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Posts posted by BishopLenBrennan

  1. 1 hour ago, Principal Flutie said:

    He's doing well under a manager who has managed to put together a team that suits him to a tee. He's not always going to have that. We only need to look at his record to know what he's capable of outside of that side.

    It'd take a very foolish side to take a chance on him in January. On a free when the contract runs out? Sure, there's a good chance of that, but actually spending money on him? Dundee's desperation led to them wanting him, but it'll take an English lower division team with more money than sense to actually take the plunge.

    If Dundee or St Mirren are desperate enough they'll go for him.

  2. 13 hours ago, capt_oats said:

    Out of curiosity, how's Ross Maclean doing for you chaps?

    When he's playing well he's a good, direct option to have with plenty of energy. His final ball and his finishing lets him down at times but that's to be expected with a player of his age playing at this level.  There is also a tendency to float in and out of matches, especially where the opposition back line are sitting deep. If can be find some consistency in his delivery and finishing, and adjust his movement and tendencies to help him stay involved in the match for 90 minutes every week then he could be a decent player. 

    Is he with Morton all season or just until January?

  3. 54 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

    and also in the event of a crash to alert paramedics to the presence of a Princess or other royalty 

    The paramedics are normally alerted to the presence of a Princess at a assassination car crash long before arrival. MI6 agents, dozens of journalists on mopeds, a crumpled Merc and a reigning monarch looking rather pleased are the giveaway signs. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Unleash The Nade said:

    Anyone who displays one of these ( or similar)


    should be made to display this 


    The last three examples you've posted, you are entirely correct. However, the primary purpose of the 'baby/child on board' cards is to alert paramedics of the presence of a child in the event of a crash.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    Not seething wee fella, just pissed off at my team. Now away back to your own thread.

    Of course, sarcastic replies to images and calling people thick 'weedgie' c***s are CLEAR signs you're not seething. 

    I'm humbled and most appreciative of your concern, but I think I'll stick around thanks. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Duncan Freemason said:

    Do you think we might concede ten goals in one game in the second flight of Scottish football this season? Is that really in the cards? Is that even a real thing?

    ^^^ deflecting wildly. 

    2 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    ??? My original post clearly articulated I wasn’t taking it well you thick weedgie c**t.

    Oooft :lol::lol::lol:

    Does someone else want to break it to this seething mess that Falkirk is closer to Glasgow than Greenock is? 

    Stay down champ, it's not your night. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    It’s breaking my heart watching scum like Haber and Paton playing for the club I love and not giving a f**k.

    That coupled with guys like Dallison, Lewis, Harrison and ToE, who are clearly junior level at best, being given contacts means it’s very, very unlikely we won’t finish bottom this season.

    I am also shocked that Hartley and now Mckinnon have Fasan as their first choice. Nothing against the guy but Stevie Wonder can see he’s not good enough.

    Image result for ainsley harriott

  8. 16 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

    By "Hovel" does he mean Falkirk's stadium or does he hope the explosion is enough to take out all of the town of Falkirk as well?

    Not green dotting til I get the answer I want:

      Reveal hidden contents

    All of Falkirk... and Stenhouemuir as well

    Naw. The Ochilview bar is a cracking wee pub, and they beat Jim McInally's Peterhead in the play-offs. Stenny must stay.

    3 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:


    Schoolboy stuff.

  9. 13 hours ago, Tri-TON said:

    It still to this day baffles me that people don't rate Fouad Bachirou. A player who was quite obviously too good for our level, who has now went on to play for Ostersunds in the Europa League and exited last nights Champions League with Malmo on away goals.

    One of the best players in a Morton shirt this generation and the only former player to play at such a high level in decades.

    His attitude has quite clearly been the reason that fans aren't happy with him. His apparent refusal to play, after whoring himself about trying to find a club, sticks in my throat. If anyone wants to try and earn more money or play for a better side then fair enough, but going on strike when you don't get your own way can f**k right off. Look at the difference between the attitudes held of Paartalu, who also didn't play his best football at Morton but went on to better himself.

  10. A landlord is cleaning up his pub after closing time one Friday night. He hears a knock at the front door, and unlocks it to find a homeless man. The homeless man asks him for a toothpick. Confused, the landlord gives him a toothpick, and returns to his cleaning. A few minutes later, another homeless man knocks the door and asks for a toothpick. A few minutes later, there is a third homeless guy at the door. The landlord says 'Let me guess, you want a toothpick?', and the homeless guy replies 'No, can I have a straw please?'. The landlord's curiosity gets the better of him and asks the homeless guy 'Why do you want a straw?'. The homeless guy replied 'Someone was sick outside and all the good stuff is already gone'.


  11. I bought and played 18 after not bothering with 17.  I find the press conferences and the social media bit need to be improved, the questions are far too similar.

    I'll definitely be buying 19 though. I'd like to a continuation system set up, where I can load my 18 save into 19 and begin from there.

  12. 7 hours ago, Dee Man said:

    Morton fans are mental. I came on here to ask about Lawrence Shankland but as usual you're on here having a pop at each other and claiming to know who's who IRL. 

    Carry on you fucking nutters. 

    Shankland was abysmal with us, to the point where he actively harmed us defensively. He was out of shape and as a result was unable to press defenders adequately, which in turn put undue pressure on our midfield. He scored two goals over the course of half a season and that was the sum total of his contribution. He's a completely different player than the one we had. While the improvement has been stark, let's see how he copes with a full season in the Championship before we christen him the next big thing.

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