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Aim Here

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Everything posted by Aim Here

  1. Depends on the nature of the sponsorship, doesn't it? Won't Ladbrokes, at the very least, demand their money back for being the sponsors of a competition that the competitors decided wasn't going to exist anymore? I can't think they'd be happy to see their cash go into the 'prize' pool with nothing to show for it. They can. But if you think for a second clubs will vote to do anything other than share the finances evenly on a voided season, you're absolutely delusional.
  2. To be fair to Anne Budge, there was no definitive, formal, slapdown of the league reconstruction proposal. Just an informal meeting with the Premiership where they told Budge where they stand, which was 'nowhere near where you need us to stand'. She is entitled to have a go at putting something in writing in front of the full SPFL and having it slapped down as a last throw of the dice. That was probably the price of John Nelms vote so she might as well use it.
  3. It'll still be 11-1 regardless, but the thing is, the closer you get to being that one premiership club with a veto, the more pressure can be put on you to change. If the new proposal somehow turns, say, 3 of the initially rejectionist clubs, then you could be looking at St Johnstone or St Mirren having to fight off a huge pile of outrage from all across Scottish fitba' to get that last lousy vote across the line and the owners and top officials of those clubs will not be prepared for the quantity of flak. I'm guessing this is the strategy.
  4. The new QR-code reading turnstiles at ER were terrible when they were first introduced and I still think the one in gate 26 isn't properly calibrated. When we had the old-fashioned barcode readers, getting into the ground wasn't a problem.
  5. ... then Rangers, Hearts or someone would still have been making similar noises about whatever bogeyman was to hand. Face it, If it wasn't Neil Doncaster, it would have been John Nelms or Peter Lawwell or George Soros or the most likely looking scapegoat within their line of vision. The primary issue is that a few clubs are unhappy about a bunch of different things, and they don't have any power to alter the real cause of whatever their particular gripe is - the coronavirus cutting the season short, the 80% of clubs who think voiding the season is the least bad option, the 6 SPFL clubs who are against reconstructing the league in a way that the lower-league clubs prefer. For all their many, many, faults, Neil Doncaster and the SPFL bigwigs are the cause of precisely none of their current pressing problems, but they just happen to be the easiest target to pick on. The 'riding roughshod over everyone' is a red herring. The vote to end the season was always going to happen that way. Suppose Dundee's vote hadn't been swung, then what? Are the 'null and void' camp going to be able to persuade 23 teams to change their votes, or is a slightly modified 'end the season as-is' vote going to be put forward, with some small concessions to the 'nays' to swing that single vote - like, as happened, a league reconstruction commission with pro-reconstruction folks at the helm. The problem Rangers have isn't that Neil Doncaster has 80% of the SPFL clubs in his pocket, it's that 80% of the SPFL clubs disagree with them on how the season should end. But there's no dossier that they can write to impeach all of Scottish fitba' or depose the coronavirus, so they have to make do with the easy scapegoat.
  6. I'm not sure how an inquiry into Neil Donaldson and the SPFL would help when it was their fellow Premiership clubs that scuppered the talks. More evidence that this EGM wasn't ever about the SPFL leadership, but basically a bunch of clubs having a protest at whatever it was that had upset them recently.
  7. Going by your own fans' 'Stendel is a Nazi' chants, wouldn't you guys have been the Zombie Martian Snake Hitlers in this metaphor? EDIT: On second thoughts, maybe your stadium announcer got it right, and the Zombie Snake Hitler was St Mirren, and you already did get devoured. I think I've got it clear in my head now.
  8. I don't live in the past. I'm enjoying the present far too much.
  9. They should start referring to her as 'pretty good multitasker Ann Budge' from now on.
  10. In related news, their little brothers have a 10-page thread on Kickback full of grandiose power-fantasies about withholding the maroon pound from Scottish fitba'; a couple of the more delusional specimens are so far gone down the wee-*** rabbit hole, they seem to think Hearts commands a Rangers-sized away crowd, and will take 4000 punters to Dumfries or Inverness for a bog-standard tier-2 league game.
  11. Oh, that's easy to answer. If the fans vote for the wrong reconstruction proposal we send a 200-page dossier accusing the Scottish Football Supporters Association board of bullying and corruption.
  12. Oh my, check out the snobby metropolitan elitist snarking at the majority as 'the mob'. In my neck of the woods, we call them 'the people'. Weren't you guys 'the people' once? Times have surely changed...
  13. First off, as far as I can tell, there's no decision been made about the Scottish Cup, and given that it's only three games away from completion, it's far easier to finish than the league. Secondly, while today's vote wasn't officially a vote to end the Premiership, in reality, the whole squalid exercise was primarily just a bunch of disgruntled teams trying to get a do-over to the season end vote in April. Thirdly, my post not have been entirely serious...
  14. Cui bono? The known votes happen to be all the teams who have a vested interest in nullifying the 'end the season' vote. Rangers want to keep alive their miniscule chance of stopping 10IAR. Hearts want to play their way out of the relegation spot Aberdeen wants to play their way into the assured European spot. The other loser from the season end situation is, errr, Hibs, who lost a league place to St Johnstone's average points per game. There's a reason why we're pretty much the only Premiership team to not put out a statement...
  15. It's pre-lockdown. Leith has been reverberating to the sound of 'Hearts are goin' doon' since about Christmas.
  16. Celtic's statement has pointed out that they happen to be broadly in favour of a temporary league reconstruction to save clubs from relegation. Weirdly enough, this measure of support for their cause has set the Jambos on Kickback absolutely apoplectic with seethe. You'd think they'd welcome all the support they could get.
  17. They've been as good as finished for about 18 months, sure, but what about the league?
  18. But in that case, how come Dundee United are counted as a championship club, while Partick Thistle would be counted as a league one side? There wouldn't be ten sides in the championship if they were being consistent. I think the most likely explanation is that the votes are on the 2019/2020 season basis and that one of the Thistle teams voted against. Edit: Or maybe they were indeed being sortof slightly inconsistent, as per RossB's Daily Record snippet
  19. In that case, won't the 1 Champ vote be Hearts?
  20. The TV money is surely dependent on games being screened and the sponsorship money is on advertising being seen by viewers and spectators. Those still happened, regardless of the competition status, so if the contracts were sensible, there'd be no grounds for clawing back most of it - except as regards games not being played or whatever.
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