. A few thoughts; Our subs made a big difference, but Apperre put in a great shift, and the County defenders were tired when Clark came on Pawlett was good - again. What a difference in him. Both he and Mellon should take tremendous credit. Mellon's post match interviews are joyous. Think you have to go back to Golac to hear someone talk so positively. When Paton got booked for diving I think we might have got lucky. Looked like a penalty to me in the replays, although my initial reaction was 'dive'.
  8. It's great isn't it. So refreshing to hear someone talk about us like this.
  9. I'd start with dropping the bizarre goal kick routine
  10. If it weren't Covid, Im pretty sure Watson would have been made an offer. His contract ending at the height of the pandemic was unfortunate
  11. No I do. Sadly as I'm not Russian, no vaccine for me to look forward to any time soon.
  12. Aye, feels like our boys seem to be dragging their heels. No updates, just silence on what, in all honesty is the only way out of this. The one thing in all this that the UK looked like doing right, was a vaccine, but doesn't look like there'll be one this year anyway.
  13. Whats happening with a vaccine? f**k all it looks like.
  14. I thought Pawlett played well actually, and I'm certainly no fan of his. Playing more central under Mellon and seeing a lot of the ball. Would like to see us mix up our FK and corner routines though.
  15. I was hoping my son could have went back to school in early June. The reasons the SG give as to why he can go back this week, would have been just as valid two months ago as they are now. Covid not affecting the young all that much is something we knew very well months ago, but only now is it being used as a means of allowing the schools to open
  16. Thought Chris Iwelumo was really good as a pundit last night
  17. You can travel for work purposes, and I suppose the team will be effectively 'working'. They've also been tested twice a week, so I'd guess it'll go ahead. But a decision from someone will be needed
  18. Must be some chance. Thing is, if there were to be, it should be implemented now really
  19. But your level of risk will be greatly diminished if we're all taking the vaccine. You're going to let everyone else take vaccine , but still enjoy the benefits yourself of a mass vaccination programme, despite having played no part. However, I'd add you're perfectly entitled to your own viewpoint
  20. I'm guessing when the time comes you'll happily take part in things we currently can't. Won't you feel a bit guilty, when the vast majority of the population has had the vaccine and life has returned to normal, knowing that you done nothing? Seems a little selfish to me (just my own opinion)
  21. When the commentary eventually went to English, Sean Dillon querying whether the passback rule is "intentional back pass" or "intentional back pass to the goalkeeper" made me laugh. Played the game for decades. Still does in Scotland's third tier. And as a defender no less. And yet doesn't understand the passback rule.
  22. Russia planning on mass vaccination in October. (Sure I read that earlier) Of course, because it's Russia the narrative in the media is they're doing it too early. That may of course be the case, but in any event it gives encouragement on the vaccine front for us all.
  23. If football was merely a game of beating someone else to a high ball with a header he'd be a pretty good player. Sadly for him there's lots more to it.
  24. A quick Google search of "Covid vaccine" this morning, and things looking fairly positive on that front e.g. Fauci cautiously optimistic of one in place in the USA by the end of the year, among other similar timeframe stories. In an unusual piece of UK government planning, we've already bought millions of doses of the Oxford university one, but I wonder if how it'll be administered has been given any thought. Also the administering of it presumably will be a devolved matter? I imagine they would start with the oldest people and work down from there. But I wonder how long it would take to get through the whole population? I have zero knowledge of this, but in Scotland's case, I'd think a couple of months to get through us all?
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