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Everything posted by JamesM82

  1. Pickford had 3 caps before the World Cup started. Trippier had 7 caps. Maguire had 5 caps. That's three of their first choice XI right through the tournament, and arguably their three best performers.
  2. If you followed that approach our team would basically be the under-21 team, who have recently drawn games with illustrious opponents such as Andorra and Latvia, plus Tierney and Robertson (I assume). That wouldn't get us anywhere. If the younger players are that good they will force their way in.
  3. McGinn was on the plane to the Faroe Islands last night. Apparently if he plays on Thursday he wouldn't be able to play in CL qualification for Celtic. Murray and Hanlon (minor injury) didn't travel.
  4. He's looked useful in youth internationals (e.g. the goal v England in Toulon). I don't think that could honestly be said about Hardie.
  5. That's just a function of qualifying / not qualifying for things, which is circular logic. Hazard will have played ~10 games for Belgium this summer while Tierney, Robertson et al were having a longer break.
  6. Everton were interested, but don't want to bite at the fee Celtic are demanding (25M+). https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44681836
  7. Sell-on fees are usually a percentage of profit. Barnsley paid £200K for Mallan, so it's highly unlikely that they've made a profit by selling him to Hibs.
  8. If you're talking about the Faroese team, aye. Lost every tie they've been in. Nearest they've come to winning one was losing 5-4 v Linfield. Losing to a Faroese team would be a new low and a total riddy (no point denying it). Asteras are not one of the bigger Greek teams (obvs), but they have been in Europe a few times recently and got into the EL groups a couple of times. All things being equal they would be favourites to beat Hibs, but the Greek season doesn't start until late August. Hopefully they would be a bit rusty going into the first game.
  9. There are some absolute roasters in the Hibs support. It's bloody obvious why the deal was done on the deadline day (14th). Kamberi was waiting to see if one of the English clubs who had expressed interest would make a firm offer. Either that didn't happen, or they were less attractive than Hibs. (As I posted on here weeks ago.) But muppets like "Johnny" see conspiracies everywhere.
  10. I think they've reset the fixture list so that you don't have the situation where some of the teams have both of the OF twice at home (or twice away) before the split. That started when Rangers were promoted and effectively took over Dundee United's fixture list. The smaller clubs were moaning about this imbalance and it also caused some of the post-split problems, e.g. Rangers were due to play all of the other top six away from home after the split last season, so Killie and Hearts both had to visit Ibrox for a third time.
  11. Grasshoppers quoting stupid money to English clubs and ending up with the option fee from Hibs reminds me of the ending to Hunt for Red October. "You arrogant ass. You've killed us!"
  12. Hibs twitter are going to be busy fending off those hilarious "ANNOUNCE KAMBERI" replies, if nothing else.
  13. Thing with that one is that the longer it goes without him going somewhere else, I think the chances of him signing again increase, because it means he hasn't got a much better offer. (Well, at least until Hibs give up and try for something else.) Gone very quiet. Although there was some chat earlier this week about Celtic punting Kouassi, which would create some space for him in that area.
  14. Twitter seems to think it's happening. Per a Sun journo (Alan Nixon) and folk over-analysing this tweet from Hibs yesterday (the new face in the gif).
  15. Like the weird business involving Benik Afobe? Interesting that the Livi statement said they paid an "undisclosed" fee for Crane. I guess that means Hibs offered him a contract and they did a deal to cover the compensation due for an under-23 player. Can't have been that much involved though, surely.
  16. If I mind right Reid had at least one serious injury after joining Rangers and never got a proper shot as a result.
  17. I think most folk have got Clarke too high in their lists. Playing regularly for Chelsea in the 80s/90s does not mean the same as it does in the 00s/10s. There's a reason why he only got six caps for Scotland, and it wasn't injuries (unlike Levein). He was a very solid pro, but a bit short of true international class.
  18. He could sign for Aberdeen instead. Sun saying that him and McInnes bumped into each other in Florida. Papers also linking Hibs with Ryan Williamson (Dunfermline right-back). I feel like this has been rumoured for every transfer window for the last three or four (ala Stevie Mallan).
  19. Quite a big top six / bottom six split there. Levein and Stubbs were excellent players. Levein would have played a lot more for Scotland but for his knee problems. Stubbs would have played for England in a different era, or maybe if he'd moved to one of the bigger English clubs instead of Celtic. Arsenal were interested at that time, but the deal fell through because Bruce Rioch (who had managed Stubbs at Bolton) was about to be sacked. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/stubbs-the-iron-man-who-refused-to-give-in-to-cancer-140481.html
  20. I think Murray is a good fit for you guys, you've got the target man type in Main and Murray can run the channels for him. It's a fixed price option of allegedly £100K (or more likely, 100K Euros), agreed when he came on loan in January. Hence why Hibs are keen on getting the deal done and aren't really doing much else so far. But the deal has to go through by 14 June (next Thursday!) or he reverts to Grasshoppers control. English clubs were sniffing around, but Grasshoppers asked for silly money. This is forcing Kamberi into choosing either to go with Hibs or back to them.
  21. I admire Rangers' staunch commitment to have players in their team that are older than me.
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